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Archiv 'Events'

Peter Topolnicki (ANF)

Event: OS4-presentation at QAUG (New York)
The US-american user group QAUG (Queens Amiga User Group) continues its presentation of the current development status of AmigaOS 4 during its meeting on April 10th, 2004, in Ridgewood, New York.

In addition to the OS4-show the current Debian-version in combination with KDE 3.2 and Mac OS 9.2 based on MacOnLinux will be presented. Possible also Mac OS X and the new UAE-version will be shown. More information can be found on the website of QAUG. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 07. Apr. 2004, 18:41] [Comments: 0]
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Amclust (ANF)

Event: First report about the AmCluSt hardware meeting (update)
From the Amiga-Club Steinfurt (AmCluSt) comes a first report about its event that's just happening:

Since yesterday takes in Dreierwalde (near Rheine/Westfalen/Germany) the AmCluSt hardware meeting place. Already on the first day there has been great interest and happenings regarding everything that has to do with the AmigaOS.

Harald Frank presents Amithlon on his laptop and showed because of the great interest already yesterday the possibility of the multimonitoring. Besides that he had brought many hardware with him to upgrade existing Amithlon systems. Among other things he offers many G-Force4 cards priced 15+ Euros.

Axel Knabe demonstrates current software for MorphOS to interested visitors. He also offers useful hardware, not only for the Pegasos.

Guido Mersmann shows the brandnew version 1.00 of the USB driver ArakAttack and the first beta of the IRTrans driver as well as various tools for it. Known programs like BoulderDäsh, MMKeyboard, AmithlonTV are shown there, too.

Everybody who wants to have a look himself/herself has the opportunity to do so until Sunday evening.

Update: (03.04.04, 20:14, cg)

Harald Frank has gathered and commented some pictures of the event. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Apr. 2004, 13:18] [Comments: 0]
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03.Apr.2004 (website)

Event: Change of schedule for the live broadcasting from AmigGBG
The schedule for the live broadcasting by AmigaWorld Radio from the Swedish AmiGBG show today with music, interviews and round-ups has been changed.

The broadcasting takes place from 9:50 PM to 16:00 PM UK Time (GMT+1), i.e. 10:50 CEST (New York starts 4:50 AM, Sydney starts 19:50 PM).

Opening speech starts 11:00 UK Time (GMT+1) / 12:00 CEST, the first presentation starts a short while later. The schedule for the presentations is as follows:

1st Universal Space
2nd AROS
3rd Cloanto
4th Individual Computers
5th IBM
6th Eyetech
7th Competition Winners
8th Hyperion
9th Individual Computers (once again)

Additionally, Amigaworld Radio will be hosting Q&A sessions with leading Amiga people, who will be answering questions submitted via their IRC channel, #Amigaworld.

AmigaWorld Radio has the capacity for 300 listeners using two servers:
Server 1:
Server 2: (snx)

[News message: 03. Apr. 2004, 08:40] [Comments: 0]
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Peter Topolnicki (ANF)

Reminder: Amiga Party in the Netherlands on April 17th
At ANN Ron van Schaik reminds again of the upcoming Amiga Party at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, in Maarssen, Netherlands, from 10:00 till 16:00 on Saturday, April 17th ( reported).

He writes: "We're expecting a lot Amiga freaks from all over Europe and there will be a few nice demonstrations. Computer City will be present with a lot of Amiga stuff for sale. Also you can discuss, exchange, buy and sell your Amiga stuff with a lot of other present Amigans.

Also there will be a few Pegasos computers and we will show you the latest version of MorphOS. For the Amiga 500 game freaks we will have hundreds of games available to show and play. Important to know is that all other Commodore freaks and computers are also welcome! When we organize something special it's always extra and not instead of our normal shows! Look at for the latest information!" (snx)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2004, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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