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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Thomas Wenzel (ANF)

Hardwaretip: Volume-Control with multimedia keyboard
Thomas Wenzel describes how to use a multimedia keyboard for volume control:

Control the master volume of your Amiga/Prelude soundsystem with the special keys of a multimedia keyboard:).A normal PC-Multimedia keyboard, Guido Mersmanns MMKeyboard Interface and my new mixing commodity for the Prelude make it possible.

That's how it works:

In combination with the delivered "driver" commodity MMKeyboard Interface is able to control the special keys of the multimedia keyboard and configure them with free choosable functions. For audio purposes many keyboards have "Volume +", "Volume -", and "Mute"-keys for this special functions. The new Prelude mixer has now an AREXX port that understands VOLUP, VOLDOWN, and MUTE. With the Prelude you are still able to use the Amiga soundsignal (PAULA) and now control its volume, too, with the keyboard.

PrlMixer.lha (ps)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2001, 19:44] [Comments: 0]
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Matay: Prometheus driver-CD list
The PCI board Prometheus will be delivered with a driver CD. Here you can find a list of contained and work in progress drivers for it.

For now there are drivers for Voodoo3 boards, 2D boards for Picasso 96, and 3D drivers for Warp3D contained. Several drivers for network cards are listed. Drivers for TV- and soundcards are work in progress. (ps)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2001, 13:14] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer (ANF)

E-Mail-Client: SimpleMail Alpha 0.6 released
There is a new alpha version (0.6) of SimpleMail available for download at the titlelink.

  • Improved E-Mail-account-management (for example several SMTP-server)
  • POP before SMTP
  • Addressbook now stored as XML
  • Support for filters
  • Support for folder-creation within the GUI and storage of the preferences
  • Many bugfixes

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 23:02] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Fenn

Musik: Audiomaster 2000 Version 0.72
Audiomaster, a sample-editor, version 0.72 released. The program uses MUI and has a builin support for AHI-devices. The AHI part was completely rewritten and is now able to control single devices. (Known bugs: CDDA grab only supports SCSI drives at the moment.)

The programm by Frank 'Fenny' Fenn is shareware. The demoversion is not able to store something. Download: audiomaster2k.lha - 278 kB (ps)

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 16:30] [Comments: 0]
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Tom Parker

Browser: AWeb PowerPC JPEG Plugin V0.6
Tom Parker has written a PowerPC plug-in for the Internet browser AWeb. Currently the software is in beta status. Who wants to test the plug-in will find more details and the latest version 0.6 at the title link. Tom Parker is looking forward to your feedback to be sent to (ps)

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 15:45] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Rupprecht

Tool: Image2Icon Version 1.18
Stephan Rupprecht released a new version of his program 'Image2Icon'. Download: Image2Icon.lha (ps)

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 15:26] [Comments: 0]
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MPEG-Player: Frogger 1.65rc6 for PowerPC
Version 1.65rc6 of the MPEG-player 'Frogger' for PowerPC released.

If the original Frogger-webside (titlelink) is to slow, please use this Mirror. The program is shareware. (ps)

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 15:18] [Comments: 1 - 05. Jun. 2001, 21:32]
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Andrew Bell

Tool: Voodoo-X Version 1.5 Beta 6
Voodoo-X is a MUI-based GUI for the archive-extractionsystem XADmaster.library by Dirk Stöcker. Further details are available at the titlelink.
Download: VX1.5.BETA6.lha - 110 kB (ps)

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 15:12] [Comments: 0]
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Codepoet (ANF)

Emulator: WinUAE 0.8.16 R4
WinUAE, the Amiga-emulator for Win95, Win98, WinME, Win2K and WinXP, version 0.8.16 R4 released. The following changes were made:

  • FIXED: 50Hz/60Hz switching (B.C. Kid) works again. (Toni Wilen)
  • FIXED: Various Picasso96 issues. (Bernd Roesch)
  • FIXED: F11 should be again.
  • ADDED: .GZ support in floppy dialog. (Timothy Roughton, aka Inner)
  • CHANGED: Tweaked the sound-code yet again, hopefully will be less choppy.
  • CHANGED: Tweaked the exception-handling code for JIT. (Bernie Meyer)
  • REMOVED: icon1.ico from the source-code archive.
Additional information is available at the titlelink

