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Aminet-Uploads until 21.01.2008
These ate the latest Aminet uploads which have been added since our last message:
Tubexx-de.lha             comm/misc    27K    GEN   German Locale for Tubexx
AmiFTP-1.935-OS4.lha      comm/tcp    307K    OS4   Easy to use GUI FTP client for Amiga OS4
pftp.lha                  comm/tcp    135K    OS4   Advanced FTP/SFTP client
tmsnc-0.3.2-amigaos.lha   comm/tcp    710K    OS3   MSN Instant Messenger client
A71BackUp.lha             comm/www     10K    GEN   php script to perform a full web backup
A71Mail.lha               comm/www     69K    GEN   Email Form multilanguage written in php
OWB.lha                   comm/www    9.1M    OS4   Origyn Web Browser  demo/disk   531K    OS3   Synthmusic demo by Dissident, Disk1  demo/disk   579K    OS3   Synthmusic demo by Dissident, Disk2
iconv-morphos-dev.lha     dev/c       5.9M    MOS   Character set conversion library
libintl-morphos.lha       dev/c       254K    MOS   intl.library for MorphOS
cso2iso.lha               disk/misc    52K    OS4   Convert CSO images to ISO
dax2iso.lha               disk/misc    54K    OS4   Convert DAX images to ISO
dmg2iso.lha               disk/misc   134K    OS4   Convert DMG images to ISO
raw2iso.lha               disk/misc     3K    OS4   Convert RAW images to ISO
uif2iso.lha               disk/misc    36K    OS4   Convert UIF images to ISO
Ww2008CalendarITA.lha     docs/misc     4K    GEN   2008 italian calendar made with Wordwort
ASB.lha                   game/2play  584K    MOS   Arcade game inspired by Air Sea Battle
eve_mos.lha               game/role    16M    MOS   Preview version of action RPG game
2H4U-MorphOS.lha          game/think  2.7M    MOS   2H4U - Too Hard For You
AbandondedBricks.lha      game/think  2.0M    MOS   Another Tetris clone (SDL)
ltris_mos.lha             game/think  539K    MOS   LTris is a free Tetris clone
SView5.lha                gfx/misc    3.1M    VAR   SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package
TestDTAlpha.lha           gfx/misc     12K    VAR   Env-test if pic-dt supports alpha channe
AmiArcadia.lha            misc/emu    422K    OS3   Arcadia 2001/Interton VC 4000/TVGC emul.
FS1541-MorphOS.lha        misc/emu     92K    MOS   Filesystem for CBM 1541 disks
Handy095.lha              misc/emu    265K    OS3   Atari Lynx emulator
amrenc-mos.lha            mus/edit    235K    MOS   3GPP AMR encoder for Nokia phones
nokiatagger-mos.lha       mus/edit     15K    MOS   Tags mp4 files for Nokia phones
xad_7z.lha                util/arc     43K    OS4   XAD (UnArc) client for 7-zip archives
iso-o-matic.lha           util/conv    43K    OS4   All to ISO disk image converter
akGIF-dt.lha              util/dtype   93K    VAR   akGIF-dt (GIF, 68000-060/MOS)
akJFIF-dt.lha             util/dtype  175K    VAR   akJFIF-dt (JPEG, 68000-060/MOS)
akPNG-dt.lha              util/dtype  203K    VAR   akPNG-dt (PNG, 68000-060/MOS)
akSVG-dt.lha              util/dtype  205K    VAR   akSVG-dt (SVG [SView], 68000-060)
akTIFF-dt.lha             util/dtype  555K    VAR   akTIFF-dt (TIFF, 68000-060/MOS)
iconv-morphos.lha         util/libs   738K    MOS   Character set conversion library
aminetreadme.lha          util/misc    64K    OS4   Aminet .readme creator
IFF-Arranger.lha          util/misc    28K    OS3   Modify, remove, add, create IFF chunks
modifile.lha              util/misc    74K    OS3   File viewer & modifier (+ AMOS source)
ReportPlus.lha            util/misc   312K    OS3   Multipurpose utility
CestinoGlobale.lha        util/wb      54K    OS3   Global trashcan under Blitz development
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2008, 17:19] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jan.2008 Uploads until 21.01.2008
These are the latest uploads to which have been added since our last message:
guidemaker.lha       dev/uti  577kb  An AmigaGuide file creation utility.
rti84.lha            dri/mis    4kb  TI-84 Plus Silver driver
colem.lha            emu/gam  614kb  Colem ColecoVision Emulator
universus-demo.lha   gam/act    3Mb  demo of a WIP shoot'em up
scrambly_dv.lha      gam/puz  715kb  15 slide puzzle with twists
png_icon_editor.lha  gra/edi    8Mb  A Tool for Manipulating PNG Images and I
picturewidget.lha    gra/mis    1Mb  A "Widget" for Displaying Pictures
strange.lha          net/       1Mb  strange' is strange
owb.lha              net/bro   10Mb  OWB - The first (in)complete modern Web 
amiftp.lha           net/ftp  306kb  Easy to use GUI FTP client for Amiga OS4
pftp.lha             net/ftp  134kb  Advanced FTP/SFTP client (alpha preview 
transmission.lha     net/p2p  918kb  Torrent client with GUI
datadisplay.lha      off/dat    9Mb  A Database Program with Samples
cso2iso.lha          uti/fil   52kb  Convert CSO images to ISO
daa2iso.lha          uti/fil   27kb  Convert DAA images to ISO
dax2iso.lha          uti/fil   53kb  Convert DAX images to ISO
dmg2iso.lha          uti/fil  134kb  Convert DMG images to ISO
iso-o-matic.lha      uti/fil   43kb  All to ISO disk image converter
raw2iso.lha          uti/fil    3kb  Convert RAW images to ISO
uif2iso.lha          uti/fil   35kb  Convert UIF images to ISO
fontpreviewer.lha    uti/mis  516kb  A Simple Font Preview Program
ranger.lha           uti/mis  253kb  System diagnostic tool
aminetreadme.lha     uti/tex   64kb  Aminet .readme creator
switcher3d.lha       uti/wor  190kb  Window and screen switcher
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2008, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives: Uploads until 21.01.2008
These are the latest uploads to AROS-archives which have been added since our last message:
simplemail_beta_aros-i386.tgz  net/ema  349kb  SimpleMail for AROS-i386
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2008, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jan.2008 (Website)

