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18 Messages found

Aminet-Uploads until 23.02.2018 (24. Feb. 2019)
The following archives have been added to Aminet until February 23rd, 2019: NetPrinterItaCat.lha comm/tcp 11K Italian catalog for NetPrinte... PLATOTermAmiga.adf comm/term 880K 68k Terminal program to access PL... embed_private_...

Aminet-Uploads until 17.11.2018 (18. Nov. 2018)
The following archives have been added to Aminet until November 17th, 2018: ColourMatch.lha dev/basic 28K 68k Colour match in Blitz sfsdoctor-1.2.lha disk/misc 125K MOS The disk recovery and repair ... Calendario2008.lha ...

Aminet-Uploads until 27.10.2018 (28. Oct. 2018)
The following archives have been added to Aminet until October 27th, 2018: AFnews-OS4.lha comm/www 1.2M OS4 Amiga Future Everywhere Amiga... MCE.lha game/edit 2.0M 68k Multi-game Character Editor MCE-MOS.lha ...

MorphOS-Storage-Uploads until 03.03.2018 (04. Mar. 2018)
The following archives have been added to the MorphOS Storage until March 3rd, 2018: Void-AbsoluteDolle2_1.... Demoscene Music disk by Void HWP_SVGImage_1.3.lha Development/Hollywood/... Hollywood plugin for lo... HWP_VectorGfx...

MorphOS-Storage-Uploads until 24.02.2018 (25. Feb. 2018)
The following archives have been added to the MorphOS Storage until February 24th, 2018: ACE_1.15.lha Emulation The acidulous CPC/CPC+ ... StuntCarRemake.lha Games/Race StuntCar remake, MorphO... s...

OS4Depot-Uploads until 28.01.2017 (29. Jan. 2017)
The following archives have been added to the OS4Depot until January 28th, 2017: cmake.lha dev/cro 15Mb 4.1 Cross platform build toolkit rimage2c.lha dev/uti 8kb 4.1 Convert a Binary file or Image t... stargus.lha ...

OS4Depot-Uploads until 20.04.2013 (21. Apr. 2013)
The following packages have been added to OS4Depot until April 20th, 2013: hvl2wav.lha aud/con 59kb 4.0 Converts Hively Tracker (HVL) tu... tolua.lha dev/lan 180kb 4.0 Port of ToLUA++ to bind LUA scri... amiarcadia.lha ...

AROS: Stratagus 2.2.7 (27. Dec. 2012)
After ports have been released for different Amiga systems during the past years, Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró has ported Stratagus to AROS. The screenshot shows the realtime strategy game Aleona's Tales 2.2.7 which was released in October for this engine. Do...

Starcraft under AmigaOS 4: Stargus 0.5 (21. Apr. 2010)
Stargus is a "mod" for the realtime strategy game Starcraft. With the help of it the game can be played using the open-sorce engine Stratagus which was also ported to AmigaOS. Meanwhile version 0.5 of the Amiga-port is available. ...

Several SDL-ports for AmigaOS 3, with paint program Grafx2 (15. Feb. 2010)
In the last months, Artur "Arti" Jarosik has ported several SDL-based games to AmigaOS 3. Additional to the games, a paint program called grafx2 was ported as well. zeRace (Screenshot) Stratagus 2.2.4 (Screenshot) I Have No Tomatoes (Screenshots: 1, ...

Starcraft under AmigaOS 4: Stargus 0.41 (14. Nov. 2009)
Stargus is a "Mod" fo the realtime strategy game Starcraft which is required to get the commercial game under the open-source engine called Stratagus working. The author calls his OS4-port "Beta-Software" and asks all for feedback. If you want to play ...

MorphOS: Strategy-game-engine Stratagus 2.2.4 (31. Jul. 2009)
Michal 'kiero' Wozniak has compiled a new version of the real-time strategy-game-engine Stratagus for MorphOS. For this engine several games are available. Download: stratagus-2.2.4.lha (2 MB) ...

Realtime strategy games: Stratagus ported (01. May. 2009)
Additional to the MorphOS- and AmigaOS 4-version now the realtime strategy engine Stratagus is also available for AmigaOS 3.x. Additional to the files of the particular game, version 51.0 of the ixemul.library is required. ...

Aminet-Uploads til 05.02.2006 (06. Feb. 2006)
Aminet-Uploads since our last report: WordWorth7Patch.lha biz/patch 19K OS3 Inofficial Date Patch for Wordworth 7 ali.lha comm/irc 83K MOS AmIRC Log Inspector miau-0.5.3-morphos.lha comm/irc 77K M...

MorphOS: Strategie-Engine Stratagus 2.1 (CVS-Snapshot) (02. Feb. 2006)
Ilkka Lehtoranta released a new version of the realtime-strategy-game Stratagus for MorphOS. Stratagus is not a complete game, is it only a "Engine" for external "Dataset" which are including the complete game information. For Stratagus are several...

AmigaOS4: Strategy game engines FreeCNC and Stratagus ported (29. Apr. 2005)
Juha Niemimaki has ported the realtime strategy games engines Stratagus 2.1 and FreeCNC 0.3 for AmigaOS4. The author asks you to note the instructions for starting a game. Stratagus supports games like Invasion - Battle of Survival (contained), War...

MorphOS: Updates of VIM and Stratagus (07. May. 2004)
Ali Akcaagac has adapted the forthcoming new version 6.3a of the editor VIM for MorphOS. Additionally all needed changes for MorphOS now the source code tarballs contains so you will not need any seperate patch. Furthermore the realtime-strategy-e...

MorphOS: Strategy game "Stratagus" (23. Apr. 2004)
Ali Akcaagac has ported the realtime strategy engine Stratagus to MorphOS. It is not a complete game: Stratagus is only an "engine" which works an external "dataset" which contains the whole information of a game. There are several datasets (in di...

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