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Archive 12/2001

The Internet (ANF)

LucasArts Scumm games port for MorphOS
Rüdiger Hanke writes in the forum:
At first Merry Christmas to all of you :-))
I do not want to release something for MorphOS before there is a stable running beta version of it but now it is Christmas and because of that I released a little SDL-port.

I discovered it a few days ago was excited about this project, and maybe you too, if you like the old style adventures and who are annoyed of the 3D-boom and the it-is-a-joke-but-it-has-rendered-gfx-games are not the ones you like:

You cannot reach it from the main page because I want keep the MorphOS pages separeted from the Amiga pages and the MorphOS pages are not finished yet.

ScummVM is an interpreter for the great old LucasArts SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) adventures. Games currently reported to work include the Amiga classics The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island II: LeChuck's Revenge and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, plus Day of the Tentacle and (very incomplete - just for a first look) my own favorite Sam & Max Hit the Road, which have never been available on the Amiga. The ScummVM team is apparently working on support of The Dig and Full Throttle as well. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2001, 16:14] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Wolf (ANF)

Amigakult wishes Happy Holidays
Afterwards I wish all of you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Since yesterday, there is a new poll about our page design on the Amigakult homepage. I hope for active participation.
Thomas Wolf (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2001, 11:35] [Comments: 0]
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Kieron Wilkinson (ANF)

Abandoned Places 2: A Christmas Gift from CAPS
Abandoned Places 2 - The "remastered" edition - a CAPS Christmas gift to the Amiga community. This is a special recompiled version of the game from the original author. In other words, he has now made it available for free download! - He also happens to be the founder member of CAPS... (ps)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2001, 06:13] [Comments: 0]
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S³awomir Wilk (E-Mail)

Magazine: "Amiga Minus" No. 3
The third issue of the Polish e-zine "Amiga Minus" has been released on 24th November, 2001.

Issue content:
  • Report about Amiga viruses and antivirus software.
  • Descriptions of Exodus, Payback and Chimera (music album by Amiga musician).
  • Reports about the Amiga Meeting 2001, and the Symphony Festival scene party.
  • Interview with Bernd Meyer - author of Amithlon.
  • Poll results: what polish users think about the new Amiga and PCI cards and slots.
  • Reviews of AminetCD and PurePasic.
  • Some competitions for readers with prizes like Amiga games, books and CDs.
The magazine can be read online following the title link. A zip compressed offline version is available for download, too.

Download: (452 KB) (mj)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2001, 03:31] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Lovera (E-Mail)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from AmigaPage
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from AmigaPage. I want remember you that AmigaPassion Competition is going to the end with the last day of this month. If you want to participate simply, send a grab of your workbench desktop to (ps)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 21:44] [Comments: 0]
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Innovative (ANF)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Innovative
We wish every user, customer, friend and business partner a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Looking back, we have to admit that there were not many news about us. But we were far appart from being idle and we are looking forward to the next year that will show you the results of our work. Please be patient and avait a year full of inovations and many news!

If you do not want to miss any of the upcoming news just register for our newsletter (at the top of our newspage). (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 16:55] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Steigerwald (E-Mail)

Tool: WBTools Version 1.1
Martin Steigerwald:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I released a new version (1.1) of WB-Tools.

WB-Tools is a collection of arexx-scripts for adding additional functions to the workbench. These scripts are described in my workshop "Komfortabel: Workbench mit ARexx erweitern" published in issue no. 1/2002 of the Amiga-Magazin. WB-Tools is a invitation for programming your own addons. It is easy to install and to use it.


  • Simple keyboardfunctions via WB-Keys: DEL delets the selected object, Enter opens the selected object, Backspace moves to the parent window, Escape closes the current window, furthermore there are the arrow-keys at the numberblock (with and without the shift-key). I do not reveal theire functions but these functions make the Workbench complete.
  • Menu-functionen via WB-Menus: fix all open windows, Store and restore the psoitions of the open windows, close all windows.
  • AmiDock-functionen via WB-Toolbar: compression of selected items (lha, lzx, zip), display the content of a lha-, lzx- or zip-archive, create a new drawer, rename.
Further details can be found in the readme at the title link.

