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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Amiga Resistance (ANF)

Amiga-Resistance: New entries in FAQ collection (German)
The Amiga-Resistance-Team tries to collect several FAQs to bundle the knowledge about the Amiga. Each contribution is very welcome.

These FAQ and documentations have been added:
  • MakeCD FAQ
  • fxscan FAQ
  • fxPaint FAQ
  • VHI Studio FAQ
  • VHI RS232 und Olympus.vhi FAQ
  • IBrowse FAQ
  • IBrowse 2.4 Update FAQ
  • AmigaOS FAQ
  • Scandoubler/Flickerfixer FAQ
  • Monitor/Television FAQ
  • Workshop ArtEffect
  • Jumper setting Blizzard 1230
  • Guide Animate Turbo-Board I & II
  • Guide M-Tec 68020
  • Guide Blizzard 2040 ERC & 2060
  • Guide Mach 2
  • Guide Turbo Jet 1230
  • Guide T1230 (Viper)
  • Guide Blizzard 1230 IV / 1260 SCSI Kit
  • Guide Blizzard 1240 ERC & 1260
  • Guide Blizzard PPC / 603e & 603e Plus
  • Guide Derringer030 & Derringer Platinum
  • Guide Professional 020 / 030
  • Guide AdSpeed
  • Guide E-Matrix 530 (Viper 530)
  • Guide Viper 520CD
  • Guide Turbo CD
  • Guide Hard-Disk Interface AlcompOMTI
  • Guide AlfaPower BSC-HD
  • Guide AmiQuest OverDrive (SmartStor)
  • Guide AmiQuest OverDrive HD (SmartStor Plus)
  • Guide AT-Bus 508
  • Guide AT-Bus 2008
  • Guide Tandem
  • Guide Oktagon 500 & 508
  • Guide Oktagon 2000 & 2008
  • Guide COMBITEC AutoBoot-Karte
  • Guide Commodore A570
  • Guide Vector Falcon 570
Thus 160 entries are available. The permissions for publishing the guides were given by the authors via email. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2007, 18:07] [Comments: 0]
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Moo Bunny (Forum)

Team AROS: Two bounty projects completed
At weekend two Team AROS bounties were completed: The DOS-paket-support as well as the VIA Rhine II-driver (inclusive arosTCP-update).

For the next weekend the first alpha version of an USB stack for AROS will be expected. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2007, 13:45] [Comments: 0]
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20.Mar.2007 (Webseite)

AmiBroker: Keyfile released
Tomasz Janeczko, the author of AmiBroker which is a stock exchange analyzing program has released a keyfile for his Amiga program. For several years only the Windows version of this program is developed further and sold. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2007, 13:38] [Comments: 0]
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18.Mar.2007 (Forum)

Browser: Paihia development facing discontinuation
After three years of work on a new Amiga browser (reported by, the author is considering to possibly give his project to the hands of another developer, since he himself has no interest in a continuation anymore.

You can obtain an English summary of the development status of Paihia under the title link. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 18. Mar. 2007, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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