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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

bplan GmbH (E-Mail)

Pegasos II: Urgent Firmware update necessary! (Update)
As bplan GmbH announces, the version of the Open Firmware shipped with the Pegasos II is faulty! Before you make any changes using setenv, you have to update your Open Firmware!

You can find the needed update at

Update: (29.12.03, 18:29, snx)
Under the title link now you also can find a way how to make an affected system bootable again. (snx)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2003, 15:38] [Comments: 1 - 29. Dec. 2003, 16:22]
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A/NES CGX homepage

Emulator: Future of A/NES CGX uncertain
From the A/NES CGX website:
That's nice. If I get this bounch of e-mail each time I kill a project ( reported), I should start killing projects more often. :-)

So, what's up now, a few of you asked. To be honest, I am not quite sure really. Time will tell if I decide to start working on something new.

And can someone PLEASE hurry up those guys and make AmigaOS4 run on BlizzardPPC soon :) I'm pretty tired of talking to AmigaOS4 beta testers (have you noticed, they're obviously everywhere), I want to try the OS myself. :p (snx)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2003, 13:26] [Comments: 2 - 01. Jan. 2004, 07:29]
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Short software news (29.12.2003) (Update)
The following applications and updates were released over the last few weeks:
Update: (29.12.2003, 17:45,cg)
Amendment: There is now new version of vbcc (see below) available, but a new version of the PosixLib for vbcc.
Version 1.001 of AmigaMARK, a benchmark program, is now available for AmigaOS Classic and MorphOS.

The French developer SixK released a port of the shoot'em'up Chromium (v0.9.12) for AmigaOS. The game is using OpenGL.

GameIcons 2003
The archive GameIcons 2003 contains 275 icons, 150 of them are new.

Matthias Bethke released version 0.930 of the HTML preprocessor 'HTML Sucks Completely' (HSC). The source code can be compiled on every supported OS, these are Linux, HP/UX 10.20 and AmigaOS. A HTML program documentation is available, too. Furthermore the archive contains current Prefs and macro files.

Stephan Rupprecht released version 45.11 of 'ilbmdtPPC', an ILBM-PPC-Datatype for displaying IFF-ILBM-pictures on WarpUP.
fixed decoding of truecolor images with alpha

Software by Diego Casorran
Diego "dcr85020" Casorran released ports of the following programs: OpenSSH v3.7.2p2, bzip2 v1.0.2, NetPBM v10.18.4, OpenSSL v0.9.7c, UnRAR v3.30b3, Wget v1.9.1 und cURL v7.11-BETA.

A new version of PosixLib for 'vbcc', a portable ISO C compiler by Frank Willes, is now on hand. PosixLib emulates important POSIX functions not available in the vbcc C library. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2003, 00:20] [Comments: 0]
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Thilo Köhler (ANF)

Audio-Sequencer: HD-Rec Update (MOS fix)
On download site of HD-Rec which is an audio- and MIDI-sequencer for AmigaOS there is an update for the version 0.9beta. The update fixes some bugs which occured under MorphOS - HD-Rec should now run perfectly on a Pegasos.

The author asks for other bug reports if you should find some ones. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Dec. 2003, 17:31] [Comments: 0]
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Hans-Jörg Frieden (E-Mail)

Hyperion announce "AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release" CD for early 2004
Hyperion Entertainment announce the release of an AmigaOS 4.0 pre-release for all current AmigaOne owners for early 2004:

"Leuven, Belgium. - December 25, 2003

Hyperion Entertainment and the OS 4.0 development team are pleased to announce that OS4 development has now sufficiently advanced for a comprehensive Developer Pre-release of Amiga OS 4.0 to be distributed to all current AmigaOne owners shortly after the New Year.

In view of the fact that quite a few of you reminded us that you do not have broadband internet access, the original idea to offer an initial version of OS 4.0 for download was abandoned in favor of an "easy to install", self-contained distribution on CD.

Whilst this will obviously entail more cost to Hyperion and require more time for duplication and distribution, the upside is that we will be able to provide developers with everything they need to start developing for OS 4.0.

The developer material will include sample source-code, an initial version of the AmigaOS 4.0 SDK as well as native OS 4.0 compilers (GCC 2.95.3, GCC 3.4 and VBCC) and cross-compilers for various platforms (Linux x86/PCC, Mac OS X etc.).

The Developer Pre-release will require an upgrade of the AmigaOne firmware which was bumped from U-Boot 0.1.1 to U-Boot 1.0 and which is currently undergoing final testing.

Further details will be announced shortly.

Hyperion Entertainment and the OS 4 development team would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support and patience.

The fact that you are still here, 10 years after the demise of Commodore, has been a tremendous encouragement to us during these 2 years of laborious development.

Make no mistake: your patience will finally be rewarded with the fastest and most powerful incarnation of AmigaOS ever.

Merry X-mas and a prosperous 2004 to all of you!" (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2003, 20:22] [Comments: 1 - 28. Dec. 2003, 05:03]
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ANN (Website)

RxMUI: Update to Version 40.1
RxMUI from Alfonso Ranieri has now reached version 40.1 and is available for download from his homepage.

Graphic user interfaces in MUI may be programmed in ARexx macros through the use of RxMUI. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2003, 10:39] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Website)

MorphOS: Update of PTPDigCam to Version 0.9
The program PTPDigCam by Christophe Genre has reached version 0.9.

PTPDigCam is a MUI-based program that makes it possible to load and erase pictures, videos, and sounds from PTP-compatible digital cameras (such as Kodak, Canon and Sony).

Currently the program has been tested with the following cameras: Kodak LS443, Kodak DX3500, Canon A70 and Sony DSC-P52.

The main new aspects:
  • Camera serial number added
  • Sounds management added (usefull for Canon camera)
  • Canon A70 is supported
  • Sony DSC-P52 is supported
  • PTP protocol enhanced to take into account Sony and Canon PTP limitations and specific capabilities
  • Fixed bug: Status always display no video available
  • Fixed bug: The 10 Mo input buffer was not released (oups!)
(snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2003, 10:09] [Comments: 0]
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Rupert Hausberger (ANF)

Benchmark Program: Update of AmigaMARK to Version 1.001
Rupert Hausberger released an update to his benchmark suite AmigaMARK LPA for AmigaOS and MorphOS.

  • ADDED checking whether gethostbyname() successes
  • ADDED checking whether xen.font is avail
  • CHANGED os-requirement from 3.1 to 2.x (untested)
  • CHANGED layout of settings-window to a virtual-group so it opens also on non gfx-card screenmodes like ecs, aga
  • FIXED bug that forbids the use of chip-ram test in some situations
  • FIXED little gui-bug in module-information at "mhz"
  • CHANGED logo to a nicer one
  • CHANGED splitted archives to base, aos, mos
  • BUMPED revision to .001
(snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2003, 09:48] [Comments: 0]
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