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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

AROS-Exec (Forum)

AROS: MarranoFTP 0.65
Stefano Crosara has published an update of the FTP-client MarranoFTP for AROS/x86. Among other things the support of passive transfers was added.

Download: (38 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2008, 08:37] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox (ANF)

Elbox: Cocolino driver update for AmigaOS 4 users
Press release: ELBOX Computer has released today the new driver for the Cocolino PS/2 mouse interface. The new software is available free of charge for all registered users of the Cocolino interfaces.

The Cocolino archive includes:
  • Cocolino.driver ver. 1.2
  • CocolinoTest
  • FreeWheel ver. 2.2.1

Changes in Cocolino.driver ver. 1.2:
  • generating IDCMP messages for OS4 added
  • OS4 parameter added for switching from NewMouse to IDCMP format

About Cocolino:

The Cocolino PS/2 Mouse Interface is a microprocessor-based adapter for attaching PS/2 mice, trackballs, glidepoints and radio-controlled mice from the world of PC computers. Cocolino can work with all models of Amiga computers. It simply plugs into the Amiga's mouse port. The Cocolino PS/2 Mouse Interface is a full 'plug and play' device.

No software is required for standard use (mouse movements + two buttons support). The enclosed software allows using two wheels and 3rd, 4th and 5th buttons available in many PS/2 mice and trackballs.

The Cocolino interface starts working simultaneous with the computer's start so mice can be used in the early-startup-menu (unlike the mice connected through the serial port). Cocolino uses linear movement interpolation, which makes mouse movements perfectly smooth with any screen frame rates. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2008, 00:46] [Comments: 0]
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Heinz-Raphael Reinke (ANF)

New AROS SDK for AmiDevCpp
For AmiDevCpp which is an integrated developing environment with which you can compile Windows-, AROS, AmigaOS 3/4-, MorphOS- and AROS-software there is the newest version of the AROS SDK. You can install it with the help of in package manager which is integrated in the AmiDevCpp.

Direct download: Aros_SDK24012008.DevPak (3,4 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2008, 19:34] [Comments: 0]
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Videos of old AmigaDE-/AmigaOS 3.9-presentations
At two old versions were published which were recorded at the "Alternative Computing Expo" in Melbourne (Australia) in 2000 and which shows presentations and discussions concerning AmigaDE and AmigaOS 3.9:

Video 1: Presentations, dinner, quiz night
Video 2: Official OS 3.9-presentation, AmigaDE-discussion (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2008, 01:48] [Comments: 0]
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rxMUI 42.7, strangé 0.15 PF, Scene-Demo "Concept A"

GUI-Toolkit: rxMUI 42.7

RxMUI allows ARexx programmers creating complexe graphical user-interfaces.

Link: Website

AmigaGuide-/HTML-viewer: strangé 0.15 Pre Final

strangé is a MUI-based AmigaGuide-/HTML-viewer which is based on HTMLView.mcc. Changes in version 0.15 Pre Final (for 68k-users there is a slightly limited version 0.14):
  • added search bar
  • CM is now hideable
  • reworked prefs
  • strange can now open any number of tabs (depending on HTMLview version)
  • clever buttons functionality
  • reload menu item now gets dis/enabled when needed
  • stop buttons stops only the active tab connections, while menu stop item stops all
  • menu open item worked in a differ way then the popup popasl button: fixed
  • background and text colors are now user adjustable for text and image files
  • Gunther Nikl provided fixed mos native png decoder, so now png pics are rendered in a fine way in strangé \o/
  • added a couple of arguments: INACTIVE (the window is opened not active) and COMPACT (visionary compact mode; it justs stretches the main group atm)
  • strangé is now distributed with a beta HTMLview which can open any numnber of tabs, doesn't destroy pics if a tab is hidden and other various hacks
  • new default buttons pics bar; it is now even internal, so that if you like it, you don't need to install an "img" drawer at all
  • reworked installer script; it evens shows pics lol
  • many other bugs fixes

Link: Website

Scene-Demo: Concept A

Already in November the demo "Concept A" (screenshot) has been published which was created with the multimedia script language Karate Fighter and released at "Alchimie 2007".

Link: Download page (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2008, 01:41] [Comments: 0]
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25.Jan.2008 (Webseite)

Emulator: Preview to WinUAE 1.4.6
As usual the developers of the well-known Amiga emulator WinUAE have given a short preview to the forthcoming version. WinUAE 1.4.6 will be published in one or two weeks and will be the last revision of the emulator which will run on Windows 98/ME.

Bug fixes in WinUAE 1.4.6:
  • Mouse never capturing. (Windows 98/ME, rarely on W2K/XP)
  • Some games crashing (temporary workaround: enable >2M Chip RAM)
  • Broken sprite outside playfields-feature and SWIV score information
  • Fullscreen mode with non-default refresh rate fallback problem
  • A600/A1200/A4000 IDE emulation froze with >2G drives/HDFs
  • CDTV E.S.S. Mega: "semi-hidden" track now loads properly on W2K/XP
  • Crash when switching between <=2MB Chip + Fast and >2MB Chip setting
  • Sound emulation tweak (Dungeon Master II)
  • Unstable NMI option in cycle-exact and more-compatible modes
  • "Full-window" mode didn't always allow Windows desktop RTG resolution

New features of WinUAE 1.4.6:
  • Inverted mouse and analog joystick input sources
  • Input device (USB joystick, mouse etc..) on the fly insertions and removals supported. Device names saved to configuration file
  • Automatic joystick switching, firebutton 'inserts' any non-selected joystick to Amiga joystick port. Second button selects mouse port
  • Dynamic JIT direct memory allocation. Increased Z3 and RTG maximum sizes to 1G and 512M (At least 2G physical RAM required)
  • A3000 confirmed 2.04 ROM added to ROM scanner
  • Directory filesystem ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL implementation is more compatible with buggy programs
  • CIA/Gayle overlay emulation setting added to advanced chipset
  • Original early A1000 non-EHB Denise added
  • Original A1000 (and early A2000) Agnus blitter busy bug added
  • Keyboard reset warning emulated and added to advanced chipset
  • Debugger improvements, hex/dec/bin converter, all commands that accept numeric parameters also accept register names (RAx,RDx,PC,USP,VBR,..), number prefixes supported, hex = 0x or $, bin = %, dec = !
  • 1M (both 0xe0/0xf8 and 0xf0/0xf8) and 2M (0xa8/0xb0/0xe0/0xf8) ROM image support
  • Implemented "Fullscreen" filtering option
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2008, 01:19] [Comments: 0]
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Vinnny (ANF)

Linux: CruxPPC 2.4 pre 10 for Efika and Pegasos2
At the title link an ISO image of the Linux distribution CruxPPC version 2.4 pre 10 is available for the Efika, the Pegasos 2 and PowerPC-Macs. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2008, 13:30] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

AmigaOS 4: Origyn web browser 1.6 (update)
Jörg Strohmayer has released a new version of the SDL based browser OWB. The update uses shared objects and requires ( reported) in directory SOBJS:.

Update: (25.01.2008, 15:00, cg)

Meanwhile version 1.6 is available which uses further shared objects instead of staticly linked objects. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2008, 13:25] [Comments: 0]
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