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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Charlene/VHT (E-Mail)

Anti virus program: New PatchBrain V1.55 for VirusExecutor 2.29
Jan Erik Olausen has released a new PatchBrain version 1.55 for his virus scan program VirusExecutor version 2.29. At Virus Help Team Canada the program is available for download. An update is also possible by the Live Update option within VirusExecutor. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2004, 12:38] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet (Website)

Aminet Uploads through 27th January, 2004
Here are the Aminet uploads since our last announcement:
YamHTMLyam.lha       comm/mail   28K+(1.9b) Shows HTML e-mails with YAM mail 
Telefon.lha          comm/misc   35K+Telephone Dialer and SMS Sender Programm. 
BabelDoc.lha         comm/tcp    37K+Translate docs or strings from one langu
cimon096.lha         comm/tcp    15K+Little FLI4L-ImonC-Client for MorphOS
Absurd-Miss.lha      demo/euro  415K+"Miss" - By Absurd
APT-Epileptic.lha    demo/euro  583K+Epileptic (Demo) By Apathy At KG 2000-1
FreedomArms.lha      demo/euro  732K+"Freedom Arms" - By Void
hlm-virocop.lha      demo/intro  46K+Virocop AGA cracktro from Hoodlum
up-csxiv.lha         demo/intro  21K+UP ROUGH KIDS "Compusphere 14 Invitation
DemoStartUP.lha      dev/asm     67K+AGA/P96/CGX Demo StartUP code. Use this 
amiblitz_ful.lha     dev/basic  4.0M+AmiBlitz 2.30 full distro
librarymaker.lha     dev/c       73K+Create shared libraries with SAS-C
tks-amiga2.lha       dev/lang   398K+C-like script engine. v0.6.0.2
Amiga1251.lha        dev/misc    21K+Amiga-1251 Character Set Specification
WHDLoad_dev.lha      dev/misc   1.2M+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
WHDLoad_usr.lha      dev/misc   598K+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
MCC_HotkeyStr.lha    dev/mui     59K+HotkeyString custom class for MUI
blobzsrc.lha         dev/src     47K+Blitz 2.1 source code to Blobz
h2sacsou.lha         dev/src    380K+How 2 Skin A Cat complete sources & data
blobz.lha            game/misc  170K+50-level game. Collect all the gems.
MazezaM.lha          game/think  83K+Puzzle game, Sokoban Alike (Deluxe versi
GIFsplit.lha         gfx/conv    24K+Splits GIF animations into individual GI
HollyRec.lha         gfx/conv   381K+Converts "Hollywood" presentations into 
Sv5-1.lha            gfx/misc   592K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 1/8
Sv5-2.lha            gfx/misc   157K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 2/7
Sv5-3a.lha           gfx/misc   127K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 3a/7
Sv5-3b.lha           gfx/misc   329K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 3b/7
Sv5-4.lha            gfx/misc    38K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 4/7
Sv5-5.lha            gfx/misc   147K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 5/7
Sv5-6.lha            gfx/misc   158K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 6/7 (opti
Sv5-7.lha            gfx/misc   158K+SView5 V1.41 (4.1.2004) - Part 7/7 (opti
Sv5-PPaint.lha       gfx/misc    10K+SView5 - PPaint loader/saver V5.1 (17.1.
ddc_0.72.lha         hard/drivr  61K+DriverDescriptorCreator (ddc)
Mentat-Scripts.lha   misc/edu     8K+Arexx scripts for Mentat
AmithlonUpdate.lha   misc/emu   1.6M+V1.28 Amithlon Update
imdbDiff040109.lha   misc/imdb  2.6M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff040116.lha   misc/imdb  5.2M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
AfterBurner.lha      mods/cust  386K+Custom module from "After Burner"
PowerPlay.lha        mods/pro    97K+"Power Play", from Colonial Conquest II
aquarobe.lha         mus/play    20K+A skin for Prayer2
EP_CustomMade.lha    mus/play    10K+EaglePlayer "CustomMade" external replay
MUIUnArc.lha         util/arc    13K+MUI UnArc
Bekuna2.lha          util/boot  408K+Hello user program 2 (International)
IFF2rexx.lha         util/conv    1K+Convert IFF data to rexx source
MIDI2asm.lha         util/conv    4K+Convert MIDI data to assembler source + 
Streamer2-PL.lha     util/misc    1K+Polish locale for Streamer 2.06
xvslibrary.lha       util/virus  91K+External Virus Scanner Library v33.41
(nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2004, 23:25] [Comments: 0]
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Ehrlicher (ANF)

UAE-0.8.23 published
Richard Drummond published his version of UAE-0.8.23 for downloading. There are many news and bugs are cancelled, too. Especially a new version of the Picasso96-emulator, support for raw-key-mapping and GUI GTK+. You can find the code under: title link. (snx) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2004, 07:48] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf K. (ANF)

Picture viewer: PicShow v1.30 beta
PicShow is thought to be used as a picture viewer within a directory tool like DirOpus or DosControl. It shows the chosen picture in a borderless window on the named public screen. The special thing about this program is that it reads the complete directory and you can choose other pictures from this directory via a menu or using keys.

PicShow can also be used as a simple slideshow program. It shows the pictures either sorted or as a random series. When running on an own screen there are some nice fading effects. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2004, 14:15] [Comments: 0]
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