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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Virus Help Denmark:

Virus Help Denmark: xvs.Library V33.35
On 12. October 2001 Jan Erik Olausen has released version 33.35 of the virus checker library 'xvs'. Recognition of the Bobek2 virus installer from the 'CoolBall.lha' archive was added.

The xvs.library contains the recognition code to remove viruses previously part of VirusZ. The library was developed by George Hörmann and currently Jan Erik Olausen cares for it.

Download: xvslibrary.lha (58K), Readme (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2001, 20:36] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

ExoticA: SID collection updated and new logo
On 13. October 2001 the ExoticA website was updated. This site deals with the musical capabilities and the history of the Amiga.

ExoticA's Mirror, the 'High Voltage SID Collection' was updated to version 43. This collection now contains 16.986 pieces of C64-music.

Per HTML-Interface these are available for download in a big tar.gzip archive (HVSC.tar.gz).

What has changed in this archive can be taken from the announcement text. Detailed information about the changes are part of the update-logs in the DOCUMENTS directory.

There is a new logo by Yon Iris on the start page of ExoticA, which strongly differs in style from the previous one.

If other artists also would like to see their works on this start page please, contact buzz for further information. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2001, 20:36] [Comments: 0]
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Inutilis News (E-Mail)

Adventure-Engine: Inga V0.7/3
Now the update of the adventure engine 'Inga' is available for download on the website. This update contains the engine in version 0.7/3 with the following innovations:
  • The menu screen (quit game, save / load game, ....).
  • A plug-in-system for sound and music (no plug-ins available yet).
  • Small bugfixes with graphics output (no more blinking text scraps any more).
Inga is an engine for graphic adventures in the style of Monkey Island 3. The developer pack is available from the vendors. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2001, 16:32] [Comments: 0]
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Pro-Linux (ANF)

WWW browser: Mozilla V0.9.5 for Linux, MacOS, Windows
Version 0.9.5 of the WWW browser 'Mozilla' has been released. New in version 0.9.5 are among other things index card support (like in Opera) and a plugin for 'gesture recognition'.

For now there are no binary packages for Linux PPC, only for Linux x86, Windows and MacOS. (sd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Oct. 2001, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: Safe V17.3
On October 10th 2001 Virus Help Denmark released version 17.3 of the virus detector 'Safe' by Zbigniew Trzcionkowski. 'Safe' recognizes viruses in the computer's RAM and removes them if this is possible. Compared to version 17.1 the following has changed:
  • small fixes
  • added WatchDog 1.1 with very unknown bug fixed and improved security.
  • added new versions of CHECK and COMP, now they support <CTRL>+C, so any wrong operation can be easily interrupted
  • added warning:
'Safe' runs on AmigaOS V2.04 and above and requires the xvs.library.

Download: Safe.lha (25K), Readme (sd) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2001, 15:50] [Comments: 0]
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Prometheus: prm-rtl8029 V0.24, NetMeter V1.1
Version 0.24 of the ethernet Sana-II driver 'prm-rt18029' and version 1.1 of the network monitor 'NetMeter' were released on the 'Prometheus support page'.

The new version of the prm-rtl8029 driver is a bit faster (440 kB/s) and some small bugs were fixed.

NetMeter has tooltypes for the window position added and the 'Mediator protection' removed.

This network monitor works with a broad range of SANA-II drivers including the Amithlon NE2000 driver. With the Prometheus board version 0.24 of prm-rt18029 is required.

Prometheus is a Zorro III PCI bridge for Amiga computers which is produced by Matay.

Download: (sd) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2001, 01:06] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Rupp (ANF)

Workbench: TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation V0.8
TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation is a pure JavaScript simulation of the Amiga Workbench 3.x for Win32 Internet Explorer 5 and higher. New in this version 0.8 are the following features:
  • Moving of icons into and out of windows
  • Scrolling of the visible window contents with the arrow symbols
  • Language choice through preferences program
  • English localization (is now the default)
  • Workbench messages in the title bar, e.g. if you want to drag a drawer into its own window
  • Support of the menu items 'Last Message' and 'Open Parent'
  • Simulation of the original cycle gadget (incl. shift-click) for easier choice of pattern and language
  • Smaller bugfixes and improvements here and there
(sd) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2001, 00:42] [Comments: 0]
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