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Archive 07/2007

09.Jul.2007 (Webseite)

AmiKit: Wallpaper-contest
The look of the next version of AmiKit, a AmigaOS distribution for WinUAE-user, will be refreshed, therefore there announce a wallpaper contest where everyone is welcome to contribute. The prizes are waiting for three winners and their wallpapers become the part of the next full AmiKit 1.4.0 release. You can send multiple wallpapers to increase your chances to win! All the contributions will be available in the gallery at AmiKit website. The contest deadline is August 31st after which a poll takes place to nominate the winning wallpapers.

The prices for the winner are a full vision of ImageFX 4.5 and ArtEffect 4.0 (incl. Plugins-CD) and beside $100 paid via paypal. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2007, 16:17] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Update of the Download-Database
The Download-Database on the Amiga Future website has been updated:
  • New CD-Fullversion Uropa 2
  • Some Total Amiga issues
  • WinUAE mirror
  • Some MP3 files
  • Demoversion of Ultra Violent Worlds

[News message: 09. Jul. 2007, 15:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Rosentreter (ANF)

MorphOS: OpenTTD 0.5.3 Release Candidate 2
OpenTTD is a Open-Source-clon of the known PC-strategie-game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" from the 90s with several add ons - beside a network modus, individal Gfx-sets and localizied to 24 languages. Required are the files of the original version.

The release Candidate 2 fixed a major item which let's crashed the last version. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2007, 14:58] [Comments: 0]
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09.Jul.2007 (ANF)

MorphOS: BurnIT 3.0 defered (Update)
Manyfestly is the CD- and DVD-Brunprogramm BurnIt 3.0, where we reported about the pretended released, is not available.

In acc. which customers how order this product, payed Vesalia the transfered money back, because the release date is not specificated. Up to now acc. withunconfirmed details are differences between the developer and the publisher of BurnIt the reason.

Update: (09.07.2007, 15:00, cg)

Michael Garlich from the Publisher Titan notify, that there are no differences bewteen Titan and the BurnIt-Maindeveloper Michael Siegel. Mr. Siegel stoppt the release of BurnIT, because the momentary status of the software is not stabil. But the release is only stoppt for a unkonwn time. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2007, 03:26] [Comments: 0]
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Codex Alpe Adria: News from SAM440 and FireFox "Varthall" reports from the italian Codex Alpe Adria, which was last weekend in Udine, the last news about the ACubes PPC-Motherboard Sam440.

There have organisation problems, so the have changed into a coach and can't show the hardware live. Shown are the revision B of the Motherboards, next week the will be finished the revision C, which will be followed by the final trading version.

The sale to the end customer will start at the end of september, on the at this time happen "Pianeta Amiga" is the SAM440 likley available, estimated with 512 MB onboard-RAM. As Firmware works UBoot 1.2.0, which was added with a OpenFirmware-Interface, to work with the most LinuxPPC-Distributionen.

AmigaOS 4 is the reason why they started with the development of the SAM440. But due to the desput and also there is no end of this problem in sight, they provide the board with a Crux Linux. And planed are also changes to use FreeBSD and AROS, also they talk with the MorphOS-developers. The official housing for SAM440 is the Nexus Psile.

A Groupe of 25 programmers are work under the name "Phönix Projekt" on several projects for AmigaOS 4. Beside a graphical user interface for the Bittorrent-clienten Transmission is the port of known web browsers FireFox for the X11-enviroment Cygnix to notify, also a port of remakes of classic Amiga-games for AmigaOS 4 is a target of the team. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2007, 03:00] [Comments: 0]
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07.Jul.2007 (website)

Radio play and animated cartoon of Monkey Island and Zak McKracken
Marius "Majus" Fietzek, apparently a big fan of the legendary point'n click adventures Monkey Island and Zak McKracken, tells the story of both titles in short self produced radio plays, for Monkey Island exists additionally an animated cartoon using the Flash movie format. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2007, 18:24] [Comments: 0]
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07.Jul.2007 (website)

AmigaOS 4: DiskLED.docky 52.1
DiskLED.docky by Jörg Strohmayer displays the activity of up to 12 drives in a graphical way and is meant as a replacement for a real HDD LED, e.g. when there are more controllers then LEDs or when the LEDs can hardly be seen because of the case position. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2007, 18:05] [Comments: 0]
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06.Jul.2007 (Webseite)

PNG-Pictograms: GlowRevolution 3
The third issue of the collection of pictograms called "GlowRevolution" contains over 250 dual-PNG-icons in Glowicons-style (screenshot).

The pictograms can be used under AmigaOS 3 (AFA is required), AmigaOS 4 (requires the PNG-modul), MorphOS and AROS.

Direct download: GlowRevolution³.LHA (3,4 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Jul. 2007, 16:25] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Codex Alpe Adria update (Update)
Press release Codex Alpe Adria 2007, the friendly alternative computing and digital culture event organized by Cloanto, will take place this week-end in Udine, Italy.

Unlike previous years, the main event on Saturday is to take place on a large tour coach, which will stop at various places of historical interest, while seminars take place on board the bus.

The Codex Alpe Adria attendees will have a chance to explore this beautiful region between Venice and the Alps, crossing Roman, Byzantine and Venetian history with icebreakers and tales from Silicon Valley, and experiencing first hand computing art, history and future. Along the way, local delicacies and wines will be served, and new friends will be made.

The event site at has been updated with the latest schedule and conference information, including two new speakers: Sergio Ruocco, organizer of the IPISA Amiga and alternative computing conferences in the 1990s, and Takis Tsiricos, author of "One Flew Over the Pacman's Nest" (a legal analysis of emulation). Sunday morning we plan to meet again in Tarvisio, in the Alps region north of Udine, for a walk near the Fusine lakes.

Joining the event is still possible, but online registration before Friday evening is appreciated in order to confirm the exact number of attendees. The event hotline is +39-334-731-7663. Great last-minute light connections from Germany, the UK and most other European countries are still available at bargain prices to the three airports around Udine (Trieste = TRS, Venice = VCE, Treviso = TSF).

Update: (22:05, 07.07.07, snx)
Meanwhile, the schedule has been published. Please note that the Demo Competition has been adjourned to Pianeta Amiga (September 22/23). (snx)

[News message: 06. Jul. 2007, 16:23] [Comments: 0]
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06.Jul.2007 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Porting Guide for Dummies 1.6.4 (English)
Spot's Porting Guide for Dummies is an English porting guide for multi platform programs for AmigaOS 4 and is now available in version 1.6.4.

In this version new chapters have been added to the topics "Compiling SDL/GL apps" and "Converting a Windows makefile into an AmigaOS makefile". (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Jul. 2007, 12:15] [Comments: 0]
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