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AmigaOS 4.1: SDL 2.26.1 Release Candidate 2
At the beginning of December, Juha 'capehill' Niemimaki had published the first release candidate of version 2.26.1 of the multimedia library SDL for AmigaOS 4.1 ( reported). The library is intended to make it easier for programmers to develop portable applications and is used by numerous open source games. SDL requires AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and optionally OpenGL ES 2.0. Today he has published the second release candidate providing the following changes:
  • Fix joystick GUID generation and update internal gamecontroller database with new GUIDs. Remove related RC1 workaround. Please use the SDL 2.26.1 RC2 (or newer) library when providing new controller mappings.
  • Support SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP flag. It's implemented as a custom screen (instead of WB).
  • Refactor library init/quit routines: initialize thread subsystem using constructor.
  • Refactor shared library management: open common libraries in constructor and close them in destructor.
  • Require ogles2.library minimum version 2 (instead of 0).

[News message: 05. Jan. 2023, 22:19] [Comments: 0]
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Tool: Image2PDF for all Amiga systems
Bernd Assenmacher has released version 1.3 of his tool Image2PDF, which converts PNG or JPG images into a PDF file. Among other things, A3, A4 or A5 can be selected as the target format. Image2PDF is available for all Amiga systems and requires the Polybios-Plugin. It is sufficient to copy the files "polybios.ext" and "polybios.hwp" to "Libs/Hollywood" (for AROS only the file "polybios.hwp" exists). Changes in version 1.3:
  • added icons from Carlo again which were accidently bad converted in V1.2
  • corrected "Credits" in terms of the Amikit icon(s) ;-)
  • the source folder and the save folder is now memorized when doing more than one picture to PDF
  • added requester which asks if it is wanted to do more pictures to PDF
  • added requester if the PDF file already exists (overwrite protection)
  • on commandline/shell it is no longer neccesary to give the full path of the picture file
  • its now checked if the PDF file to be saved ends with ".pdf"
  • improved error message in case of invalid loaded picture/file
  • added automatic closing of the viewer windows
  • added Image2PDF as Hollywood Applet (at least Hollywood Player 9.1 has to be used)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2023, 18:13] [Comments: 0]
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Action adventure: Anniversary Edition of Enemy 1 and 2
At Christmas 2013, the action adventure Enemy 2 - Missing In Action was released as freeware. Technically identical to its commercial predecessor Enemy - Tempest Of Violence, the title offered completely new levels and brought the story begun in the first part to a conclusion. At the end of 2016, there was a Collectors Edition of Enemy 2. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Enemy 1, Anachronia released an Anniversary Edition for Enemy 1 and Enemy 2.

The update contains various optimisations, bug fixes and redesigns of individual rooms. Both parts run on any Amiga with 1 MB RAM. (dr)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2023, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Faust (ANF)

MorphOS: BarsnPipes 1.2

Alfred Faust wrote: "After several weeks of intensive programming, a new version of BarsnPipes for MorphOS 3.17 has been completed and is available for download at the title link.

Import and export of MIDI files (*.mid) has been integrated into the main programme. The 10 different mouse pointers in the editor have been firmly integrated into the main programme as new 32bit png images. These are now pointers of the same type as the system pointer, ... and much more ...

All available tools (102) and accessories (6) (the plugins of BarsnPipes) for which the source code has been released and whose use with the new version of the main programme makes sense have been integrated. Included in the archive, all available documentation and instructions.

For developers, the "New Rules for Tools" (instructions and all material for programming tools and accessories) have been adapted for MOS 3.17 (and higher). Also an SDK for tools and accessories by Michael Rees, which extends the "New Rules for Tools" and makes them more comfortable.

The "Rules for Skins" (instructions for designing your own surfaces for BarsnPipes), as well as the material for your own translations of the Locale catalogue files are also available for download.

BarsnPipes has thus reached a stage of development that essentially marks an end point. Every possible extension or improvement can be made using the tools or accessories."


[News message: 04. Jan. 2023, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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CDXL video player: AGABlaster 0.9.91
AGABlaster plays Commodore's CDXL video format. According to the author, it uses a customized version of the CDXL format supporting the AGA chipset with 24 bit colors and variable length frames. Customized CDXL files can be generated with AGAConv. AGABlaster is written in 68K Assembly and runs on native Amiga hardware (no gfx card or sound card required). In version 0.9.91 support for PAUSE on startup was added which allows to wait for modern monitors to synchronize at first frame. (dr)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2023, 11:07] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle Tools 1.5
Keir Fraser's "Greaseweazle" does - similar to Kryoflux - read the magnetic information on a floppy disk independently from the format used and saves as much information as possible to generate a so-called "Flux Level Image" in Supercard format (SCP), which enables reading and back-writing of copy-protected disks ( reported)

