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20 Messages found

Aminet-Uploads until 15.10.2016 (16. Oct. 2016)
The following packages have been added to the Aminet until October 15th, 2016: MUIRoyaleSP.lha dev/hwood 161K MUI Royale 1.4 spanish guide libzip.lha dev/lib 766K OS4 Read, create and modify zip a... Problem_mit_d...

Unreleased games: "New" previews of Secret of my Soul (06. Jul. 2013)
You might remember Soms3D ("Secret of my Soul") which is a Silent Hill-clone and which was started to develop ten years ago to be released on APC&TCP. But there was a two-dimensional, previous version called Secret of my Soul which was develop...

AmigaOS 4: Update of Game-Engine "Soms3d Xmas version" (02. Feb. 2006)
The Anime Development for Amiga Team has released a Update of "Soms3D Xmas version", a 3D-Engine like Silent Hill. Changes: Silent Hill noiseeffect Bumpmapping (see second Level Overviewmap) Fixed several Errors A higher "Gamma"-Value inside of...

Soms3D AmigaOS4 version available (29. Jun. 2005)
The "Anime Development for Amiga Team" (ADA) has put the latest OS4 alpha version of their 3D engine Soms3D to the Intuitionbase as well as some screen shots. The new engine requires AmigaOS4 and update 3 as well as a Warp3D compatible gfx car...

Soms3d: Xmas edition (22. Dec. 2004)
The Soms3d team wishes a Merry Christmas and a Hapy New Year to all Amiga users! As a little present there is a special edition of the Soms3d-Engine available (5 MB, requires PPC/Warp3d). ...

Website: Soms3d moved (10. May. 2004)
The Teampage and the Soms3d Projectpage from the Anime development for Amiga Team has moved to

New videos of Soms3D published (19. Nov. 2003)
At the webpage of the currently developed game "Soms3D" there were two new videos published which demonstrate the running Soms3D engine. The animations show a test room with a light source and a test fog (alpha shading). All videos were recorded...

Horror Game: New Soms3D Screenshots Online (06. Nov. 2003)
New screenshots of the game "Secret of my Soul 3D" (Soms3D) have been released, a few of which demonstrate new characteristics of the game engine. ...

Soms3D news (14. Jul. 2003)
The "Anime development for Amiga" team reports that a mailing list for all prospective customers was established now. One can register oneself over the main side and post questions and suggestions there. Furthermore the Somspage was completely rede...

New Soms3D screenshots online (20. May. 2003)
On the website 'Anime Development for Amiga' are new screenshots of the Alpha 5 Engine of the horror game 'Secret Of My Soul' released. Also some HTML errors are removed. ...

New Soms3D shots, English translation and requests (16. Mar. 2003)
A new update has been released on the 'Anime Development for Amiga' page. Two new screen shots of Soms3D have been added, furthermore an English translation is now available. This translation is "beta", thus the ADA team is looking for someone to go an...

ADA: Teampage update and new Soms3D screen shots (05. Mar. 2003)
At the "Anime Development for Amiga Teampage" is a new update available. There were anti PC pictures and Manga wallpapers added. Furthermore two new screenshots of Soms3D (Secret of my soul) were put online. ...

Soms3D Website reworked and Open Archive online (18. Feb. 2003)
The ADA-Team has decided to publish parts from the old SOMS2d development. The decision of publising storyboard and source code will be done later. The developer files are available on the main page under "Stuff". Also the Soms3D corner will be upd...

Amiga Future: Interview with Sylvio Kurze (17. Feb. 2003)
Anton Preinsack led an interview with Sylvio Kurze, the project manager of SOMS3D for Amiga Future. At the title link you find the German version, the English one is available here. ...

Soms3D voting results new shots and help wanted (01. Feb. 2003)
The online poll regarding the future of the Soms3D engine has been finished. The Silent Hill like engine was voted by 51 voters, role playing game got 41 votes and the GtA3 like engine got 31 votes. So a game like Silent Hill got the most interest ...

Soms3D: Online poll and new screenshots (25. Jan. 2003)
On the 'Anime Development for Amiga Page' is now the poll regarding the question what to do with the Soms3D-Engine online. The poll can be accessed via a link on the main page (title link). Furthermore had some screenshots been put online. ...

ADA team with inquiry over the Soms3D-Engine (20. Jan. 2003)
Sylvio K., director/conductor of the Anime development for Amiga team, decided to start an inquiry concerning the Soms3D-Engine due to the many e-mails with suggestions he got. Originally it was intended to make Soms an on-line adventure but due to ...

New Screenshots of Soms3D and innovation (13. Jan. 2003)
There are new Soms3D shots on the Anime development web page to admire, which shows the first progress of the engine. In addition one can now chat with the developers of Soms3D. On the IRC server phatnet ( #amigafun) and/or at this URL. ...

Game: DeepSilence Team with new team name and new Soms3d Web site (08. Dec. 2002)
Because of legal problems, the software development team DeepSilence has decided to change the team name into 'Anime Development for Amiga', in short 'ADA'. Additionally, a new team page has been added on which new screenshots of 'Secret of my soul ...

Soms3D Seeks New Partners (17. Oct. 2002)
Soms has been on ice for a long time because there was a lot of programming to do. This made us really think about things. We decided not to make a 2D adventure, but rather a realtime 3D online role playing game. To do this we already have a 3D pro...

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