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Archiv 'News from the business world'

Tel. Alan Redhouse

Eyetech site hacked
On the website of Eyetech is written today that Eyetech will go into bankruptcy from tomorrow on. That is wrong, the site has been hacked. Alan Redhouse is already on his way to the bureau to get the site right. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 15. Dec. 2001, 19:23] [Comments: 0]
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Hyperion: Ben Yoris no longer PR manager
PR manager Ben Yoris is leaving the software company Hyperion Entertainment for personal reasons. The PR will be managed in future by the owner Ben Hermans. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 14. Dec. 2001, 12:19] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.: AmigaDE Shop - Christmas Special
Now through December 24, 2001, our existing AmigaDE Player Customers will receive a discount on participating applications purchased through the AmigaDE Shop. Customers who have not purchased the AmigaDE Player will receive a free AmigaDE Player for the platform of their choice with the purchase of regularly priced applications through the AmigaDE Shop. (ps)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2001, 19:31] [Comments: 0]
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