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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Amiga emulator for MacOS: vAmiga 1.1 Beta 1
In May the developer Dirk Hoffmann released version 1.0 of his Amiga emulator for MacOS. Now he has released the new version 1.1 Beta1 and explained:

"During the last weeks I worked a lot on the code base of vAmiga and VirtualC64. My goal was to align the code bases of both emulators as much as possible, which I managed to do to a large extent. This effort will ease the maintenance of both emulators in future. In the process of refactoring, many internal changes have been made that are not noticeable to the user. However, due to the far-reaching changes, it is likely that one or the other bug has found its way in. For this reason, the new version is released as a beta version first.

The biggest change from a user's point of view is the newly added drop layer, which automatically blends in when a media file (ADF, DMS, etc.) is dragged into the emulator. Now changing disks is even simpler than it already was in the old version.

Last but not least, the speed of the emulator has been optimized. In warp mode, vAmiga 1.1 runs up to 15% faster than the previous version." (dr)

[News message: 10. Sep. 2021, 16:49] [Comments: 0]
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Commodore News Page

Single-Screen-platformer: 'Inca Man' V1.1 released
Only a few days ago, Amiten (e.g. Cocoa Banana, Parallel Worlds 2) released the single-screen-platformer 'Inca Man' (video) and now provided an update to version 1.1. Changes:
  • Fixed lives counter.
  • Fixed colour to bat, vampire and wrong pixel to player 2.
  • Added 2 New game speeds/difficulties : Easy Mode and Super Easy(Slow) for kids.
  • Added TIME OVER.
  • Added PDF manual in English.
  • Added PDF manual in Espaņol.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2021, 16:30] [Comments: 0]
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MUI-based SFTP/FTP(S)-Client: RNOXFER 1.3 for AmigaOS 3/4 and MorphOS
As announced by the release of the pdf viewer RNOPDF, the developer 'jPV^RNO' has updated his FTP client 'RNOXFER' to version 1.3 which among others now also supports the SFTP protokoll. Additionally he has published a tutorial and a video on his website which are supposed to explain the functions and the usage in a comfortable way. Changes of version 1.3:
  • Added support for the SFTP protocol
  • Added support for large files
  • Added an option to use graphic enhanced buttons in the program GUI
  • Transfer speeds are displayed in the progress gauge
  • Added an option to show directory names in bold text
  • Directory creating failures are handled better
  • Fixed handling of links with the full path
  • Added an option to verify uploads
  • Added selection information within the status line
  • Status line indicates if the selected files are equal on both sides
  • Better URL encoding when copying URLs to the clipboard
  • Pattern selection interprets #? as a wildcard now
  • More verbose delete requester
  • Added a password requester if no password is set when connecting
  • Added a command line argument for the passive mode (defaults to pasv now)
  • Minor tweaking

[News message: 09. Sep. 2021, 12:18] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: MediaVault 1.3.0
MediaVault is an open source application for AmigaOS 4 which can be used to discover online radio stations. An external player like AmigaAmp and the jansson.library v2.12.1 are required. Changes in version 1.3.0:
  • Added
    • Added right sidebar with station info and avatar image, wherever the image is available
    • Added a new menu item to check for newer versions and start a selfupdate, if the user approves it. There is a way to see the latest changes before update.
    • Added a new message in case the "Discover More" button is clicked and no more stations were found
  • Fixed
    • Now the radio list is cleared if the search criteria change and no radio stations are found
    • Now the list is not cleared if the "Discover More" button is clicked and no more stations were found
    • Fixed a possible crash on window closing
  • Changed
    • Dropped oo.library network support for libcurl, which more mature and has a lot more options and features. Unfortunately that increased the executable size a lot.
    • Now oo.library and AmiSSL are not required
    • Fixed the version string to include the application name
    • Added a play button at the right sidebar which is enabled as soon as the user selects a radio station. By clicking it the radio will be loaded at the default player. The double click on the radio list was disabled.
    • On every request of radio stations, a list of 100 stations are returned and listed

[News message: 08. Sep. 2021, 18:35] [Comments: 0]
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