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Andy Mueller-Maguhn (E-Mail)

CCC argues against attacks against communication systems
Chaos Computer Club, 13.09.2001

CCC argues against attacks against communication systems

- International understanding more important than ever before

As a reaction on the unbelievable murder attacks in the USA there is an appeal circulating in the hacker scene to destroy websites and other communication systems in Islamic countries or organisations available in the Internet.

The Chaos Computer Club arguments against this appeal and asks to ignore this or similar appeals. As a galactic association it is unimaginable for us to split the world in good and bad now and to take religion as the measure of all measures for such separation.

These incidences are hard to operate in the global village for every human on this planet. But as hackers we should try the world processing at issue now to handle in the sense of human race. "We helplessly face the power of destruction. But we believe in the power of communication, which eventually always turned out to be positive and more powerful than hate", said Jens Ohlig, speaker of the CCC.

"Electronic communication structures like the Internet right now can make an important contribution to international communication. In this understandingly tense situation it may not happen that communication lines get broken giving more foundation for the lack of understanding.", summarized Any Müller-Maguhn, speaker of the CCC.

The Chaos Computer Club, this time celebrating it's 20th anniversary, according to it's statue pleads for freedom of information and a human right of at least world wide untrammelled communication.

Already in 1999 the CCC together with a coalition of popular hacker groups (Cult of the Dead Cow, 2600, L0pht, Phrack, Pulhas, Toxyn, !Hispahack, and members of the Dutch hacker community) argued against the utilization of networks as an electronic battlefield: "Don't participate in warlike action in the so called 'cyber war'. Keep the networks alive, which are for communication. These are the nervous system of human progress."

The original Infopeace statement can be read under (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Sep. 2001, 17:36] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

More websites offline by solidarity (update)
Due to the terror attacks against the USA more websites decided to go offline by solidarity or to change their main page:

Ian Chapman - The Big Book of Amiga Hardware
Bernd "Bernie" Meyer - JIT/Amithlon
Amiga User Liste
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 13. Sep. 2001, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Fenn

Frank Fenn: Development of Amiga programs stopped
"Because my Amiga 3000 died and I haven't found a replacement yet all further development is suspended. Registrations are also not possible. Donations to revive the A3k are always welcome. In the meantime I've started some development for MacOS X." (ps)

[News message: 13. Sep. 2001, 12:51] [Comments: 0]
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Ricco Clemens (E-Mail)

Amig@lien: Our site will be offline until 18.09.2001
Ricco Clemens wrote:
Until 18.09.2001 our site will be offline to protest the attacks against the USA and to commemorate the victims. Only our forum will be accessible. We hope that many other sites will follow our suit.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. Sep. 2001, 23:40] [Comments: 0]
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Hudson (ANF)

Updates for the Big Book of Amiga Hardware
Since today there are again several updates for the Big Book of Amiga Hardware available. Among other things Ian Chapman is building up a driver site! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Sep. 2001, 17:13] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga makes statement about events in New York, U.S.A.
Today is indeed a difficult day for America and for the world.

We at Amiga lift up in prayer the families of those who were killed and injured in the attacks today.

It is truly a sad day for all of us, and our thoughts and prayers go out to our nation's leaders, as they must now deal with this situation.

God Bless us, and may we be ever mindful of our blessings.

Bill McEwen
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Sep. 2001, 00:33] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Münch (ANF)

AUG99 show their solidarity with the USA
We are shocked by the new terror wave in the USA, where thousands of innocent people had to die. We like to show our solidarity and at the same time strongly condemn this kind of force. Because of this our homepage won't be accessible for one day. We ask for your understanding.

The AUG99 team
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Sep. 2001, 00:31] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Interview with Bjorn Lynne
Today, an interview with Bjorn Lynne was published on the Amiga Future Homepage. Lynne might be known by most of the users by the name of "Dr. Awesome" of the "Crusaders". He composed all of the music for the Crusaders demos, Megademos, and EuroChart.

As usual the English version can be found at the English section of the site. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2001, 20:26] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Asse (ANF)

New design and status update "Amiga FFE - Project"
At last a reworked version of the homepage is online, from today. This now (hopefully ,-) ) is more clear and more tidy than the last version.

Moreover the soundtrack can be downloaded in midi format (to have a try with Amidi) and all of the sound effects in wave and 8SVX format.

A little late, but nevertheless the project definition now was determined, so the basic frame of the project was set up.

As a next step now the IS analysis will come. For this anybody can send information about FFE to me. To prevent a "Yes, but what information shall I send?", just have a look at the (finally added) job list.

But many sections still are "under construction". Should there be any mistakes already now (dead links, typing errors, etc.), just send an e-mail.

Short summary: The AmigaFFE-Project is an "everyone's invited" project which shall lead to an Amiga port of the game Frontier First Encounters. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2001, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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Ralph Ewers (ANF)

Offtopic: World Trade Center and Pentagon target of terror attacks
Even though this is off topic:

I just heard from radio and TV that both towers of the World Trade Center in New York, USA, tumbled down. At least two airplanes directly crashed into those. Also the Pentagon is on fire - probably by a car bomb or even another airplane (crash). New York looks direful. Any transatlantic flights to the USA have been stopped. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 11. Sep. 2001, 18:14] [Comments: 2 - 14. Sep. 2001, 16:15]
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