The adapter gets connected between a floppy disk drive - e.g. a standard 3.5" PC one - and a USB port of the PC or Mac. A few moments ago version 1.5 of the Greaseweazle Tools was released providing the following changes:
  • User-configurable disk formats: New option --diskdefs
  • New disk formats: ensoniq.mirage and sci.prophet
  • Fill missing/bad sectors with -=[BAD SECTOR]=- pattern

[News message: 04. Jan. 2023, 10:53] [Comments: 0]
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04.Jan.2023 (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Payback ported
After a long development period - announced in V - Apex Designs released their Grand Theft Auto clone Payback in February 2001, including a demo version for 68k and PPC processors (WarpUP). In this, the player slips into the role of a young getaway driver while trying to become a big gangster boss. Seven updates and several new and updated maps were released afterwards. Roman 'kas1e' Kargin had received permission from Apex Designs to port the game to AmigaOS 4, which is now available at OS4Depot under the title link.

The original game and the last update are also required. The procedure for installing the update is available in detail in the description. Kargin writes about the content of the update:

"The original Payback was written in C and built via StormC (meaning GCC 2.95), and a large part of the code was Assembler-based: the 68K version used the 68K assembler, whereas the PPC/WarpOS version used H&P's Power ASM assembler (this one is with Motorola syntax, so it's PPC assembler with Phxass kind syntax and is incompatible with GCC's "as"). So I was in needs to port all the C code from old GCC to newer GCC, and then take the Power ASM assembler code used for the WarpOS version and adapt it, so it can be compiled with self build VASMMOT_PPC (which means VASM with Motorola syntax). Then I used GCC to combine everything into a single OS4 binary. The assembler code adaptation was minor, but I had to implement a few functions that were not available in VASM's assembler (prolog/epilog, pushgprs/popgprs, etc).

The next major issue was Payback's Warp3D rendering. The codes were once again "old GFX card" based and contained some bugs, so some rewriting and fixing was required. Yeah, it is not uncommon for game developers from the past to assume that only old kinds of graphics cards will be used (as it was in Exodus: The Last War, for example). Now, you can use hardware rendering on your RadeonHD or RadeonRX cards with no problems, be it NovaBridge or Warp3D_SI. Thanks to Hans for his help in terms of Warp3D code!

Migration from GCC 2.95 to GCC 11.3 also takes some time because of plenty of deprecated code, old-fashioned use of DOS's anchors, message ports, memory allocations, the way of calling assembler functions, non-static structs, etc. And, as we were told, the things that were forgiven in GCC 2.95 are no longer applicable in today's GCC, so changes must be made. On top of that, instead of newlib, I do use Afxgroup's improved CLIB2 fork (more specifically, CLIB2_beta07).

Once things start working, new video modes are added (so you can play HD modes like 1920x1080 too). At the same time, Javier starts writing a new "preference" program that is now Reaction-based, logical, and visually appealing. Now you can control everything from the PaybackSetupOS4 binary right from the start, as well as later in the game as before, of course. Also, Javier does help with some bits all over the place as always, so hats off for that!

The following changes are not included in this update, but are planned for future ones:
  • Support for window mode.
  • Finalizing of the FLC video player with auto-scaling. We do have a working version, but it's not good enough, so we postponed it to a later update.
  • Complete the migration from audio.device to the ahi.device. Also, it kind of works already, but not well enough.
  • Fixing hardware rendering to works on the older Warp3D classic drivers again (migration to the newer GCC required extensive rewriting, resulting in clumsy hardware mode on real Warp3D).
  • to fix bugs that will be found in this update."

[News message: 04. Jan. 2023, 06:43] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: ENCORE updated several demos
At the end of October, the demo and game developers Encore (among other 2D shooter Fortis) released its new demo "Morphever", a few days ago the demo "KHESHKHASH" has been updated. Now the developers have updated Morphever, as well as the three other older demos Morphobia, Morphilia and Morphoza to version 1.2.0, which mainly fixes bugs, and features the latest engine and some minor improvements. (dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2023, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator: Amiberry 5.5.1
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based single-chip systems like the Raspberry Pi, the Odroid XU4 or the Tinkerboard from ASUS, which brings some newly developed features like a "WHDLoad-Booter" or support for controller configuration using RetroArch. For example it is used in the Workbench distribution AmiKit for the Raspberry Pi 4/400.

Three days ago, the developer had released version 5.5 ( reported) and now provides an update for that. Changes:

  • Retropie's SDL2 version doesn't have SDL_isupper
  • added more logging during controller detection
  • implemented checking for filenames without charset conversion
  • skip files starting with a dot when reading a directory
Build System
  • detect revisions in the detected tags

[News message: 03. Jan. 2023, 05:47] [Comments: 0]
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