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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Aminet uploads until 08.08.2020
The following packages have been added to Aminet until 08.08.2020:
Amix531.lha              comm/amiex 998K  68k AmiExpress BBS system redevel...
Yip_cover.lha            demo/intro 140K  68k Yip cover intro (Revision 2020)
encore_morphilia.lha     demo/misc  47M   MOS Morphilia by Encore - demo fo...
encore_morphobia.lha     demo/misc  40M   MOS Morphobia by Encore - demo fo...
encore_morphoza.lha      demo/misc  36M   MOS Morphoza by Encore - demo for...        demo/misc  637K  68k Demopack with stuff from summ...
COP.lha                  dev/debug  163K  68k Low Level Debugger
WormWars.lha             game/actio 859K  68k Advanced snake/Tron game        game/actio 686K  x86 Advanced snake/Tron game
WormWarsMOS.lha          game/actio 932K  MOS Advanced snake/Tron game
WormWars-OS4.lha         game/actio 1.1M  OS4 Advanced snake/Tron game
F1GP2020Carset.lha       game/data  7K        2020 Carset for F1GP
DRC.lha                  game/edit  500K  MOS DAAD Reborn Compiler Frontend
unPAWs.lha               game/edit  164K  MOS PAWs/Quill database decompiler
ZDOOM_AGA.lha            game/shoot 846K  68k Amiga port of ZDOOM
ZDOOM_RTG.lha            game/shoot 506K  68k Amiga port of ZDOOM
Sumeria.lha              game/text  155K  OS4 Sumeria is classic economic game
wbpong.lha               game/wb    6K    68k A simple pong game running in...
Sketch_de.lha            gfx/edit   2K        Unofficial German catalog for...
SilkRAW_AROS.lha         gfx/misc   1.9M  x86 GUI for Dave Coffin's program...
SilkRAW_MorphOS.lha      gfx/misc   2.4M  MOS GUI for Dave Coffin's program...
SilkRAW_OS4.lha          gfx/misc   2.3M  OS4 GUI for Dave Coffin's program...
AmiVms.lha               misc/emu   3.0M  68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
Youaresomeone.lha        mods/8voic 163K      16ch Synth Pop Ballad by HKvalhe
MusicDesignStudio_1.1... mus/edit   38M   MOS Music designer / composer
Deark.lha                util/arc   2.5M  MOS Extracting data from various ...
MCAmiga.lha              util/dir   1.6M  MOS MyCommander for all Amiga sys...
BelarusMOS.lha           util/sys   1K        Belarus country for MorphOS
InstallerLG.i386-aros... util/sys   120K  x86 Commodore Installer replacement
InstallerLG.ppc-morph... util/sys   153K  MOS Commodore Installer replacement
KosovoMOS.lha            util/sys   1K        Kosovo country for MorphOS an...
newmeter.lha             util/wb    15K   68k Show free RAM and storage as ...
rinfo.lha                util/wb    6K    68k Create icons for folders miss...
WebRadio_sbar.lha        util/wb    93K   MOS A sbar plugin to listen to We...

[News message: 09. Aug. 2020, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 08.08.2020
The following packages have been added to OS4Depot until 08.08.2020:
wormwars.lha             gam/act 1Mb   4.0 Advanced snake game
sdlpop.lha               gam/adv 2Mb   4.1 Open-source port of Prince of Pe...
sumeria.lha              gam/mis 155kb 4.0 Classic economic game about Hamm...
silkraw.lha              gra/mis 2Mb   4.1 GUI for Dave Coffin's progr...
shaderjoy.lha            gra/vie 4Mb   4.1 Display fragment shaders

[News message: 09. Aug. 2020, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 08.08.2020
The following packages have been added to MorphOS-Storage until 08.08.2020:
Deark_1.5.5.lha            Extracting data from various file formats.
DRC_0.14.lha               DAAD Reborn Compiler Frontend
ENCORE_Morphilia_1.1.0...  MORPHILIA by ENCORE
ENCORE_Morphobia_1.1.0...  MORPHOBIA by ENCORE
ENCORE_Morphoza_1.1.0.lha  Demo by Encore released at Decrunch 2017 (Wrocla...
MCAmiga_0.9.lha            MyCommander for Amiga
MultiMeedio_1.3.lha        A script to control many media players by jPV^RNO.
MusicDesignStudio_1.10...  A program to create and mix up to 20 audio tracks
SilkRAW_1.2.lha            GUI for Dave Coffin's program dcRAW
unPAWs_2.1.lha             PAWs/Quill database decompiler
Webradio_2.1.lha           A sbar plugin to listen to WebRadios.
WormWars_9.23.lha          Advanced snake game by James Jacobs.

[News message: 09. Aug. 2020, 09:20] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad uploads until 08.08.2020
The following package has been added to WHDLoad until 08.08.2020:
  • 2020-08-02 improved: Wizkid (Sensible Software) support for Happy birthday intro added, sound fixed (Info)

[News message: 09. Aug. 2020, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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Generation Amiga (Website)

Amiga emulator: Amiberry 3.2-beta1
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based boards (like the Raspberry Pi, ASUS Tinkerboard, Odroid XU4, etc) that also offers a few unique features developed only for Amiberry, such as the WHDLoad booter and support for RetroArch controller mapping. The changes in version 3.2-beta1 are listed in the Changelog. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 08. Aug. 2020, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas (E-Mail)

Elektronic music: Creating Jungle/Hardcore tracks using a A1200 (video)
British producer and label owner Pete Cannon started his career in the electronic music business by creating tracks using Octamed 4 on an Amiga 1200. In a detailed demonstration for the Youtube channel "Sound on Sound", he shows how to use his A1200 - freshly dug out from his parents' shed - to create a Jungle track. The one difference being he's no longer using low quality samples generated using his Amiga or loaded from disk, instead he's controlling professional sample equipment from back in the day using MIDI. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2020, 19:32] [Comments: 0]
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1 180 355 ... <- 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 -> ... 375 1093 1816

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