Download: WB-Tools.lha (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 16:14] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze (E-Mail)

Merry Christmas from Cyberdyne Systems
Matthias Henze:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2002 from the team of Cyberdyne Systems.

Available versions of HSMathLibs and stormamiga.lib:

  • HSMathLibs 881/82 V.44.50 beta 1 (14.02.01)
  • HSMathLibs 040 V.44.50 beta 7 (27.01.01)
  • HSMathLibs 060 V.44.50 beta 7 (27.01.01)
  • stormamiga.lib for StormC V.45.00 beta 6 (22.12.01)
  • stormamiga.lib for SAS/C V.45.00 alpha 5 (02.03.01)
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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Back to the Roots Amiga-News 235
BTTR-Team write:
This time we are happy to announce the biggest update in the history of Back to the Roots! After upgrading our system a bit we can offer you some additional services, this update's highlights are an Aminet full mirror and an anonymous FTP server.

Due to extending our team we are able to present you more than 500 (!!!) new games in our download archive. We can't list all titles here, but please visit BTTR if you'd like to play games like Airbus A-320, Armour Geddon, Blue Max, Chambers of Shaolin, Karate Kid II, Lethal Xcess, Ports of Call, Skweek, Pinball Dreams, Car-Vup, Subwar 2050 and hundreds of other software pearls.

As usual for each update you can download lots of new AGA, ECS and PC demos as well as tons of new music files and pictures (this time cover scans!). There are more surprises, so just come by and see! (ps)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Robl (E-Mail)

Christmas Greetings from Qbic System - Stefan Robl
Stefan Robl:
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Because I am currently not able to write every single person I published a small summary of what had happend the last year at my homepage.

Available at the title link (German and English verion). (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 14:08] [Comments: 0]
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Hynek Schlawack (E-Mail)

Mailprogram: SimpleMail Version V0.14
Hynek Schlawack writes:
One year ago we released the first alpha version and now we are proud tho announce the release of the first beta version of SimpleMail. Furthermore we wish every user a Merry Christmas and would like to thank you for the support we get from them.

We wish Petra and the whole team a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, too.


  • ARexx: added lots of commands.
  • Signatures can now be stripped when replying.
  • Folder names are now rendered in bold when containing new mail.
  • Improved the wordwrap while quoting.
  • Option to not quote empty lines.
  • Your address is filtered out when replying a multiple recipient email.
  • Modified the STARTTLS code following the suggestions from Jörg Strohmayer.
  • Every folder can now have a default recipient address.
  • Can now import address books from YAM.
  • Implemented CC support in the Compose Message window.
Download: simplemail.lha (334 KB) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 14:01] [Comments: 0]
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BeGroovy (ANF)

Dave Haynie (Merlancia) on the end of the Be era
Dave Haynie, CTO of Merlancia Multimedia Systems, posted a little prospective history of his own with BeOS. For those of you out there that might not remember, Dave Haynie was _very_ involved with the Amiga, to say the least, and Merlancia plans on releasing some pretty impressive PPC systems out there that will run, among other things, BeOS R5 PPC. Read the complete article at title link. (ps)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 12:45] [Comments: 1 - 25. Dec. 2001, 07:37]
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The Team wishes you a Merry Christmas

