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Czech Amiga News

Instant-Messenger: STRICQ V0.1732 Beta
Douglas F. McLaughlin has released beta version 0.1732 of the instant messenger 'STRICQ'. According to the author STRICQ runs trouble-free, now.

Download: STRICQ.lha (sd)

[News message: 13. May. 2001, 14:23] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
popcheck.lha         comm/mail   44K+Choose what mail to delete from POP serv
YAMGenesis.lha       comm/mail   23K+Start & stop Genesis from YAM2. V1.04
YAMMiami.lha         comm/mail   22K+Start & stop Miami from YAM2. V1.00
GoPortscan.lha       comm/net   107K+V0.4 TCP Portscanner with MUI interface
AmiDiction.lha       comm/tcp    24K+Online Dictionary
BabelDoc.lha         comm/tcp    33K+Translate docs or strings from one langu
pproxy.lha           comm/tcp     5K+Little Proxy with cache
GnsSyntex.lha        demo/aga   855K+Fixed version of a good old-school demo 
UP-7-001.lha         demo/sound 1.4M+UP ROUGH "Automatic Gear Single" feat. S
BlitzLstApr01.lha    dev/basic   43K+Blitz mailing list archives for April 20
Emperor_v4.0.lha     dev/c      708K+Object-oriented programming language
ixenv.lha            dev/gg      27K+Ixemul environment needed for most ixemu
m2latex.lha          dev/m2      67K+LaTeX files from Modula-2 and Pascal sou
FindChanges.lha      disk/misc   90K+Finds changes made to disk
mc601.lha            docs/mags  311K+German Metal Mag in HTML - Juni 2001 Iss
gametracker.lha      game/misc  1.1M+Gameserver browser for QW/Q/H2/Sin/Shogo
AmazonInstall.lha    game/patch 127K+HD-installer for Flight of the Amazon Qu
DescentAmiPt15.lha   game/patch 186K+Amiga compatible patch for Descent V1.0 
OldtimerInstal.lha   game/patch   3K+HD-Installer for Oldtimer CD version
cthangmulti.lha      game/role    8K+Manages multiple savefiles for Cthangban
mangband.lha         game/role  324K+Mangband 0.7.0 beta - client
Go_Ahead.lha         game/think  74K+- Who wants to be a Millionaire - like Q
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  723K+V1.61 PSX MemoryCard Reader
imdbDiff010504.lha   misc/imdb  1.8M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
AmTelnetIISpa.lha    misc/misc    3K+Spanish translation catalog for AmTelnet
PhoneSpell.lha       misc/misc  136K+Decodes phone numbers into words
Rioback.jpg          pix/back   242K+Photo background
fommisc10.jpg        pix/henz   264K+Colonial Viper (Battlestar Galactica)
Cosmoration.jpg      pix/misc    30K+Cosmic picture drawn with DiamondBOX!
CrazyRichard.jpg     pix/misc   145K+Photo of me manipulated with DiamondBOX!
Explosion.jpg        pix/misc     5K+Cosmic picture drawn with DiamondBOX!
HTMLstrip.lha        text/misc   23K+HTML stripper which can also replace HTM
BootManager.lha      util/boot   24K+Multiple startup-sequence manager
AslToRT.lha          util/misc   19K+Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition/RT requester to RT
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  373K+Report+ 4.61: Multipurpose utility
trackdisplaycl.lha   util/time   37K+V1.16 Use hardware track display as cloc
Safe.lha             util/virus  28K+V15.5 of virus dicovering system
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  18K+PatchBrain v1.34 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
VirusExecutorS.lha   util/virus   6K+Spanish translation catalog for VirusExe
MiniI16.lha          util/wb    766K+Mini-Icone over 400
(as) (Translation: as)

[News message: 13. May. 2001, 00:42] [Comments: 0]
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Dynateam (ANF)

Dynamite Version 1.3 Released
The version 1.3 of the Bomberman clone "Dynamite" has been released today.

The most important improvements are:
  • A new watch mode for pausing players.
  • Heavily reduced CPU usage, improved "scrolling", smoother game (a 040/40 is still recommended).
  • Free definable bubble content (Doh!, Eeek!, Igetya, etc.).

