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Archiv 'Events'

Nico Barbat (E-Mail)

Event: Provisional list of exhibitors for AMIGA 2001 available
From now on there is a provisional list of exhibitors on the website of AMIGA 2001 (17.-18. November 2001, Cologne). Additionally you can of course find important information about the fair, updated news around Pegasos, AmigaOS 4 and AmigaDE. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2001, 19:55] [Comments: 0]
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Mod3mski/Darkage (ANF)

Demo party: Spoletium 4
On 24. and 25. November 2001 in Spoleto, Italy, the demo party 'Spoletium 4' will take place.

Like in the years before contributions for the competitions can be sent by e-mail. The prizes will be sent by post.

Darkage and Trinity are oganizing the party.

More information are available by following the title link. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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Virtual Dimension (ANF)

Virtual Dimension: Video interview planned, Star Empire reservation possible
Virtual Dimension wrote:
On 17. and 18. November the 'AMIGA 2001' will take place in Cologne, Germany, and of course we will be there for you, again.

On this occation we are planning to make an interview with one of the Amiga VIPs on the show. Who to interview? That's up to you.

Write your wishes to Who is it you allways wanted to see in front of the camera? What questions would you like to ask him / her? We will collect all of the requests, chart them and then do what ever possible to get this person on tape.

By the way: Who is interested in participating the next StarEmpire round can pencil in from now on, and will contact you as soon as the registration phase has started.

Star Empire II is a round and text basined space strategy game by Christian Becker for up to 32 players. (sd)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Ottawa Amiga Show Team

Event: Ottawa Amiga Show - Changes
Against other statements the Ottawa Amiga Show will not take place on two days, only on 17.11.2001. Also changed has the location. Now it is the Routhier Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Main floor, Ottawa, Canada. More informations under the title link. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 23. Oct. 2001, 13:46] [Comments: 0]
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Kermit Woodall (ANF)

Nova Design, Inc. Releases ImageFX 4.5
Nova Design, Inc. Releases ImageFX 4.5
Richmond, VA - Nova Design announced the immediate availability of the latest upgrade to ImageFX 4.5. This release adds even more features to one of the industries most powerful image editing and special effects package and the top package for the Amiga.

Nova Design has been a long-time supporter of the Amiga platform. Their software packages include ImageFX, Aladdin 4D - a 3D modeling, rendering and animation package, Millennium - the ultimate upgrade for Newtek's Toaster and Toaster/Flyer, and Cinematte - a blue-screening plugin for both Photoshop and Aura.

New Painting Features
The painting tools have been improved with the addition of several new Drawmodes. These Drawmodes allow a new range of compositing so you can composite brushes into your images will all the same tools that the composite tool offers you for full image compositing. When combined with the Drawstyles, which control where your pixels come from when using brushes, you have literally thousands of possible drawing options and combinations!

New Animation Features
ImageFX 4.0 introduced the concept of being able to load an animation and work on individual frames just like you would a layered still image document. ImageFX 4.5 takes this much further with the all-new Keyframe Manager.

The Keyframe Manager allows you to combine images, animations, or animbrushes onto any animation you have loaded. You can completely control the path of these images or animations by specifying precise positions at individual keyframes at any point in the animation. You can do this with single point keys, two point keys, or four point keys. You can scale during single point animations, use two points to make easy 'squash and stretch' cartoony effects, or use four points flip points around to make '3D' flying logos and other simulated perspective tricks. With a little artistic talent it's not hard to track something in an existing animation and add a new effect on it or replace it with something new.

The Keyframe Manager can also process simple scripts without bothering with compositing images or animations. You can track lightning into a scene or have a wizard cast a glowing light with a lens flare. The possibilities are enormous!

Just call 1-800-IMAGE-69 or (804) 282-1157, fax (804) 282-3768 to order. (ps)

[News message: 23. Oct. 2001, 13:35] [Comments: 0]
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