Download: WinUAE0816R4.exe (ps)

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 13:58] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 04.06.2001
STEP_Txt.lha         biz/dbase  797K+Star Trek StarBase-Text (637.2)
DosControl60.lha     biz/demo   559K+DosControl V6.0m Demo (German only)
STEP_Gde.lha         docs/hyper 787K+Star Trek Guide (637.2)
SkyChase.lha         mods/misc    7K+Custom module from "SkyChase"
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit   183K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
MP3TagEditor.lha     mus/edit    23K+Editor of MP3's ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags
Amoralplay1.5.lha    mus/play   123K+A no fuss multiformat audio player.
EP_PRobotham.lha     mus/play     8K+EaglePlayer "Paul Robotham" external rep
EP_RJosephPlay.lha   mus/play    10K+EaglePlayer "Richard Joseph Player" exte
EP_TFMXPro.lha       mus/play    19K+EaglePlayer "TFMX Pro" external replayer

[News message: 04. Jun. 2001, 13:24] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

DTP: AmigaWriter Filter V1.1 for PageStream
AmigaWriter-Filter is a new import filter for Soft-Logik's DTP program PageStream. Click on the thumbnail to the right to see a screenshot of what it can do!

It consists of two parts:

The text filter inserts the main flow-text of your AmigaWriter documents into the current PageStream article with most of its text formattings. The document filter loads your AmigaWriter documents as if they were native PageStream documents, retaining as much of your original document as possible.


AmigaWriter-Filter was designed to
  • print AmigaWriter documents to PostScript
  • export AmigaWriter documents to PDF
  • use AmigaWriter as a WYSIWYG replacement for PageLiner
  • ... and anything else you can think of :-))
The filter comes with the usual options you would expect from a PageStream import filter: it performs typographical conversions for quotes, dashes and ellipses. In addition, it allows you to choose the quote format (available are US, French, German and German-French). The text filter has another option called Apply Styles Only which can be a great help to achieve consistent layout, especially when several authors are working on one text.

Download: AW-Filter11.lha (55K) (sd)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2001, 22:52] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Installation: JST V4.8, WHDLoad - new packages
On 1. June 2001 JST version 4.8 was released.

For the installation tool 'WHDLoad' six new install packages for games were released on 1. and 2. June 2001. Those also work with JST and are available for download under the title link.
  • Fly Harder (Starbyte) by Codetapper.
  • Curse Of Ra (Rainbow Arts) by Jeff.
  • Citadel (Arakkis/VD) by Bored Seal & Psygore & Jeff.
  • Simpsons - Bart Space Mutants (Acclaim/Ocean) by Codetapper.
  • Cyberzerk (Boeder) by Bored Seal.
  • 688 Attack Sub (Electronic Arts) by Jeff.

JST and WHDLoad enable floppy-disk only games and programs to be installed on harddisk.

Download: jst.lha (sd)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2001, 21:16] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Unix: OpenBSD V2.9
On 1. June 2001 version 2.9 of the open source Unix 'OpenBSD' was released. This release among other things includes the following components:
  • XFree86 4.0.3
  • gcc 2.95.3 (+ Patches)
  • perl 5.6.0 (+ Patches)
  • Apache 1.3.19, mod_ssl 2.8.2, OpenSSL 0.9.6 (+ patches), DSO support
  • ipf 3.4.16 (+ Patches)
  • sendmail 8.11.3
  • lynx 2.8.2 with HTTPS support
  • ncurses 5.2
  • Latest KAME IPv6
  • KTH Kerberos 1.0.4
  • OpenSSH 2.9

OpenBSD supports several systems including i386, Amiga, and Mac68k.

More information are available via the title link.

Information about the Amiga port in particular are available (sd)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2001, 18:30] [Comments: 0]
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