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Archiv 'Interesting things from all over the world'

Golem (Website)

Golem: inofficial follow of the adventures of Zak McKracken
How Golem reported, there is an inofficial follow by fans on PC of the adventure classic Zak McKracken by Lucas Arts.

Zak McKracken 2: Between Time and Space could be downloaded as a 23 MB demo for Windows computers. The game still hold the classical points and clicks, also the 2D graphic. But there should be some 3D graphics and partsequences integrated. The game plays in the year 2009 on two planets with different timezones.

The developers are searching for new workers especially for graphician. A day for publishing for the finished game wasn't told yet. (snx) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2004, 19:09] [Comments: 0]
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jockl (ANF)

Found: A MP3-player made by "Commodore"
Our reader jockl has seen a MP3-Player made by "Commodore". He writes:

Actually we have nothing to do with Commodore no more and Commodore has nothing to do with us and Commodore has also nothing to do with Commodore no more. Therefore actually it is not interesting if someone has found a device made by "Commodore" which trade mark changes from American to British and to German.

But what I found here, on the Australian hardware site "DansData", is not only a review of a "Commodore" device (same label, same logo).

Last but not least maybe it is interesting what can happen with the label "Commodore". Above all when it seems to be a German company which uses the trade mark but offers the products oversea. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Jan. 2004, 19:07] [Comments: 0]
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TerAtoM (ANF)

GamePark32: Handheld with adapted ScummVM-version
The GamePark 32 combines the qualities of a mp3 and video player with a retro emulator and handheld games because there is still a GP32 optmized version of the popular "ScummVM" tool with which you can play Monkey Island, Indiana Jones or Day of the Tentacle.

There are also emulators for Atari 2600, Atari ST, C64, Neo Geo, NES and Master System. But there is not an Amiga emulator (UAE?).

You can get further information here: (in preparation) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Jan. 2004, 16:51] [Comments: 0]
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ESA Garching/München (ANF)

TV Tip: Mars Landing of the ESA
The touching down of the European Space Agency vehicle on Mars will be televised live and carried on WebTV on 25th December 2003 at about 2:25 MEZ. Early supporters of the European planet missions should not miss this important event! (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2003, 01:52] [Comments: 0]
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