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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

W.F.M.H. (ANF)

Electronic Teacher 5 - special offer + new site
W.F.M.H. has launched a new internet site for one of its flagships: Electronic Teacher 5 CD. The multimedia language tutor home can now be found at . Besides, the package can now be ordered at promotional price (even 50% off)!

As publishing house informs, the software is still under heavy development and among tons of new features (including even animation support) then new release will bring us, the two new language data CD are expected to be released as well, with lessons of German and French! Electronic Teacher 6 is expected to be released at the end of April 2002. (ps)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2001, 11:34] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New Packets
WHD-Load lets you install your floppy-based games on to your harddisc. The follwing packets were updated or newly included:

  • 02.12.01 new: Woody's World (Vision) done by Codetapper
  • 02.12.01 new: Wings (Cinemaware) done by JOTD
  • 02.12.01 new: Kikugi (Image Tech) done by CFOU!
  • 02.12.01 fixed: Future Wars (Delphine Software) small bug fixed
  • 30.11.01 new: The Three Stooges (Cinemaware) done by CFOU!
  • 30.11.01 improved: Zool (Gremlin) joypad support added
  • 30.11.01 improved: Rocket Ranger (Cinemaware) supports another version
  • 30.11.01 new: Road Wars (Arcadia Systems) done by Psygore
  • 30.11.01 improved: New York Warriors (Arcadia Systems) supports another version and some fixes
  • 30.11.01 improved: Lethal Weapon (Ocean) supports another version
  • 30.11.01 improved: Guardian CD³² (Acid Software) joypad support added
  • 30.11.01 new: Friendish Freddy's Big Top'o Fun (Gray Matter/Mindscape) done by CFOU!
  • 30.11.01 new: Death Bringer (Empire) done by CFOU!
  • 30.11.01 new: Black Crypt (Raven Software) done by CFOU!
  • 26.11.01 new: Out To Lunch (Mindscape) done by Abaddon & JOTD
  • 26.11.01 fixed: Syndicate (Bullfrog) install script corrected
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2001, 21:04] [Comments: 0]
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Håkan Parting

Instant Messenger: AmiComSys Version 2.1
Håkan Parting released version 2.1 of his program AmiComSys.


  • BUGFIX: When all the checkboxes in the Client list settings/Show which information were checked the computer crashed. So if you had that setting in v. 1.34 and tried 2.0 the computer just crashed.
  • BUGFIX: It didn't work to install plugins directly from the plugin installer, by setting the environmental variable ACS_INSTALLPLUGIN.
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2001, 20:41] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner (ML)

Vaporware: New Regtool with Euro-support
The offline-regtool 'Regtool' by Vapoware is now available with Euro-support and contains all new Vapor-products. All prices can be converted with the help of MUI (short help system). Products can still be paid and registered online by using a credit card and with the help of Silicon Circus Ltd. (UKP).

Download: regtool.lha (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2001, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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Gabriele Greco (sdl-amiga ML)

Library: SDL V1.2.3 Beta
On 2. December 2001 Gabriele Greco published the Beta-version 1.2.3 of the Multimedia-Library "SDL" for AmigOS and MorphOS. All the improvements and bug fixes of 1.2.3. should have been implemented in this version.

The following amiga-specific improvements have been made:
  • Completely compatible with libnix (the 68k as well as the MorphOS version). Some demos (testsprite, testpalette) show that the libnix-version is 30% faster than the ixemul-version
  • Bugfix: A crash or a corruption of the memory list was possible in the hardware-accellerating and full-screen mode.
  • Modification: General clean up of the CyberGFX-Codes. Maybe this has also removed the Colors-Bug of Picasso 96 (wasn't tested).
Gabriele Greco is hoping to finish the final version by next weekend in order to add the new sources to the official Source and Development-Package on the official site SDL-Site.

The archive contains: include, docs, gcc 68k lib, SAS/C 68k lib and gcc MorphOS PPC lib.

The SDL enables the platform-independent programming of games and multimedia products.

Download: (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2001, 21:19] [Comments: 0]
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IRC: AmIRC V3.5.21beta
Oliver Wagner published the beta-version 3.5.21 of the IRC-Clients "AmIRC" on the 30th November 2001. This version solves various little problems.

This update can only be used by registered users. The package contains text input V29.3.

Download: amirc_3521beta.lzx (222K) (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2001, 16:46] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Pfau (ANF) now also in German
Bernd Meyer's Website "", which accompanies the Amiga-Emulator for x86er-Systems, is now also available in German.

It was translated into German by Alexander Pfau. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2001, 15:09] [Comments: 0]
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