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Dock: QDock V1.39
At the end of October, Sami Vehmaa published the first version of his start bar "QDock" ( reported), which he continues to develop (YouTube video). In the update that has now been released, he has implemented various improvements: for example, the three rows of icons are now preloaded, which means that it can now be used better even at lower CPU/HDD speeds. The bar can be aligned on the left or in the centre and the last icon row used is saved. Likewise, you can now move icons between rows.

The tool is currently available for 2 euros or more. The originally high CPU requirements have been lowered so that the dock can also be used with a 68030 processor when the reflections are deactivated or with a 68060 when activated. In addition, AmigaOS 3.2 (the author could not test under AmigaOS 3.1), graphics card and 22 MB RAM are required. (dr)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2022, 05:30] [Comments: 0]
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Puzzle game: Update for "Wood Block Puzzle"
The Polish developer 'Tukinem' has written a conversion of the game Wood Block Puzzle (online variant) for Amiga in BlitzBasic 2 ( reported). In the small update that has now been released, he has fixed a bug that occurred when eliminating a horizontal and vertical line at the same time. (dr)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2022, 05:16] [Comments: 0]
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Jump'n Run: Minky V1.41
Minky (video) is a Jump'n Run in the style of Super Mario or Giana Sisters, which requires an Amiga 500 with one megabyte RAM ( reported). With the now released update to version 1.41, the selection "Joy Up" or "Joypad 2nd Fire" is available in the menu for jumping. In addition, there is now a WHDLoad installer and a separate Minky version for it. (dr)

[News message: 10. Dec. 2022, 05:12] [Comments: 0]
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ReAction-GUI for XAD: Avalanche 1.8 for AmigaOS 3 and 4
Chris Young has released version 1.8 of his ReAction-based graphical user interface Avalanche for the unarchiving system XAD, which also supports the xfdmaster.library and can search for viruses using the xvs.library. The developer has written his tool explicitly for AmigaOS 3.2, but has also been tested under AmigaOS 4. Since it uses a new window.class, it might not work with older OS3 versions. Changes:
  • Some very hefty internal changes!
  • Multiple windows supported internally. Limitations:
    • Commodities events only operate on the main (first) window
    • Does not spawn new process, so cannot use other windows whilst one is busy
  • Simple ARexx port added.
  • Config options moved to separate prefs window
    • Note the options to snapshot the current window and change the default destination are currently not available. They can still be manually set through tooltypes.
  • Config window

[News message: 09. Dec. 2022, 20:32] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4.1: Update of Excel addon for spreadsheet ignition
With the release of the spreadsheet ignition 1.21, Achim Pankalla had also provided the xlsx-AddOn for reading MS-Excel files for the first time ( reported). For this he has released a small update to version 0.11 today:
  • now it handle "empty" marker
  • corrects two errors in shared formulas-handle
  • now changes %-values, that ignition handles they correct

[News message: 08. Dec. 2022, 14:55] [Comments: 0]
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