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Archiv 'Publications'

03.May.2007 (website)

Buch: Der Amiga - die Geschichte einer Computerlegende
In "Der Amiga - die Geschichte einer Computerlegende" ("The Amiga - the Story of a Computer Legend") Volker "Dr. Zarkov" Mohr is telling the exciting history of the Amiga on 140 pages. The directory and some reading rehearsals are available under the title link. (cg) (Translation: tz)

[News message: 03. May. 2007, 19:13] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

25 new articles at Obligement website (french)
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement during the last two months:
  • Amiga and MorphOS news of march/april 2007
  • News: the RoSH directive
  • Report: Lam3rs Bouffe
  • Interview with Gunnar von Boehn
  • Review of MorphOS 1.4.5
  • Review of Ri-Li
  • Review of Neverball
  • Review of Neerputt
  • Review of Immortal 3
  • Review of Timidity 0.6
  • Review of AmiPhoto 1.21
  • Comparative: DvPlayer vs. MPlayer on AmigaOS 4
  • Hardware: The Lorraine
  • Hardware: The Walker (update)
  • Point of view: and now, which future for the Amiga?
  • Point of view: the Amiga spirit
  • Point of view: a Pegasos otherwise nothing
  • Point of view: once upon a time the revolution
  • Tutorial: installation of Ubuntu 7 (Feisty) on Pegasos II
  • Tutorial: installation of Linux Debian Woody on AmigaOne
  • Tutorial: use MSN Messenger with IRC
  • Tutorial: use of GMail with SimpleMail
  • Tutorial: installation and use of TurboPrint 7.60 on MorphOS
  • The Quizz of march/april 2007
  • Special Quizz about the shoot'em up
Furthermore there are translations available for the following articles:
  • Interview with Gunnar von Boehn (English)
  • Hardware: The Walker (Italian)

[News message: 01. May. 2007, 18:29] [Comments: 0]
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Lars Ghandy Sobiraj (ANF)

The 8Bit Philosophy: The origins of computer music
With the documentation "The 8Bit Philosophy - a Commodore 64 Symphony" it is planned to introduce those people who composed the original C64 music tracks at that time or who today create remixes and thus to get a bigger community of fans of 8Bit-music.

How the tracks were composed and why so many poeple are still interested in this music? The film will be produced by Shining Movie Vision and after finishing it will be available for free download.

Shining Movie Vision is looking for people who want to give some money to this documentation. Under the title link the project is introduced more detailed: The producers speak about their plans. Musicans like Romeo Knight, Thomas Detert, Markus Holler and members of the band "Press Play On Tape" are part of the documentation and have been already interviewed. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2007, 13:36] [Comments: 0]
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Lars Ghandy Sobiraj (ANF)

Diskmag: Cows'n'Snakefights #7 published
The Swedish demoscene group Nukleus has published its seventh issue of the popular Amiga-diskmag named "Cows'n'Snakefights". Over 100 english articles and a gallery are waiting to be read and seen. You can download the magazine for free from the website under the title link. (nba)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2007, 12:56] [Comments: 0]
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