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Database: MySQL for Amiga Version 3.23.39
On the French website ´SixK´ you can find the AmigaOS port of the MySQL database system in version 3.23.39, compiled for 68020 and 68040 processors. Details regarding the made changes can be found following the title link.

MySqld_3.23.39_020.lzx (68020)
MySqld_3.23.39_base.lzx (68040)

[News message: 16. Jun. 2001, 15:02] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 16.06.2001
DKG-LIFX.lha         demo/sound 754K+Anarchy's 'Legalise It' 680x0/AGA/HD fix
PureBasic.lha        dev/basic  560K+V2.32 - Brand new powerful programming l
PureBasicUpd.lha     dev/basic  496K+V2.32b - Update for registered users (fr
DragnDrop14b.lha     dev/gui    129K+Update of dragndrop library - got new fu
WHDLoad_dev.lha      dev/misc   526K+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
WHDLoad_usr.lha      dev/misc   134K+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
fat95.lha            disk/misc   84K+Win95/98 compatible file system
GHAS.lha             docs/lists 204K+Maintenance Update: database of nearly 1
WHDIGamesE-F.lzh     game/patch 1.1M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesG-I.lzh     game/patch 1.3M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesJ-M.lzh     game/patch 1.9M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesN-R.lzh     game/patch 2.0M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesS-T.lzh     game/patch 2.8M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesU-Z.lzh     game/patch 1.0M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHD_HardDrivn2.lha   game/patch  43K+HD Installer for Hard Drivin' II
tiny3dV7.lha         game/shoot  98K+3D Tankshooter V0.7 (ONLY GFX-BOARDS)
X_Q.lha              game/wb     37K+A peg game on an "X" shaped board
3dgpl.lha            gfx/3d      46K+3DGPL V1.0 amiga link library 
acidtake.mpg         mods/mpg   3.4M+AcidTakeOver. Techno (MP3) tune from Emu
amphetarmx.mpg       mods/mpg   3.1M+AmphetamineRMX. Techno/Trance/House (MP3
cosmicspots.mpg      mods/mpg   3.4M+Cosmic spots. HardTrance (MP3) tune from
elephant.mpg         mods/mpg   3.3M+Elephant trunk. Goa/PsyTrance (MP3) tune
liquidpath.mpg       mods/mpg   4.4M+Liquid path. Goa/PsyTrance (MP3) tune fr
lovemem.mpg          mods/mpg   3.4M+Love memories. Techno/Trance (MP3) tune 
plutey.mpg           mods/mpg   3.2M+Plutey. Techno (MP3) tune from Emulate
soniceleph.mpg       mods/mpg   3.9M+Sonic elephant. HardTrance (MP3) tune fr
trappedspace.mpg     mods/mpg   4.3M+Trapped in space. Goa/PsyTrance (MP3) tu
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit   143K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
TheMPegEncGUI.lha    mus/misc    84K+GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pe
APowerStuff_9.lha    pix/misc   644K+Pics from aMiGa=PoWeR magazine
AquaWB.lha           pix/wb     314K+OS3.9 Workbench in Aqua Style
HTMLstrip.lha        text/misc   31K+HTML stripper which can also replace HTM
ltools21_demo.lha    text/misc   46K+Dictionary and Document Translator
JustName.lha         util/cli    15K+A small utility to justify filenames
DragnDrop14.lha      util/libs  129K+Update of dragndrop library - got new fu
FWCalendar.lha       util/rexx  434K+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
rmicon.lha           util/rexx   16K+ARexx script which deletes .info files (
envhandler.lha       util/sys    13K+A happyenv replacement (1.8)
Image2Icon.lha       util/wb     61K+Creates thumbnail icons 68k+WOS (1.19)

[News message: 16. Jun. 2001, 13:16] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Music: DARKAGE releases fix for LEGALIZE IT 2
The group Darkage, known in the Amiga demo scene for their intros, demos and their disk mag Showtime, released yesterday a fix for the music disk "Legalise it". This music disk was originally released in the early nineties by the lengendary group Anarchy.

The programmer Reinhold "Stingray" Kloth has reworked the entire sourcecode and allows owners of modern Amigas to experience the feeling of the demo scene from 1992. SCENET hosts also the sixteenth issue of the English disk mag 'Showtime' which is available here.

Download: DKG-LIFX.lha (ps)

[News message: 15. Jun. 2001, 23:03] [Comments: 0]
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Andrew Bell

Unarchiver frontend: Voodoo-X version 1.5 beta 8
Voodoo-X is a MUI-based GUI for the unarchiver XADmaster.library by Dirk Stöcker.

With Voodoo-X you can easily view the contents of the archives (also single files). This beta version may still contain bugs which may lead to crashes. More details at the titlelink.

Download: VX1.5.BETA8.lha - 110 kB (ps)

[News message: 15. Jun. 2001, 15:44] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench replacement: Scalos beta V1.3
A new beta version 1.3 of Scalos, the extensive Workbench replacement, has been released. This version contains many bugfixes. Should you find bugs, please submit a bug report.