ARABIC: Saiid yom al-milaad wa senat jadiida
ARMENIAN: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand
AZERI-AZERBAIJAN: Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun
BASQUE: Zorionstsu Eguberri. Zoriontsu Berri Urte
BULGARIAN: Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo. Tchestita Nova Godina
CATALAN: Feliç nadal i bon any nou
CHINESE-CANTONESE: Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
CHINESE-MANDARIN: Kung Ho Hsin Hsi. Ching Chi Shen Tan
CZECH: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok
DANISH: Glædelig jul og godt nytår
DUTCH: Prettige Kerstdagen en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
ENGLISH: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
ESTONIAN: Roomsaid Joulu Phui ja Uut Aastat
FINNISH: Hyvää Joulua. Onnellista Uutta Voutta
FRENCH: Joyeux Noel et heureuse Anne
GAELIC-IRISH: Nollaig mhaith Dhuit Agus Bliain Nua Fé Mhaise
GAELIC-SCOT: Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur
GERMAN: Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
GREEK: Kala Khristougena kai Eftikhes to Neon Ethos
HAWAIIAN: Mele Kalikimake me ka Hauloi Makahiki hou
HEBREW: Mo'adim Lesimkha
HUNGARIAN: Boldog Karacsonyl es Ujevl Unnepeket
ICELANDIC: Gledlig jol og Nyar
INDONESIAN: Selamah Tahun Baru
IRISH: Nollaig shona diobh
IROQUOIS: Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson honungradon nagwutut
Ojenyunyat osrasay
ITALIAN: Buon Natale e felice Capo d'anno
JAPANESE: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
KOREAN: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
LATVIAN: Priecigus Ziemas Svetkus un Laimigu Jauno Gadu
LITHUANIAN: linksmu sventu Kaledu ir Laimingu Nauju Metu
LUXEMBURGHISH: Schéin Chrëschtdeeg an dudden
Rutsch an d'néit Joer
MANX: Ollick Ghennal Erriu as Blein Feer Die
Seihil as Slaynt Da'n Slane Loght Thie
NORSE-DANISH: Gledlig jul og godt Nytt Aar
POLISH: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia i szczesliwego
Nowego Roku
PORTUGUESE: Feliz Natal e prospero Ano Novo
RAPA-NUI (Easter Island): Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi
ROMANIAN: Sarbatori Fericite. La Multi Ani
RUSSIAN: Pozdrevly ayu sprazdnikom Rozhdestva Khristova
is Novim Godom
UKRANIAN: Veselykh Svyat i scaslivoho Novoho Roku
SAMOAN: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
SLOVAK: Vesele Vianoce. A stastlivy Novy Rok
SERB-CROATIAN:Sretam Bozic. Vesela Nova Godina
SINGHALESE (Ceylon/Sri Lanka): Subha nath thalak Vewa
Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa
SLOVENE: Vesele Bozicne. Screcno Novo Leto
SPANISH: Feliz Navidad y prospero Ano Nuevo
SWEDISH: God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År
TAGALOG (Filipino): Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon
TURKISH: Yeni yiliniz kutlu olsun
WELSH: Nadolic Llawen. Blwyddn Newdd Dda

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 01:45] [Comments: 1 - 25. Dec. 2001, 21:15]
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ID-Software (ANF)

Source Code of Quake2 released
ID-Software has released the source code of their 3D action shooter Quake2 on 21. December 2001. This source code is under GPL and makes possible to port this game to other platforms. The original version of Quake2 was only available for Windows and MacOS, so far. An AmigaOS version (WarpUp/Warp3D) is already being worked on. There already was a first screenshot of Quake2 PPC published at AmigArt.

Download: (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2001, 00:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Bill McEwen: Holiday Greetings, Progress Report, AmigaDE Videos, etc.
After more than 6 months a new Executive Update is being released, written by Bill McEwen, CEO of Amiga Inc. He is aware of the long delay and apologizes for the long lasting silence. But he says more and even shows something up.

Executive Update - 23. Dezember 2001 - Happy Holidays!

I know that it has been months since you have read something official from the Amiga team. This is not because of lack of activity; in fact, far from it. Whether it is raising money in the US, joint development with partners in the Far East, or developing Ami2D in Sweden and New Zealand, Amiga is truly a global, 24 hours a day company.

First, we would like to say thanks to every one of you for your continued support. It has been a challenging year and Amiga continues to fight battles in this depressed technology market. However, even in these tough times, the true spirit of Amiga and the community has come shining through. We are very happy with our partners and are looking forward to a great future together in the year ahead.

There has been confusion regarding the future of Amiga. Some members of the community are spreading rumors and even going to the extent of hacking web sites, to post false information. Remember, if you do not read it on the official Amiga website or on the developer website, consider it rumor and regard it with appropriate suspicion. If you have any concerns, contact the team or me directly. Let us address any issues that you might have. We will answer. It might not be what you want to hear, but we will address your concerns.

Amiga is here to win! We will win big by attacking segments of the market, where there is a clear opportunity for us to have a significant impact and achieve defendable business. The opportunity for Amiga is stronger than ever. With our two-pronged strategy, of AmigaDE as the universal content system and the AmigaOS as our desktop, workstation and server, we can offer a complete solution for the home, the office, the school or wherever digital computing needs exist.

