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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Jump'n Run: Boxx 4, version 1.01
About a week ago, the developer 'Lemming880' in co-operation with "Retroguru" had released the fourth part of his "Boxx" series developed with the Scorpion Engine ( reported). Now an update to version 1.01 is available. Changes:
  • Fixed a bug where at the second playthrough bonus hearts are not replenished.
  • Added option to disable boss flash.
  • Level 2: added a spike at the lava/spike trap to prevent the player from going through a little hole and skip the enemy+coin.
  • Some turret actor collision box positions were a little off so this is fixed.
  • CD32 gamepad reading disabled.
  • Added v1.01 to Credits.

[News message: 15. Apr. 2023, 21:35] [Comments: 0]
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Tool: identify-library 42.1
A few moments ago, Richard Körber has released version 42.1 of his identify.library ( reported) which now supports the Open Amiga Hardware Repository as well as new boards.


IdentifyDev.lha (66 kB)
IdentifyUsr.lha (99 kB) (dr)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2023, 12:39] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: Graphical user-interface iGame 2.3.1
iGame is a MUI-based frontend for starting WHDLoad games ( reported). George 'walkero' Sokianos has released version 2.3.1 for AmigaOS 2.04 and higher, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS. In this release the gameslist.csv file changed. It is recommended to get a backup of your previous file before upgrade or do a new installation. Changes:

  • Some nonWHDLoad games require to be started from their own folder, otherwise they crash or fail to start. This is a problem mainly on systems that do not have WBRun or WBLoad (i.e. AmigaOS 3.1). Now, for all the added games/demos that are started on such systems a temporary script is created under T:
  • Added German catalog and an alternative main image
  • Added French catalog
  • When a user changes the tooltypes of a slave, the NewIcon keeps working. The previous versions of iGame were deleting the image information. Now they are dropped from the icon tooltypes, but the image keeps working fine. As a result, the .info file size is reduced almost to half.
  • Now it is possible to save the icon tooltypes even if it is used as an item screenshot. In the previous versions the icon file was blocked and no change was possible
  • Fixed crashing on exit
  • Fixed low memory computer freeze while scanning
  • Fixed low memory computer freeze when loading big list of entries
  • Now we compile iGame with NDK 3.2R4
  • Now the repositories path requester accepts only drawers
  • Memory footprint is now reduced and optimised as much as possible
  • iGame window appears first and then the list is loaded from the file. This makes the application appear faster, giving feedback to the user
  • When the user selects a relative path (ie. //Games), that changes to an absolute path.
  • Changed the way the same title slaves are counted. This will help for removing the multiple "Alt" words in the list
  • Changed the repository scanning for files. The code is simplified and now uses more functions from the system API, making it more compatible. Also, all the "Data" folders are skipped from scanning, so slaves that exist in those folders are not used. A lot of code was removed and optimised, so the scan is now around 37% faster on the same machine, scanning a folder with 3562 entries.
  • Changed the way the multiple instances with the same title are shown. Now no "Alt" labels will be added. Instead, we introduced a number in square brackets that represent the different instances, i.e. 3DPool [1], 4DSportsDriving [2]. Not every record has these values, so expect to see them only when there are duplicates.
  • The gamelist.csv file changed by having double quotes around the string values, like the path and the title.
  • A new column was added in the gamelist.csv file which holds the custom name of the item. The old column remains unchanged. This helps in situations like a repository rescan, where the given name by the user doesn't change. The old second column should remain unchanged.
  • Now iGame requires icon.library v44+ for changing icon tooltypes. For systems that do include a new version, there is icon.library 46.4 on Aminet is free to download and use. Those that have older versions of the library will still be able to use iGame, but they won't be able to change the icon tooltypes. They will need to do it from Workbench
  • Now the filter string field is not disabled in the hidden list, allowing the user to filter the results based on the title or part of it
  • "Status" line, "Times played" and "Slave path" do not have a border anymore, since they are read-only fields
  • "No smart spaces" checkbox has a proper border now
  • "Slave path" in the item properties window doesn't stretch its width anymore. If MUI 5 is used the text will be shortened, showing three dots in the middle of it.
  • If WBLoad exists in the C: folder, this is going to be used to start games/demos from WB, when they were added as extra items in the list
  • The "Last played" list holds more than one record, so that you can easily find the last games you played
  • Moved alt_icons under extras folder
  • Updated installer script to give some info to the user at the installation folder selection step
Direct download: iGame-v2.3.1-20230414.lha (411 Kb) (dr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2023, 19:32] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (forum)

MorphOS: E-mail client Iris 1.12
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 1.12 of his e-mail client Iris for MorphOS. New features include an improved e-mail preview, a requester before sending e-mails without a recipient entered into the "To:" field, and an activation/deactivation of the Undo/Redo buttons depending on availability.

Download: iris.lha (21 MB) (snx)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2023, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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Ján Zahurančík (E-Mail)

Workbench distribution: Wrapper for AmiKit X/XE for Ventura Macs with Apple CPU
For Mac OS users of the workbench distribution AmiKit as well as of the installation assistance for AmigaOS 4, Flower Pot, a wrapper optimized for the current operating system version "Ventura" on computers with Apple processor is available at the title link, which simulates the environment required for execution of the Windows program.

The existing AmiKit installation is simply copied from the old wrapper to the new one. Using this wrapper under the previous Mac OS versions and/or on an Intel Mac is still possible. (snx)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2023, 17:30] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (forum)

MorphOS: LUA-MUI updated
Stefan 'Kronos' Kleinheinrich's LUA-MUI makes it possible under MorphOS to use the LUA scripting language to make operating system-specific calls, i.e. concerning the graphical user interface, libraries and functions.

The update released today includes changes to the LibCall() function - it now returns integer values or the value NIL if the called function fails. Also, muistructs.lua now registers all structs at startup, which requires more time and memory.

Download: LUA_MUI.lha (74 KB) (snx)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2023, 17:00] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (forum)

MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 5.1
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 5.1 of his web browser for MorphOS, Wayfarer. Changes include small improvements like saving different file paths for downloading via "Download" or "Download As".

Download: wayfarer.lha (29 MB) (snx)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2023, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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RTG driver: New Prefs editor for P96 in development
According to Thomas Richter in the A1k support forum (German), he is about to completely rewriting the P96 preferences editor. He has released a beta version of this new "P96Prefs" tool and asks to test it and give feedback. Requirements:
  • P96 3.0.0 or higher.
  • AmigaOs 3.2 or higher. The program depends on the font-sensitive gadtools library that came with 3.2, and the iconification gadget, which also came with 3.2.
The new preferences tool is to become part of P96, but will also be freely available on Aminet, including updates, once the beta phase has been completed.

Direct download: P96Prefs_47_4.lha (65 KB) (dr)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2023, 11:38] [Comments: 0]
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