Download: ScalosBeta.lha - 140 kB (ps)

[News message: 15. Jun. 2001, 15:10] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (e-mail)

CD32 Games Install Kit v4.41 NG
The CD32 Games Install Kit v4.41 NG is now available for owners of the Best of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition at the Airsoft Softwair homepage. A major bug was fixed and thus every user should install this update. (ps)

[News message: 15. Jun. 2001, 13:14] [Comments: 0]
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René Thol (ANF)

(New) informations on GREX 4000 and MicroServer
René Thol has received some interesting informations from DCE on the G-Rex 4000 board and summarizes:
  1. the GREX 4000 is ready, they're waiting only for the boards from the manufacturer.
  2. the GREX 4000 replaces the the daughterboard (ISA-, ZIII- and videoslots) on the motherboard and is connected with the port for the CVPPC on the Cyberstorm board.
  3. the TV board drivers for the GREX are still in the works and are thus no longer mentioned in the GREX advertising since only finished drivers are advertised there.
  4. AGP extensions are not planned. The AGP slots of the AmigaOne will also work only through PCI with the resulting speed.
  5. The planned DCE Microserver will be plugged later in one of the PCI slots and features two SDRAM slots with 133 MHz bus speed. It can be used as busmaster and has access to the entire Amiga hardware. Sadly, a Cyberstorm board already working in the Amiga has still to be used and its processors can not access the SDRAM (buswidth through PCI too narrow). Because of a CPU socket, more current CPUs than the G3/G4 can be used later. Existing PPC applications won't run immediately on the new CPUs (due to addressing and such) but have to be be adapted through (minor) changes in the sourcecode and a special library.

[News message: 15. Jun. 2001, 12:36] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 13.06.2001
TruncateMail.lha     comm/mail   10K+Removes unnecessary parts from e-mail fi
YAMGenesis.lha       comm/mail   24K+YAM-->Genesis-->Yam2NN, united. V1.05
FlushHeaders.lha     comm/news   32K+FlushHeaders for Yam2NN_087 V1.00
Yam2nnSpa.lha        comm/news    4K+Spanish translation catalog for Yam2NN
AmiDiction.lha       comm/tcp    26K+Online Dictionary
factsSpa.lha         comm/tcp     2K+Spanish translation catalog for FACTS
Jabberwocky.lha      comm/tcp   185K+Jabber/ICQ/AIM/MSN/Yahoo/IRC client
pproxy-mos.lha       comm/tcp     6K+Little Proxy with cache -MorphOS-
Artifictional.lha    demo/aga   1.3M+Secretly! - artifictional,demo at ms2001
PureBasic_Upd2.lha   dev/basic  661K+V2.32 - Update for registered users (fro
DragnDrop14a.lha     dev/gui    129K+Update of dragndrop library - got new fu
MCC_NListtree.lha    dev/mui    264K+MUI list tree class for NList
stormgcc_binut.lha   dev/src    5.2M+Sources of StormGCC from Dec. 2000 CD
stormgcc_cvs.lha     dev/src    1.8M+Sources of StormGCC from Dec. 2000 CD
stormgcc_gcc.lha     dev/src     11M+Sources of StormGCC from Dec. 2000 CD
TsGuiSpa.lha         disk/misc    1K+Spanish translation catalog for TsGUI
AmigaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  31K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
WHDIDemos.lzh        game/patch 2.0M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesA-B.lzh     game/patch 2.1M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesC-D.lzh     game/patch 1.7M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
Stato.lha            game/shoot 2.5M+Statoscuro-overhead shoot'em-up.GIFTWARE
vpeg.lha             hard/drivr  13K+Hardware mpeg-player for Peggy+ and simi
dissa.lha            misc/emu    91K+Pc-Engine Roms Tools V1.77+Gui
Benelux-show.jpg     pix/art     19K+Jpg picture with fxPaint and C4D
htmldoc-mos.lha      text/misc  679K+Convert HTML to PDF,PostScript...v1.8.12
htmldoc.lha          text/misc  612K+Convert HTML to PDF,PostScript...v1.8.12
muReset.lha          util/cli     3K+Reset command with muFS support, check i
PopScreen.lha        util/cli     2K+A small popscreen utility for scripts V1
AslToRT.lha          util/misc   21K+Asl/Arp/Req/Intuition/RT requester to RT
ReqAttackUpd.lha     util/misc   52K+RAPrefsMUI 1.81
ReqAttack_deu.lha    util/misc   38K+RAPrefsMUI german catalog & docs(1.80)
RxSPack.lha          util/rexx    2K+Spanish translation catalogs for RxMUI,R
xvslibrary.lha       util/virus  53K+External Virus Support Library v33.25

[News message: 14. Jun. 2001, 00:15] [Comments: 0]
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