The Amiga team and I are in this for the long haul, as we know that Amiga can succeed. All of our marketing contacts, our business contacts and, our developer contacts are telling us that this is the time for Amiga. We have seen potential partners, content producers and even companies, in our own business park, disappear. However, Amiga is still in business. As the US economy begins to recover, we are leaner and stronger than we have ever been.

One of the strengths of Amiga is that the Amiga team really extends far out into the world through the users, developers, and dealers. Success for Amiga is success for all of you as well. For too long, the Amiga community has not had anything to be proud of. However, with the launch of our first AmigaDE based products, it is time for the whole Amiga team to work together again. At the end of this update, I am going to ask for some help from everyone because only by working together can Amiga move forwards.

For those of you hungry for specific news, here are some updates:

Amiga Digital Environment™:

The Amiga DE™ Player1.0 for both Windows and Linux is now ready and shipping! We have a new website for AmigaDE, which will in the not-so-far future become a user focal point for everything AmigaDE and we encourage you to visit, participate, and spread the word.

The AmigaDE™ Player is the first step towards our vision of the Digital Habitat™, being the launch product for the AmigaDE (Digital Environment), a set of technologies that brings users and their content together regardless of the digital device they choose to use. The AmigaDE™ has been targeted directly at the user who wants to be able to experience content on any of their digital devices, without having to worry about which of those devices work with that content. Whether the content is an application, a game, music, video, email, or whatever, with the AmigaDE ™ Player the answer is that they all do.

In the coming weeks, many more applications will be released. Third party developers are currently working on products that will scale up to and expect desktop capabilities. Bittersweet, Edivision, e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment, Kaliko, Matay, Pagan Games, Ruksun Software, Technomages, Titan Computer, VecTrace, Zeoneo, some companies yet to be announced as well as many individuals, are all working hard to take advantage of the DE opportunity.

We are looking forward to seeing more people join the ranks of the more than 3000 developers already developing for Amiga. Amiga and our partners will be issuing press releases over the next few weeks as the momentum builds. We will be introducing these new and existing companies. For more information, see the developer website.

What does this really mean? Many of you ask the really important question "When can I buy one of these new AmigaDE enabled devices?" I can tell you that Sharp will soon be shipping their device. Tao Group and Sharp have selected Amiga to provide all developer support for intent™ on the Sharp SL5000D. For more information on how Sharp, Tao and Amiga are working together see the intent-sharp website.

I have also just signed a contract with one of the largest Set Top Box companies in the world. Unfortunately, I will not be able to give out the name until the second week of January, but you will be pleased.

AmigaDE is now running on numerous other devices. Many of these vendors are working with us on making these products a reality, in the first quarter of 2002. Here are some sample MPEG videos of just a few of the products, with AmigaDE running on them. Click on a screenshot to download/view the MPEG video.

AmigaDE on Sharp Collie (2194 KB)
Sharp Collie
AmigaDE on Gateway (1630 KB)
AmigaDE on iPaq (2668 KB)
AmigaDE on Linux (1409 KB)
AmigaDE on myfriend (1573 KB)
AmigaDE on Psion (1746 KB)
AmigaDE on Vadem (1728 KB)
AmigaDE on Windows (1286 KB)

AmigaDE SDK 1.1

With the AmigaDE moving forward and the AmigaDE Players released, we can now concentrate on moving all of the developed technology into the new SDK. Many of these technologies are already in beta and are being tested by members of the Amiga Developer Network.

For instance, our new Ami2D services have been available to a select few for two months now. In fact, Pulsar Interactive's new AmigaDE game, Gobbler, was written using this technology. Ami2D is a very exciting development, and I believe that it will give DE developers a definite advantage over what other products can offer.

Even more exciting, working closely in conjunction with our partners at Hyperion, Ami3D is advancing towards the release stage. I have seen screen shots of the new Ami3D in action, and have stared at screens throwing solids around and bouncing off walls. This is great news because with the portability of DE application and the new 2D and 3D services, AmigaDE developers will be able to demonstrate their creativity.

There is great excitement here concerning some of our new scaling technologies that are going to provide Amiga applications with even more flexibility and more capabilities than ever before.

I know many of you have read about the progress of SHEEP, our next generation programming language. Yes, it is a scripting language but it is also far more than that, and can be used to do anything, from writing small scripts and macros all the way up to creating full fledged applications. It will be a great addition not just to the DE, but also to application development in general and we are very proud of it.