AmigaOS 4: SDL 1.2.11 as a "Shared Object"
Richard Drummond has published an update of the multimedia library SDL which is supposed to make it more easy for programmers to develop portable applications and which is used by many Open-Source games.

The current version of SDL (changelog) is now implemented as a "Shared Object". This means it will be linked by SDL applications only at the start of the program - similar to the library principle of AmigaOS. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2008, 16:25] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jan.2008 (Webseite)

Software-News until 22.01.2008

A/NES 1.16b2 (AGA)

The updated version of the Nintendo Entertainment System emulator A/NES includes some bug fixes. Additionally the program now emulates the noise of the optional NES-disk drives with the help of the Amiga drive.

With this update the author probably will finish the development of A/NES because of a lack of time. Additionally the interest of the users has reduced.

Link: Website

MiniMailer.mcc 22.0

MiniMailer.mcc is a MUI-class with which you can easily send eMails.

Link: Website

MorphOS: Gread 1.0g

In the current version of the text viewer a bug has been fixed: The function LockPubScreen() now works correctly.

Link: Website (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2008, 16:19] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

MorphOS: Adventure-Interpreter ScummVM 0.11.0
Fabien Coeurjoly provides a new Version of his Adventure-Interpreters ScummVM for MorphOS. A overview about all supported Games and all changes you will find here .

Download: scummvm-0.11.lha (4 MB) (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2008, 14:02] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Web page)

MorphOS: Software news in brief
Under the title link, Ilkka Lehtoranta has made available the following software in the last two days:
  • ASB 0.4 - An SDL game inspired by "Air Sea Battle" (Atari 2600)
  • Abandonded Bricks 1.12 - An SDL-based Tetris clone
  • FS1541 1.3 - A filesystem for CBM-1541 disks
  • iconv 3.0 - A conversion library for character encodings
  • libintl 1.1 - An internationalization library
  • LTris 1.0.11 - Another SDL-based Tetris clone
(snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2008, 16:49] [Comments: 0]
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Amigaharry (ANF)

MorphOS: SearchStar 0.93b, Gread 1.0f
Version 0.93b of the search program SearchStar fixes a bug by checking for the error "disk is full" now when saving.

Among other improvements, the text reader Gread 1.0f offers faster scrolling than its previous versions. (snx)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2008, 16:18] [Comments: 0]
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20.Jan.2008 (Web page)

AmigaOS 4: ColEm 1.0r5
Bob Wicksall has released a new version of his AmigaOS 4 port of the ColecoVision emulator ColEm by Marat Fayzullin. The update allows doubling the size of the screen display, and offers an improved AHI-based sound output, P96-based graphics output, as well as increased game compatibility.

Download: colem.lha (595 KB) (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2008, 10:03] [Comments: 0]
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20.Jan.2008 (Web page)

WinUAE: AmiKit 1.4.3
An update to version 1.4.3 is available for AmiKit, a complete distribution for WinUAE users. This can be obtained via the integrated live update function or installed manually. The changes can be inferred from the changelog. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2008, 09:39] [Comments: 0]
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