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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Olaf Köbnik (ANF)

Amiga Arena: full version of "FileX"
With the permission by Klaas Hermanns the Amiga Arena makes the download of the full version of the binary editor "FileX" available. FileX offers the following features:
  • Several files can by edited in different edit windows and/or edit views simultanuously.
  • The edit windows can be opened on every public screen.
  • Clipboard converter.
  • Font sensitive.
  • Undo and redo (only limited by available memory).
  • Comprehensive block functions.
  • ARexx interface with 77 commands and asynchronuous command shell.
  • Printing as hex dump.
  • `Grab memory` for showing and editing the memory content.
  • AppWindow.
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2002, 12:40] [Comments: 0]
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The Legacy

Nostalgia: The Legacy - 350 new cover-scans
The Legacy which is the nostalgia museum has been equipped with 350 new cover-scans. This mega update could be only realized by the support of Classic Amiga Preservation Society.

On 'Nostalgic Game Museum' you can find screenshots, cover-scans and definitions of genres of a lot of games. Besides this 'TheLegacy' offers information about the developer of older games of C64, Amiga, Atari, PC and Schneider/Amstrad CPC. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Sep. 2002, 10:55] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Robl (ANF)

Relaunch of
After nearly four years of online presence it has come to a great demand to renew my homepage completely. The new pages are all bilingual (German/English) and most of the content has been improved. Originally I wanted to finish all this earlier, but the successful finish of my first university degree (informatics) as well as the work for the Amidock for OS4 were (reasonable) more important. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 04. Sep. 2002, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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