Add to this a new look interface, intelligent icons, new development environments, an amazing descriptive interface service called Prism™ and a boatload of other stuff, and the new SDK will provide developers with a real taste of the future.

While contract negotiations are always under Non Disclosure Agreements, I can say that with the OEM's that we are working with, and the soon to be released devices that will utilize DE technology and content, then it could well be a merry AmigaDE Christmas.

Amiga Desktop Progress and a new Surprise


The AmigaOS is a crucial part of our future. I have emphasized this sentence because I want the Amiga community to repeatedly read it and burn it into their hearts and minds. We will passionately and vigorously develop AmigaOS into a world-beating product. Moreover, we passionately and vigorously will defend it against anyone who would try to damage, demean, or seek to take illegal advantage of AmigaOS for their own ends.

I want to apologize for announcing in St Louis that new AmigaOS products would be available on November 1. I did this with the best intentions but many factors have contributed to this slipping, some bad, such as the financial squeeze, compounded by the September 11 atrocity, some unexpected, such as the announcement of the G5, and some good, such as the advances in the next generation development that have made us rethink our transition.

The transition between the AmigaOne and the succeeding generation of the platform requires careful management. We have studied transitions on other platforms to ensure that we try to do what others did right and not do what others did wrong. The transition requires in depth knowledge of AmigaOS3.x software and the classic Amiga hardware and we are relying heavily on our partners, as you will see below.

Another team is developing the next generation Amiga entirely and its design and information is being kept a secret. This is to keep down the rumors and keep the teams focused on getting AmigaOS 4.0, AmigaOne, and AmigaDE to either their first ship or next release.

Hyperion, Eyetech and the other teams in this partnership are very busy and there is a great deal for all of us to do. Believe me there is no better-dedicated team in the world on getting it all done. With this said and in order to alleviate the long periods of silence that may result because of this, the executive updates will start to appear once a month, so that we can share what we can with you.

However, in order to let you know that this is not just noise, Amiga has engaged a partner company from the outside that brings us incredible depth, and has a long history of creating the best of the best in designs. The company is Design Genetix, and the team has already proved to us to be a great fit for our next generation designs in hardware, and will assist us with third party manufacturing.

Design Genetix has garnered over 400 product awards, while launching hundreds of portable, desktop and server products. They have experience in growing product lines from $2.4 billion to over $17 billion over five years.


Eyetech and their team are making excellent progress with the AmigaOne board. We have seen the work that is being accomplished on the case design for an AmigaOne and an A1200. This project is entering its final stages, and we are delighted to be a participant. Yes it has been a long wait for the next generation of Amiga capable hardware but be in no doubt that the AmigaOne is very real, will be a product that you can buy, and on which Amiga will grow into something of which we can all be proud. For AmigaOne information, see Eyetech's website.

AmigaOS 4.0

AmigaOS4.0 will see the software environment moved onto the AmigaOne where it will be enhanced to take full advantage of the new hardware capabilities. AmigaOS4.0 will offer exceptional performance increases, due to removing a large number of the physical dependencies on the A1200/A4000, increased stability, due to a 'from scratch' hardware design and great new features that will allow developers to leap forwards in terms of offered applications.

To allow Amiga Inc to concentrate on the next generation AmigaDE, and because of the tight integration of AmigaOS 4.0 with the Eyetech AmigaOne product, we have outsourced the project management of AmigaOS4.0 to Hyperion Entertainment, one of the most respected software development companies in the Amiga community. For OS 4.0 information, see Hyperion's website.

They will work closely with Eyetech, Haage and Partner and all our AmigaOS partners in the project, ensuring that the AmigaOne and AmigaOS4.0 combination reaches the market in a timely manner and as a quality product. For Haage-Partner information, see the Haage & Partner website.


Newcomers to the software industry are often unaware of the impact that Amiga had on the computing industry. But with the launch of the DE Player, and seeing all the new content, as well as the AmigaOne and OS4.0, this is starting to change. We are working hard to accelerate this process and each of you can play your part in ensuring that your computer and your community are successful.

