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Dirk Baeyens

Event: Amiga 2001 - website now online
The website of the Amiga 2001, that will be held on 17. and 18. November 2001 in Cologne in the Mediapark 6 (KOMED), is now online under (title link). The complete exhibitors list will follow soon. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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Mikey C. (ANF)

Event: Exhibitors list of the 'World Of Amiga Southeast' Show
Start planning! There are only four weeks to go! On Saturday, 3rd November 2001, Amiga Active will be sponsoring the World of Amiga South East Show, to be held in Brentwood, Essex, UK, From 12:00pm till 5:00pm.

The World of Amiga Southeast show, Exhibitors list is finally here, and Amiga are coming!

Please note, the layout and exhibitors list on the WOAse website is incorrect, please refer to this list for now. A correct hall layout and list will be posted sometime today at

List of Exhibitors...

1-2................Kicksoft Ltd
3..................Pagan Games
4..................Huddersfield Amiga User Group
                   /Blackpool User Group
15-16..............Fore-matt Home Computing
17.................100% Amiga Magazine
18.................South Essex Amiga Link
19.................Amiga North Thames
21.................Amiga Support Association
22.................Elbox (SharkPPC Premiere)
23-24..............Mediator Support Team
25-27..............Virtual Programming/Amiga Active
                   Magazine (Show Sponsors)
28-30..............Weird Science
31-33..............Stellar Dreams
34.................Hyperion Games Arena
35.................Gloucestershire Amiga User Group

Sadly, Analogic are unable to attend due to commitments elsewhere. On the positive side, Haage and Partner have confirmed their attendance and may take the last unsold space.

Don't forget tickets can still be purchased in advance via our website and via telephone/mail order from Fore-Matt Home Computing on +44 (0)8700 112234

Other important announcements about the show including information on where to stay. will follow in due course.

World of Amiga Southeast is sponsored by Amiga Active Magazine (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 05. Oct. 2001, 12:54] [Comments: 0]
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Events: AmigaMeeting 2001 in Lodz (Poland)
On October, 6th in Lodz, Poland, the AmigaMeeting 2001 will take place. The event is held by the University of Lodz (Banacha Street 22). Some of the exhibitors:

  • ELBOX Computer (Mediator, G3 Shark)
  • MATAY (Prometheus and software from Hyperion)
  • eFunzine (Amiga e-shop)
  • X-Soft (e.g. the books "Amiga na Infostradzie [Amiga on Infostrada], "Wordworth w praktyce" ["Wordworth in practice"]
  • Fleecy Moss will visit the AmigaMeeting 2001, but this is not confirmed.
The Organizers:
  • X-Soft
  • Mathmatic Section of the University of Lodz
  • Matay

Tel.: ++48 42 630 50 42, 0600 483 029 (Mobil)

Travel route:
From PKP Lodz Kaliska or PKP Lodz Fabryczna Rail Station take the tramway 12 (look at map)

All tickets (price: PLN 15 0 less than DM 10) will take place in a lottery. If you wish to present your Amiga, contact the Organizers - you get free tickets. (pp) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 02. Oct. 2001, 12:10] [Comments: 0]
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