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09.Dec.2015 (Webseite)

AmiModRadio 0.95
AmiModRadio has access to more than twenty thousand music modules on Aminet and plays them. Among others version 0.95 offers a reworked user-interface and can be started in the WBStartup drawer. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Dec. 2015, 19:35] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Schoenweiss (ANF)

Bounty: Enhancing "Workbook" to real Workbench 3.1-clone
"Workbook" is the minimalist Workbench-clone for AROS 68k. Due to the limited usage of this solution, Olaf Schönweiß has established a bounty for enhancing it to functionality of the original Workbench 3.1.

The following requirements have to be fulfill to complete the bounty:
  • Support standard AmigaOS3.1 .info files
  • Manually position & snapshot / unsnapshot icons and windows
  • Drag & drop icons to copy / move (the icon being moved must be shown below the mouse pointer while dragging occurs)
  • Make new directories
  • Delete files & directories
  • Rename files & directories
  • View / edit file information / tooltypes
  • Leave out / put away
  • Make Show All Files / Show Only Icons work as per description
The required functionality has to be available in the ROM version of Workbook, "that is booting a disk only containing the LoadWB command will allow usage of Workbook with these functionalities."

Additionaly the following functionalities can be added at the discretion of the developer but are not required:
  • Support for the Tool menu
  • List-view mode (view + manage files as in icon mode)
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2015, 17:59] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy (Forum)

AROS: Compiler Free Pascal 3.0.0
Marcus 'ALB42' Sackrow has ported the recently released version 3.0.0 of the Pascal-compiler Free Pascal to AROS. Because AmigaOS 3 and MorphOS also belong to the full supported targets, their ports should be available soon as well. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2015, 17:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Metacompiler: PortablE r6-06-12-2015 (beta)
For PortablE an update has been released, which additional to several bug fixes provides other example programms and under AROS now also compiles Icaros Desktop Live 2.0.x. Under AmigaOS 4 the latest SDK 53.30 is supported. Besides, ReAction module as well as a ClassAct-"Emulations"-layer have been added.

Christopher Handley's metacompiler PortablE enhances the programming language Amiga E and translate it into other languages.

Preconfigured modules for graphics, sound output and music as well as for user-interfaces are included, inspired by the simplicity of AMOS. Additionally there is a PortablE forum. Mainly PortablE supports AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS, to a less extent AmigaOS 3.x and also Windows rudimentary. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2015, 14:10] [Comments: 0]
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