I say this to you because I need your help. I need all of you to remember those who used to come to the meetings. I need you to remember those in your office, or neighborhood who run Windows or Linux. I need you to look in your local papers and see who writes the business sections, and who writes the technology sections, and I need you to tell them about AmigaDE.

I need you to tell them about a technology that allows the same content to run without change on various devices. I need you to tell them about how they can use Linux or Windows, and run Amiga content on either machine. I need you to remind them that most of the current content is for PDA's and to ask them to compare what they have seen on PDA's and other handheld gaming systems to what the Amiga community has been building. In addition, I need you to support the developers who are creating content for Amiga in every way possible.

I know there are thousands in the Amiga community who want to help. I get email messages daily asking how you all can help. Well the AmigaDE Player is a big step for us, and for the many developers who have created content for it. Thousands more are working on new content! For those who have the DE Player … buy a game, and then give us feedback. This is the first step in our journey forward, and our first step together towards that future.

There are many amazing things happening at Amiga, and over the next six months, all our hard work will slowly start to emerge into the world. I want you to know so much, but for many reasons, I simply cannot tell you the bulk of what is going on. Just be assured that my team and I are putting our lives and our souls into Amiga and that your patience and loyalty will be rewarded.

For now, I need your help in spreading the good news about the AmigaDE Player. Its simplicity makes it ideal for senior citizens, parents, and children, people who have a computer, enjoy games but who are terrified of the technology. Its portability makes it perfect for developers who want to reach as many markets or as wide an audience as possible.

Go to Amiga's website, purchase some of the games, and then tell everyone you know how Amiga is binary portable; scalable, and able to provide the same content on numerous different devices and products, there is no one else that can show a product like this anywhere. Be Proud and show it off.

I promise you that it will not be another 6 months before you hear from me again, but it was only because there are only 24 hours in a day and we have been putting in 36 hours a day making it all happen.

Merry Christmas, God Bless, and bring on 2002!

Bill McEwen und der Rest das Amiga-Teams (mj) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 23:50] [Comments: 0]
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Georges Halvadjian (ANF)

Paintprogram: PerfectPaint V2.8
Version 2.8 of the paint and animations program "PerfectPaint" was released. This program supports colour depths of 1 to 24 bit. The following has changed since the prior version:

  • New catalogs (Russian, Polski, Deutch,latvian, Norsk ...)
  • New effects: Relief, Sharpen, Fiber, Stone, Glass.
  • New text effect: Stamp, Stamp2 and FlatShade (from Markus Castro)
  • New Arexx Box script: CreatePlanete.rx (from Markus Castro)
  • New picture effect: Rotate any Angle
  • New tools: Correct Picture Rotation
  • New 'Movie factory' effect: Blur, Horizontal BLur, Vertical Blur
  • Improve some effects: Much faster
  • Improve antialiasing: Much faster and better aspect
  • Improve Polar Coordinates
  • Fix an EnforcetHit with the requester palette and PopupMenu
  • Stone, Fiber and Liquid can use now Color Gradient with transparency.
  • Fix some bug with animation.
  • Improve Control requester: Much Faster, New mode: Maximum, Minimum, threshold, Multiply, Screen and Exclusion.
  • Improve VisualPrefs compatibility (I think I fix the problem, on some configuration, about garbage in main window when you resize it from a reduced view to the original size)
  • With the help of NewIcon.library, PfPaint can now load standard Icon; load and save NewIcon.
  • You can change the amount of transparency of the popupmenu.
  • Fix a bug with the TTF font (and the TTFlib).
  • Fix a bug with the 'Page size' requester.
  • All effects are now stored in an asynchron window, it's much easy to select an effect.
  • Brush can be saved in PPM and sculpt format (separate raw alpha,red,green and blue file)
  • In Zoom mode, picture is always centered.
  • Saving with thumbnail newicon works well now.
  • Arexx command to save Icon: pp_SaveIconFor file type.
The program can be downloaded following the title link. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 23:43] [Comments: 0]
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Martin R. Elsner (E-Mail)

Tool: MRE - StartMenu, ProcessManager, SystemSettings
Martin R. Elsner finished the initial parts of MRE just in time to provide a Christmas surprise.

"StartMenu" (previously "Choowin"), "ProcessManager" (new prozess manager tool as replacement for CLI commands "status" and "break"), and "SystemSettings" (previously "MainPrefs") are available for download, installation and use. These tools can be used either all together or as single tools.

