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Archiv 'Events'


OS4 on Tour: reports from Brisbane
Two members of the Amiga-Portal write under the title link their impressions of the first "OS4 on Tour" event in Australia. We have summarized the most important points for you in short:

  • About 50 visitors (twice the number at a comparable event last year)
  • Several AmigaOne computers had been shown - some running AmigaOS4, some with Debian-Linux (and MacOS X under MacOnLinux)
  • Doug Moir (AnythingAmiga) introduced the AmigaOne-Lite though not running. According to Doug are already several programmers busy with the drivers development for this Mini ITX motherboard.
  • A comprehensive seminar on the AmigaOne and OS4 had been held, there had been an IRC session with Fleecy Moss (Amiga Inc), too.
(cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 18:54] [Comments: 1 - 19. Oct. 2003, 16:56]
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Ingo Klotzsch (ANF)

Amiga at the "Nexxt Generation" in Hannover...
At present is the information and sales fair "Infa" taking place in Hannover. Part of the special program of the "Infa" is the youth fair "Nexxt Generation" (17.10. - 19.10.2003) that offers among other things a big games LAN with expected 1300 participiants to come.

In a public area of the Nexxt Generation are old games arcades installed. reader Ingo Klotzsch has seen there the good old Amiga. Pictures of the event can be found following the title link. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Oct. 2003, 16:10] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas "Gojira" Nosutta (ANF)

Pictures and Video of Amiga Meeting 2003
Under the title link Thomas Nosutta of BAU (Berliner Amiga User) has put online a few of his impressions of Amiga Meeting 2003, which was also a BAU meeting. A short quote from Thomas:

"It was once again an absolutely lively fun experience inc. Quake2-Marathon. For those who prefer pictures, here's a film clip from the Pegasos exhibition on 11th October, 2003." (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2003, 21:25] [Comments: 0]
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Karl-Heinrich Veith, Jocelyne Pallu (Presseschreiben)

GameArt: Exhibition at the world cultural heritage Völklinger Hütte
Computer games might be considered as the latest kind of art. During the last century jazz, film and contempory dance took long to be accepted as a kind of art. Now the same is happening with computer games.

On November the 22nd 2003 at the world unique "Gebläsehalle" of the world cultural heritage "Völklinger Hütte" with its gigantic machines there will high tech of the beginning of the 20th century meet computer worlds of the beginning of the 21st century. Within this special surrounding there will be created an unique space where vistors obtain the possibility to discover, unknown worlds, lead whole cities, or change identity how they like.
Read the full featured article by the title link.

(nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2003, 17:30] [Comments: 0]
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