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Archiv 'Publications'

Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: new poll & poll results
On the homepage of the Amiga Future have today the results of the latest poll been released (Will you visit the fair?). Right now there's a poll running asking for your favourite browser. The poll will be closed soon. It would be great if as many users as possible would participate. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 14. Dec. 2002, 18:45] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (E-Mail)

Magazine: Obligement N°36 now out
Issue 36 of the French e-zine is now available. You can read on this issue:
latest news, article about MorphOS games, report of the Amiga Retro Computing, interview of Bill Buck and Raquel Velasquo, interview of Arnaud Schwetta, review of Puzzle Bobs, Software Tycoon and FroggerNG 2.05, and more others articles!
Download it from title link. (ps)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2002, 00:39] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Interview with Nicholas Blachford (Genesi)
On (title link) there's a short interview with Nicholas Blachford, whose position at Genesi is Eclipsis Project Manager. Included are also some screen-shots. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2002, 00:32] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

More screen shots of Crossfire II
At the APC&TCP page there were more screen shots from the game Crossfire II published. With the new screen shots it's even better to see that Crossfire is not a simple shooter but a game with comlexe missions, much variations and a big factor of addiction. The game is available at APC&TCP directly. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2002, 01:43] [Comments: 0]
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