Some parts are still missing: "Locale-Archive" (will be available as single archives), and the manual.

You can download the tools by following the title link or at Aminet.

Martin R. Elsner wishes the worldwide Amiga-Community Merry Christmas and a happy new Year. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 23:36] [Comments: 0]
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Marcus Neervoort (E-Mail) Book Disks for Amiga Books
Marcus Neervoort wrote:
A new chapter of just went online. Now you can download book disks for Amiga books.

Furthermore I wish all of you Merry Christmas, and a good start into the new year ...!

So, have much fun until the next update. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 23:36] [Comments: 0]
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18. CCC: Freedom Rights in the Data Net
Chaos Computer Club e.V.


Press information on the 18th Chaos Communication Congress,

27.-29. December, 2001 in Berlin, Germany, Haus am Köllnischen Park

"Hacking is not a crime"

For the 18. year the Chaos Computer Club e.V. is organizing the Chaos Communication Congress between Chritsmas and new year's day in Berlin, Germany. This event with the subtitle "the European hackers party" during the last years became a significant meeting of about 2,500 European net activists, on which beside of dealing with topical technology developments also the social effects and parameters of the information community allways play part.

After the serious incidences of this year and numerous laws the congress' motto "hacking is not a crime" especially indicates dealing with the freedrom rights in the data nets.

"This year numerous legal arrangements have been done in a time marked by terror attacks and war propaganda, regardless of the net users and aspects of data security", Andy Müller-Maguhn, CCC speaker, illustrated the meeting's background. Especially legalizing almost unresticted rights for intelligent services to access Internet and phone connections is one of the focal points of the this year's congress.

The international participants of the this year's congress will also deal with the lack of knowledge of computer security aspects with politicians. With the Cybercrime-Convetion passed by the European Council - virtual unrecognized in the shadow of the impacts of September 11th - a law got passed which e.g. punishes the spread of computer viruses. "Until now, the Chaos Computer Club did not see any computer virus worrying about laws, in spite of intensive investigations done", Jens Ohlig, club speaker, commented this law.

"But, an alarming fact is, that already the release of attacking methods and the spread of tools for testing security arrangements in data nets shall be punished in the future. This would restrict the free and required dealing with the problems regarding computer security and hence this would prevent development of solution possibilities", explained CCC speaker Müller-Maguhn the club's objections.

On the this year's congress beside of the usual lectures about technic developments, workshops, and podium discussions for specially there will be two strategy workshops, too, in which European net activits will deal with the question of a better cooperation and strategies regarding public relations. Especially the desiderative consideration of the rights of informational self-determination and the public access to information within the scope of the amendment of copyright laws appear to make this required.

The alignment of the congress' content is rounded by traditional elements such like the hack center / data freeport, and a laboratory for electronic experiments, public archive, and several project presentations. In the scope of the presentations there will also be an explaination of the still open installation Blinkenlights of the Chaos Computer Club, which will can be seen on the "Haus des Lehrers" on the Alexanderplatz, until the end of February.

More information about the congress can be found under

Blinkenlights on the "Haus des Lehrers", Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany, or

On Wednesday, 26. December 2001 there will be a press conference at 14:00 MET on the congress in the "Haus am Köllnischen Park". (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 23:36] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaDE: AmigaDE-Player for Windows V1.1 - SDK Updates
The new version 1.1 of the AmigaDE Player for Windows was released. This version is available for download via the own account at the AmigaDE-Shop.

Installation: Run the AmigaDE-Player installer once to remove the prior version of the player, then run the installer a second time to install the new version. Press the help button on the AmigaDE Shop website for additional help.

On some updates for the SDK were released.

The website itself now also supports HTTP resume to continue canceled downloads, as far as the download client supports this (Getright, GoZilla!, Caitoo, Aminet: HTTPResume etc.). (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 21:39] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner (vapor-announce-ML)

Internet: NetInfo II V2.11
Version 2.11 of the Internet information tool "NetInfo II" was released. This tool unites the functions of TRACEROUT, PING, WHOIS, and FINGER in one GUI.

