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Archiv 'Events'

Sven Scheele (ANF)

AmigaClub SH: User-/Hardware meeting 1-2004
The Amigaclub Schleswig Holstein is publishing in teamwork with the promoter of the computer museum in Kiel e.V. an Amiga (and Pegasos/Amithlon) hardware meeting.

The meeting is Saturday, the 17th January 2004 at 14 o'clock at the mediendom in the technical college in Kiel.

You can get more information at Informationen (snx) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 30. Dec. 2003, 13:03] [Comments: 0]
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29.Dec.2003 (Website)

Video/Audio-clips of a speech by Alan Redhouse' in Bath
There are some additional video and audio clips of the speech of Alan Redhouse of Eyetech held at the OS4-On-Tour-Exhibition in Bath available. These new audio clips have a higher quality than the ones published shortly after the speech.

WMV (33 MB)
Real (27 MB)
MP3 (11 MB, only audio)
(cg) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2003, 21:31] [Comments: 1 - 10. Jan. 2004, 05:50]
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Kjell Breding (E-Mail)

AmiGBG 2004 - Swedish Amiga Fair
For the third year in a row, the Swedish Amiga fair AmiGBG is arranged in Gothenburg, Sweden. The date set for AmiGBG 2004 is the 17th of April next year. The AmiGBG fair is an event which is focused on the Amiga computer platform and is once a year gathering companies, user groups, users and visitors who are all interested in or curious about the platform that created the essence of multimedia - the Amiga.

This year's fair is held by three Amiga user groups all situated in Sweden; AmiGBG from Gothenburg, ACGGBG (Amiga Computer Group) from Gothenburg and Syntax Society from Landskrona in the south of Sweden.

In the year 2002 the first AmiGBG event was held. It was a huge success with around 450 visitors. The year after, it was yet again time to open the gates for another great AmiGBG fair at Lindholmen, Gothenburg.

AmiGBG is an event that partly looks back upon the history around the Amiga personal computer, but the main focus lies on the promising future that this platform now has - in terms of new hardware (the AmigaOne) which is based on the PowerPC processor and a new version of AmigaOS (Amiga Operating System) for this new hardware - AmigaOS 4.

At the fair, you will have a chance to see the new AmigaOne systems based on the G3 and G4 processors and also have a look on the classic Amiga computers that many people were brought up together with - these days gathered under the concept Classic Amiga.

At AmiGBG 2004 we also hope to be able to present a complete version of the AmigaOS 4 running on the AmigaOne. If so, that will be the highlight of the fair and a starting shot for the comeback of Amiga!

Furthermore; Linux will be demonstrated on AmigaOne, user groups will have a chance to present themselves - the fair is a gathering force for everyone interested in the future of Amiga. The target group is of course people interested in Amiga, but also people that are interested in alternative computer platforms.

Among the exhibitors, you will find everything from Swedish and European companies to Swedish user groups. Not only pure Amiga related companies have been invited - but also other hardware retailers.

For some more information about the previous events held by AmiGBG, please check these links:

For further information about AmiGBG 2004:

E-Mail: (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Dec. 2003, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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