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Games database LemonAmiga has been hacked
The games database and retro community "LemonAmiga" has apparently been hacked: both and its sister site are currently offline, with only a note from the operators indicating that they are currently analyzing the attack and working on securing their own systems.

According to reports in various forums, around 60 accounts of LemonAmiga users have apparently been taken over, mostly very old accounts that have not been actively used for many years. Initially, the hijacked user accounts were used to start arguments in the forum or to make the port of 'Doom' the highest rated Amiga classic in the games database. Shortly before the shutdown, the forums were simply flooded with link spam. (cg)

[News message: 14. Jul. 2024, 12:50] [Comments: 0]
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Commodore International Historical Society

Historical document: Amiga presentation from 1984
In June 1984, the heads of "Amiga Computer, Inc." had met with representatives of Commodore to discuss the licensing or purchase of Amiga's currently developed technology. Commodore's financial director at the time, Don Greenbaum has now presented the hobby archaeologists from the 'Commodore International Historical Society' the document with which the Californian start-up used to advertise its computer at the time.

The computer described in the PDF already has clear similarities with the end customer product presented a year later, although it still has a 5.25-inch floppy disk drive, an "expansion slot" in the top of the housing, a cartridge slot and an internal modem. IBM compatibility could be retrofitted via an "MS-DOS cartridge". (cg)

[News message: 12. May. 2024, 17:27] [Comments: 0]
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Babylon 5: Easter Egg in episode 22 of season 2?
Luke Miller is an indie developer at Classyk Games and has not only developed the space game Liberation, but also seems to be interested in the science fiction genre in general: in a Mastodon post under the title link he probably found an Amiga-Easter-Egg in the 22nd episode of the second season of Babylon 5, where you can see an Amiga boing ball in a scene in the background. (dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2024, 09:10] [Comments: 0]
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