Following the changes since version 2.10:
  • fixed deadlock problems with multiple PING responses
  • improvements for dealing with the new V3 RIPE database
  • improvements in WHOIS network prefix lookup tables
NetInfo utilizes MUI 3.8 and the "NList" class by Gilles Masson. It works with Genesis, Miami, Roadshow (so far unreleased TCP/IP stack by Olaf Barthel), and AmiTCP.

TCP/IP stacks basing on the "socket.library as for as225r2 are not supported. Contrary to the whois and finger functions the tracerout function does not work via SOCKS.

Download: (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 19:30] [Comments: 0]
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Cj-Stroker (ANF)

Amiforce: Poll about Blitzbasic/Amiblitz
Amiforce just started a poll about Blitzbasic/Amiblitz asking if there is interest in an extensive section on this subject.

E.g. a tutorial and many other things are being planned.

With this a media is inteded to be built to enable many Amiga users to learn this language the Amiga Community lately lost sight of.

Amiforce wish all users Merry Christmas. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 18:59] [Comments: 1 - 24. Dec. 2001, 19:21]
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Czech Amiga News

AROS: Graphics, Palm, OOP
Georg Steger fixed some bugs in the graphics.library.

He is working on the AROS port for Palm Pilots.

Adam Chodorowski fixed other bugs in the Python code and did impressing work in updating the AROS copyright notes.

Fabio Alemagna is working hard on the new OOP frame work, and Johan Grip is working on a PCI driver system. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 18:52] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: c.s.a.morphos elected at 178:31
The election for the organisation of the usenet group "comp.sys.amiga.morphos passes" was closed on 20. December 2001 with a voting result of 178 for yes and 31 for no.

If there will not be no reliable reclamation during the 5 days lasting discussion term from the election board, this group will be established by the news.announce.newgroups moderator shortly after this term expired.

More information including a list of the votes given are to find under the title link. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 18:52] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

CD: MakeCD V3.2d Beta 9
Beta version 3.2d beta 9 of the CD burning software "MakeCD" was released.

The archive now contains the binaries. Version 3.2c is required for complete installation. Details on the changes can be taken from the history.

Download: MakeCD32d_public_beta_9.lha (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 18:52] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Magazine: The Cryptmas #21
On 22. December 2001 issue #21 of the Englisch disk and online magazine "The Crypt" was released.

This Christmas issue contains a report about Vision Design who are working on a new Amiga Classic.

You can read the magazine via the title link and downlaod it, too. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 18:52] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Orth (ANF)

amiga-topcool: Poll about Website
Daniel Orth wrote:
Participate in our poll. This is about our website. You don't need to spend much time. Every participant will receive 100 points as a thank you. Those points then can be exchanged for all kinds of nice things. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 17:05] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: "Blockhead I" Full Version
Olaf Köbnik wrote:
Merry Christmas and Full Version
I wish all of you Merry Christmas and I would like to say thank you to all users who supported me this year!

"I wish all of us a peaceful Christmas time and hope that there will be light at the end of the tube for all of us TOGETHER in the future!"

The fire still burns! - Your Olaf

"Blockhead I" Full Version
With permission of "Applaud Software" the Amiga Arena enables the release of every software title from "Applaud Software".

For Christmas time there is the first part of the puzzle / mind game "Blockhead I". (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 17:05] [Comments: 0]
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Video: SoftCinema V0.16 Beta 1
On 22. December 2001 version 0.16 beta 1 of the video player 'SoftCinema' was released.

Following the changes:
  • Fixed AGA display for YUV221111 based codecs.
  • Fixed display scaling on CGFX for YUV221111 based codecs.
  • Added support for MP3 hardware decoders, added MP3HW CLI/tooltype argument.
  • Added PUBSCREEN CLI/tooltype argument.
  • Fixed 8-bit window display for YUV221111 based codecs.
  • DITHER is now default direct color emulation mode for 8-bit display.
  • VIDEOCHANNEL and AUDIOCHANNEL CLI/tooltype arguments.
  • Some speed improvements in DivX;-) codec.
  • Added DEPTH24 CLI/tooltype argument for 24-bit output on fullscreen.
  • Few bugfixes in QT parser.
  • Fixed crash on last frame on animation.
  • Fixed some problems in RainbowRunner codec.
You can download the program via and (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2001, 17:05] [Comments: 0]
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