Download page
Supplement 13 May 2001:
ToDi wrote: A bug in DServer was removed. The DServer is now available for download in the archive on the download page (v1.3a)!

Excerpt from the 'changes':
  • 13.05.2001 V1.3a: Fixed a nasty divide by zero bug that was introduced with the new winquotient.
(Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. May. 2001, 22:10] [Comments: 0]
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REBOL: Function Dictionary, Sound Support, VID FAQ
Function dictionary
On the 10. May 2001 has REBOL Technologies released an update of the 'Function Dictionary' where the functions of the REBOL system are described. The functions are sorted by categories and alphabetically. The dictionary is available as HTML file (almost 900 KB) and in the REBOL desktop via ''. This script loads around 40 KB from the REBOL site and generates the file '/public/' within the REBOL directory.

Sound support
REBOL/View/Pro supports from the version 1.2 on the output of sound samples. For the loading of samples is a subset of the WAV format (PCM samples with 8 or 16 Bit) supported.

The sound output is possible on the systems AmigaOS (AHI, audio.device), BeOS, Linux/x86 (Open Sound System) and Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000.

Further information can be taken from the REBOL sound documentation.

A faq regarding the REBOL GUI dialect 'VID' can be found via the REBOL desktop on within 'VidWiki'.

Information: REBOL
REBOL is a cross platform system developed by Carl Sassenrath (Amiga-Exec) that was first released in November 1997. The REBOL programming language allows an easy use of the internet including the programming of CGI scripts and the easy creation of GUIs.

On 24. April 2001 was REBOL/View V1.1 released. From this version on REBOL offers the REBOL desktop. This makes it possible to put REBOL scripts on every web server, so that these scripts can be called and executed via the desktop. Herewith REBOL offers similar possibilities as Java does. The examples listed on REBOL include games like Tetris and Minesweeper and tools like a pocket calculator and a script for sending e-mails. (Translation: sd)

[News message: 12. May. 2001, 16:34] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp via E-Mail

Web Browser Voyager: New Button-Set
Richard Kapp wrote:
I have once again created a new theme for Voyager. This time it's a button set drawn in the MacOS X (Aqua) look with a matching background pattern which makes the buttons appear transparent. The set is quite big and therefor especially good for use with high resolutions.

Download: aquatheme.lha - 32 Kb
Screenshot: aquavoyager.jpg (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. May. 2001, 13:20] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen

VEPatch.Brain v1.34 and Safe V15.5
A new update of the 'VEPatch.Brain v1.34' for VirusExecutor and a new update of 'Safe v15.5' have been released today, here is some info about the two releases:

VEPatch.Brain v1.34:
  • Name : VEPatchBrain v1.34
  • Archive name : VEPatchBrain.lha
  • Archive size: 22.469 bytes
  • Release date: 10 May 2001
  • Programmer : Jan Erik Olausen

New in this update:
  • FPPrefs v40.22
  • HDOff v1.40
  • AppChange v1.0
  • WinSpeed v1.0
  • MagicFrames v0.3
  • FakeTopaz v1.18
  • PatchRAM v1.11
  • MuForce v40.27
  • mmu.library v42.8
  • MuGuardianAngel v40.41
  • DefIcons v37.15
  • One more entry of Snoopdos
  • Four more entries of DynamicCache
  • MathLibsPatch v1.2b (v1.33)
  • CyberGuard v2.2 (v1.32)
Download: VEPatchBrain.lha - 18 KB, Readme: VEPatchBrain.txt

Safe v15.5:
  • Name: Safe v15.5
  • Archive name : Safe.lha
  • Archive size: 29.786 bytes
  • Release date: 10 May 2001
  • Programmer: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
  • Requires: Amiga with OS 2.04+ (xvs.library strongly recommended)
New in v15.4 - 7000
Finished parameter DIS/S. It is equal to SAVMEM/S, but saves disassembled block of memory instead of binary block. This option requires disassembler.library by Thomas Richter.

Download: Safe.lha 29 KB, Readme: Safe.txt

Safe informs about viruses in memory and removes them where possible. Safe can not remove viruses from infected files on devices. (mj)

[News message: 11. May. 2001, 20:19] [Comments: 0]
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