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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Mirko Naumann (E-Mail)

New PCI gfx card by PNY
With the Verto GeForce4 MX 420 PCI the company PNY Technologies offers a modern and powerful gfx card based on the GeForce4 MX 420 gfx processor suited for computers without AGP slot.

The with 64 MB SDRAM equipped gfx card got additionally a useful TV out beside the VGA connector. Actually the price is around EUR 139. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2002, 19:26] [Comments: 0]
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Telemar Rosenberger (E-Mail)

AMHuhn: Programmers are overwhelmed :-)
Telemar Rosenberger, one of the developers of AMHuhn is totally overwhelmed by the positive response and submitted the following statement for release:

Hello AMIGA and AMHuhn friends,
we would like to thank you very much! We didn'd expected such a huge approval and friendly help. Since the AMHuhn is at the net the incoming emails don't stop, there are so many mails from all over the world to respond, it's getting hard to do something else, there are positive criticisms, brief notes of thanks, suggestions for optimization or problems. Nothing negative yet :-)

Getting so much approval there is nothing left for us than continueing. I know there are problems with Picasso96 but I have to note that I can try cybergraphics only by myself. There are problems as well if the iff.library and the picture.library are both not inside libs:.

Regarding the datatypes it is important to have the jpg and anim datatype installed, no matter if these are WOS, PPC or 68k. With AHI sound the following is important:
At the AHIprefs you should choose 3 to 4 channels for the music unit at the mode. With a 68040 is AHI 4.18 the best, it seems to be the fastest.

Have fun and I hope that most people have no problems with running the Huhn.

With the best regards
Telemar Rosenberger (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2002, 15:45] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Lachner (ANF)

UAE for Sharp Zaurus
The Amiga emulator UAE has now been ported to the Sharp Zaurus (see title link). To use UAE at the Zaurus X11 must be installed, because it won't run with the default Qtopia (framebuffer). (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2002, 13:28] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Status between Betatester I / II
On Thendic-France clarify the difference between Betatester I and II:

Betatester I
  1. Purchased from Thendic-France -- 1000 Euros complete; 650 Euros mainboard with CPU module (both prices less VAT)
  2. Sign NDA and provide at least a bug report a week
  3. Participate on the core testing team
  4. FTP access to latest OS releases and applications
  5. Testing of peripheral devices
  6. First to receive upgrade to G4 package

Betatester II
  1. Purchased from any authorized Distributor or Reseller
  2. Sign up with Betatester II form found on MorphOS v1.0 CD
  3. Access to new releases of OS (major releases not daily/weekly upgrades)
  4. Opportunity to participate in December Conference
  5. Opportunity to port or test applications, develop or test peripherals, create demos or website concepts and win contest prizes of 1000 Euros for each catagory

[News message: 15. Oct. 2002, 16:30] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Pflaumbaum (ANF)

Music: New song published
Bitshifter, perhaps already known from the music project "yel.C. vs. Psyria", published a remix of the song " Messages" by Bjorn Lynne.

This TRACK, which was completly composed on the Amiga using the DigiBoosterPro music software, is my contribution to the current remix-competition on Bjorn Lynnes website.

Further information about the competition and the contributions of the other participants can be found here. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 14. Oct. 2002, 07:20] [Comments: 0]
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