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Archive 02/2018

Amiga Impact (Webseite)

SweepOut - Minesweeper clone with online highscores (beta)
In a French forum Julien 'Crisot' Cervellera has announced a new project for 68k Amigas: SweepOut (Youtube video) is clone of the Windows classic Minesweeper which features 100 different series each of them having eight levels. The highscores achieved in a series can be uploaded to a server on Internet for comparing with other players.

Direct download: SweepOut-beta5.lha (80 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Feb. 2018, 23:30] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: SDK Browser
Jamie Krueger has released a public version of his SDK-Browser, which was distributed last autumn at the "DevCon". The author calls this a "maintainance release". The source code is supposed to be released soon as well. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Feb. 2018, 22:23] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Emulator: Preview to WinUAE 3.6.1
As usual Toni Wilen, the developer of the well-known Amiga emulator WinUAE, presents a short preview to the changes of the next version. WinUAE 3.6.1 is supposed to be released in March and will provide the following improvements:

3.6.0 bugs fixed::
  • Crash when running on first Windows 10 release version (build 10240).
  • D3D11 mode fullscreen to/from windowed mode change crashes/blank screens.
  • D3D11 mode on screen leds on the fly on/off switching.
  • D3D11 mode screenshot via GUI button didn’t work.
  • Floppy sound type selection was not loaded correctly from config file.
Older bugs fixed::
  • Floppy sound used incorrectly empty drive volume level in certain situations.
  • PPC emulation interrupt handling rewrite, fixes for example hang/crash problems with NE2000 based network adapters under OS4.
  • Not all Advanced chipset options reset when compatible checkbox was ticked.
  • Autoscale ignored small vertical display areas in very top of display in some situations.
  • Fixed random crash when at least one Input panel custom event string was set, Restart was clicked and then emulation was started again.
  • Blizzard SCSI Kit IV (possibly others) SCSI phase error in certain situations.
  • Added better validation to clipboard sharing IFF parsing to prevent crashes if data is truncated.
  • joyport2 -config entry incorrectly used port 3 slot.
New features:
  • OCS/ECS only BPLCON2 with “illegal” PF1 or PF2 value is now accurately emulated in dual playfield mode.
  • If selected D3D11 fullscreen refresh rate is “default”: prefer highest supported refresh rate.
  • Optional threaded emulated RTG VRAM to host OS surface color space conversion/copy.
  • Added “Identity” checkbox to Add harddrive panel. If ticked and ATA identity can be read (Direct IDE connection, compatible USB adapter): real ATA identity data is used in emulated ATA device instead of generic UAE generated and drive appears exactly as it does in real hardware (identical name, geometry etc).
  • CHS-only IDE drives can now be mounted in emulation and they appear with real size and geometry when using USB adapters that allow identity read but does not support CHS (like common JMicron based adapters).
New emulated expansions:
  • Elsat Mega Ram HD
  • A.L.F.3
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Feb. 2018, 22:14] [Comments: 0]
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Generation Amiga (Webseite)

Playstaytion Vita: Uae4All2 Vita_mod v1.64
"Uae4All2 Vita_mod" is a port of the Amiga emulator Uae4All for Sony's handheld game console Playstation Vita. The latest version fixes a bug regarding flickering screens if the blitter mode was used (e.g. games like PP Hammer and Spindizzy Worlds). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Feb. 2018, 00:40] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AROS distribution: AspireOS 2.0 "Titan"
After some years Nikolaos Tomatsidis has released again an update of his AROS distribution AspireOS. AspireOS originally was developed for the Acer AspireOne, but runs on all hardware which is supported by AROS natively. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Feb. 2018, 00:35] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench enhancement: BetterWB 4.3
Similar to AIAB, AmiKit or AmigaSYS, BetterWB is a collection of Workbench enhancements for AmigaOS 3.1, which are useful but rather simple and therefore require low hardware configuration.

Changes in version 4.3:
  • Icon.library updated to 46.4.473
  • Redit updated to 1.16
  • BoardsLib updated to 3.42
  • Say updated to 38.5
  • Speak-Handler updated to 39.1
  • HardWiz updated (AcaTune 1.91)
  • Fixed mathtrans.library bug
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Feb. 2018, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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Generation Amiga (Webseite)

Playable preview: Shoot-'em-up game RESHOOT R
Some weeks ago, a playable demo version of "RESHOOT R" was released, which is the sequel of Richard Löwenstein's arcade shoot-'em-up game RESHOOT. The CD image can be booted on a CD32 and among others includes the version of the game which the author presented at the Amiga32 in October 2017. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Feb. 2018, 00:26] [Comments: 0]
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