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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Software-News until 10.10.2011

AmigaOS 4: Cinnamon Writer 0.75 Bugfix

For Claus Desler's word processing software Cinnamon Writer 0.75 a bug fix was published which fixes crashes caused by loading of Truetype fonts. The archive only includes the executable file.

Card game: Acey Ducey for all Amiga systems

In Acey Ducey you have to guess if the next card will have a value which is between the one of the cards already put on the table. Achim Kern has ported his old card game with Hollywood and offers versions for AmigaOS 3/4, MorphOS and AROS.

Mythana - New browser role playing game for Amiga

For some time on a browser strategy game has been offered which should work with old (without CSS support) browsers like Ibrowse or AWeb.

According to Matthias "Aramon" Wilkens, this strategy game will be replaced by a role playing game which will continue working with the knwon Amiga browsers. Although the game ist still in alpha stage there are already some "Qqests".

10x2 Blue Metal Rose CDs

On Wednesday 12th of October from 9 pm, Blue Metal Rose which uses an Amiga 4000 with Octamed Soundstudio will have its first radio performance on WDR2 (Live-Stream, Flash required). After the show via Internet voting the best of the introduced bands will be chosen - Blue Metal Rose hopes you will vote for them.

On the occasion of the radio performance the band raffles 10x2 BMR-CDs: You simply have to write an eMail with the subject "BMR goes WDR2" to The winners will be informed via eMail. Closing date is 19.10.2011, there is no right of appeal. The data of the participants will be not given to third persons und deleted after the lottery. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2011, 17:04] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages until 09.10.2011
With WHDLoad you can install games and scene demos on your harddrive which were originally puzblished on disks. Additional several incompatibilities with new Amiga models are fixed.

The following installers have been added or updated since our last message:
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2011, 17:16] [Comments: 0]
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09.Oct.2011 (Webseite)

Picture viewer : PictureAlbum Preview 08-10-2011 for AmigaOS 4, AROS and MorphOS
With Christopher Handley's PictureAlbum you can search for picture directories. The included pictures are viewed as thumbnails. With a double-click you can view any number of pictures and place them on the screen (screenshots: 1, 2). PictureAlbum to memorises the opened pictures and its positions for each directory.

Download: PictureAlbum_preview_111008.lha ( MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2011, 17:12] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (Webseite)

AROS: Nouveau and Mesa-3D update for Fermi graphic boards
With new versions of the Mesa-3D library and of the Nouveau video driver, AROS now supports some of the current GeForce graphic boards of the 400er and 500er series completely in 2D and 3D.

The updates are part of the Nightly Builds but can be downloaded under the title link as well.

Other features, improvements and known problems:
  • Improved 3D rendering for NV50 series (GeForce 8 and up)
  • Reporting VRAM and GART sizes and free space via SysMon utility
  • Corrected memory allocation problems
  • Improved VRAM->RAM swapping on low memory conditions
  • Known problem: Rendering regression with Cube/AssaultCube for GeForce 6200 users
Download: (3 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2011, 14:17] [Comments: 0]
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