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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -> ... 15 40 71

Comment(s) onCountDate
Real-time strategy: First early demo version of "King Arthur's Campaign"1 28-Feb-2025, 17:53
Frode Solheim is continuing to develop FS-UAE2 26-Feb-2025, 05:25
Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga 4.0b3 (update)1 16-Feb-2025, 12:15
Copies of really old (Amiga) websites: archive95.net1 16-Feb-2025, 06:35
AmigaOS 4: SDL 2.32.0 release candidate 11 12-Feb-2025, 15:24
AmigaOS 4: Presentation of the new C standard library "clib4"2 09-Feb-2025, 15:33
AmigaOS 4: VideoVortex - GUI for searching and watching YouTube videos2 02-Feb-2025, 18:50
Flappy-Bird-clone: Happy Bat 1.22 23-Jan-2025, 08:56
Hyperion Entertainment: Press release regarding the new director1 21-Jan-2025, 23:36
Hyperion Entertainment: Timothy De Groote new director1 07-Jan-2025, 23:17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -> ... 15 40 71

New comments

328712. Real-time strategy: First early demo version of "King Arthur's Campaign"

lifeschool (28-Feb-2025, 17:53)

Thanks for your news! 171 people read this, and 29 downloaded the demo. The game should work on any Amiga with KS 3.0+, 1MB Chip and 1MB of other ram. I have also uploaded now the 'Hard Drive' (if we still use that term) install Version. This is the same files as the HDF, including the unnecessary system folders. There is a simple installer included, and hopefully it works? Then you can remove S, Libs, C etc

Everything written is true. All of my games are just experiments to see if I can do something new, this time with arrays. It is easy to imagine, but it can be difficult to develop. Luckily CanDo is a joy when it comes to making things happen, and it is not long before I find the solution to my issues.

I'll be posting my progress on the Dev Diary section of my itch page, so please come back and see my progress this year. I dont usually post formal Dev Reports unless it is a major milestone, so perhaps there is little point to subscribe? My efforts are pathetic as a bedroom coder, with skills of a 15 year old kid, so DONT expect Metro Siege quality from my game.

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328691. Frode Solheim is continuing to develop FS-UAE

Primax (Profil) (26-Feb-2025, 05:25)


Thanks, fixed!
Baasically, it was the right link, but obviously due to the translation of the German version (here it was correct), a space was added before abime...

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328689. Frode Solheim is continuing to develop FS-UAE

Paul (25-Feb-2025, 22:29)

Correct URL is

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328624. Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga 4.0b3 (update)

Primax (Profil) (16-Feb-2025, 12:15)

Update: Beta version 3 available!

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328621. Copies of really old (Amiga) websites:

Scott P (16-Feb-2025, 06:35)

Holy C-R-A-P is this a treasure trove of information and acient history. This will keep me busy for quite some time! Outstanding find!!

Scott P

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328611. AmigaOS 4: SDL 2.32.0 release candidate 1

Helge Kvalheim (HKvalhe) (12-Feb-2025, 15:24)

Already picked it up from OS4Depot. Great to see SDL3 growing to become the new SDL standard.

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328601. AmigaOS 4: Presentation of the new C standard library "clib4"

Helge Kvalheim (HKvalhe) (09-Feb-2025, 15:33)

This library is extremely useful and important. Thanks for making this possible. Keep up the excellent work :)

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328594. AmigaOS 4: Presentation of the new C standard library "clib4"

Worker (09-Feb-2025, 00:28)

Good stuff! Thanks for your hard work and keep going.
Please also post it on .

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328534. AmigaOS 4: VideoVortex - GUI for searching and watching YouTube videos

Primax (Profil) (02-Feb-2025, 18:50)

Totally agreed!

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328532. AmigaOS 4: VideoVortex - GUI for searching and watching YouTube videos

Helge Kvalheim (HKvalhe) (02-Feb-2025, 14:50)

The new GUI is very helpful and works like a charm on my X5000! I also have the full version of latest Emotion, so now all kind of YouTube videos play perfectly! Very happy!

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