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Archive 03/2001


Jikes V1.13
Kriton Kyrimis has released version 1.13 of the open source Java-compiler 'Jikes' for AmigaOS and AmigaDE (AmigaSDK). The compiler distinguishes by high speed and is therefore a good choice for extensive projects.

The compiler has been developed by Philippe Charles and David Shields for alphaWorks-program from IBM. The current homepage of the compiler is situated on IBM - developerWorks.

You can download the different versions for Amiga under the title link. Besides the compiler you need the Java-run-time-classes e.g. from Sun or the open source Java-implementation Kaffe. You can find a Kaffe-version for AmigaOS which also supports under the Geek Gadgets X11-port graphics under Amiga Jikes FAQ from Kriton Kyrimis.

The version of Amiga works without ixemul-library.

[News message: 07. Mar. 2001, 23:23] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Golem: House searching at Met@box
»Public prosecution investigates because of suspicion of investment and share price imposture.
This morning the public prosecution searched the offices of Met@box. This is connected with the investigation which has been done since February of this year against the responsible members of board because of the suspicion of investment and share price imposture as well as the possible insider trade. The company has promised unlimited support to the investigators.«
See title link for full article (German).

[News message: 07. Mar. 2001, 19:34] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Hodges via E-Mail

FormAldiHyd V2.2
There is a new version of FormAldiHyd which is a driver for Aldi, AipTek Hyperpen and WacomIV compatible graphic trays.

The support of the macro keys as well as the possibility of playing sounds when clicking the pin have been added. FormAldiHyd now finally works with the multi I/O cards MultiFace and IOBlix. Of course a lot of bugs have benn fixed and many minor details added (see readme).


[News message: 07. Mar. 2001, 15:41] [Comments: 0]
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Ralph Reuchlein on ANF is Not Down...
Yesterday I was pointed out that AmigaWorld obviously cannot be accessed. But still works only the `international` DNS-entry is missing - according to DENIC "Record last updated on 26-Feb-2001" -.

You can access the site under If you want to read the programs support sites you have to do it in the following way, e.g for MUIbase: (Do not forget the slash at the end!). Ralph Reuchl

[News message: 07. Mar. 2001, 15:33] [Comments: 0]
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G-REX 1200
G-REX 1200 PCI boards will be dispatched to customers and resellers on March 9th. Hardware and software have already finished, but writing the documentation is still in progress.

[News message: 07. Mar. 2001, 15:27] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Effenberger on ANF

New version of SiteWay-modules: WebColor 1.2
WebColor is a helpful tool for creating and editing HTML-colours. You can choose the colour in 24 Bit mode or it can be reduced to the so called "web-palette". The Workbench palette colours can be used and the VGA- and Netscape-colour names are also supported. WebColor is part of the SiteWay project.

WebColor can now adopt each colour from each window or screen using a pipette (...which turned out to be very useful!).

[News message: 07. Mar. 2001, 15:26] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
Today from Paderborn again; maybe some entries of the last uploads list are the same, sorry.

GI-TB_ArtEffec.lha   biz/haage   42K+GlowIcon Toolbar for ArtEffect 4
3pYAM.lha            comm/mail   24K+AddOn for YAM and free email-address
YAMGenesis.lha       comm/mail   16K+Start & stop Genesis from YAM2. V1.02
Amitcpprefs_GR.lha   comm/tcp     4K+Greek locale catalog for AmiTCP Prefs
AmiVNC.lha           comm/tcp   131K+Experimental VNC server for Amiga w/C so
hserv.lha            comm/tcp   312K+Hserv ARexx HTTP/1.1 c.c. server
NetConnect_GR.lha    comm/tcp     3K+Greek locale catalog for NetConnect
rxsocket.lha         comm/tcp   154K+Rxsocket.library TCP/IP ARexx library
smbfs.lha            comm/tcp   120K+SMB file system client; complements Samb
URLLink.lha          comm/www    17K+Creates a file link to an URL
rno-aldi.lha         demo/slide 6.4M+RNO: "Goes Aldi" a TP2k partyslideshow
SamplesMaster.lha    dev/amos    92K+Creates IFF and RAW samples (italian)
guigfxDevBas.lha     dev/basic   10K+Using GuiGfx library from HBasic
RenderDevBas.lha     dev/basic   11K+Using Render library from HBasic
amigastlport.lha     dev/c       13K+Standard Template Library for StormC v4
2b_CreativE.lha      dev/e      112K+CreativE - AmigaE compiler/linker [binar
2b_CrtvE_src.lha     dev/e      183K+AmigaE compiler [sources]
jikes-diffs.lha      dev/lang    24K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.13 (diffs)
jikes.lha            dev/lang   676K+IBM's fast Java compiler, v1.13 (source)
jikes000.lha         dev/lang   608K+Fast Java compiler, v1.13 (68000 binary)
jikes020-060.lha     dev/lang   601K+Fast Java compiler,v1.13 (68020-060,FPU)
adaref95.lha         dev/misc   935K+Ada95 HTML-Hypertext Reference Manual
AmIDE.lha            dev/misc   265K+AmIDE v0.3  - Integrated Development Env
Basir.lha            dev/misc    67K+Commodore Basic reader and converter
Localizer1.39.lha    dev/misc   213K+A Locale Development Tool
MCC_NListt_SP.lha    dev/mui      6K+NListtree.mcp 18.7 spanish catalogs v1.0
adasrc2.lha          dev/src     33K+Collection of simple Ada-Sources
DVD-RAM.lha          disk/misc   90K+DVD-RAM, DVD and CD Support.
fat95.lha            disk/misc   56K+Win95/98 compatible file system
AmigaOS39.lha        docs/help   13K+A guide on Workbench 3.9
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/hyper 718K+ITALIAN ONLY comunicati NotizieAmiga 02/
xadclients_ru.lha    docs/hyper  18K+Guide to all the XAD clients in Russian
Aakt0301GFX.lha      docs/mags  163K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0301GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   83K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0301HTML.lha     docs/mags  232K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
AmigaForever4.txt    docs/rview   5K+Amiga Forever 4.0 Review
BattleDuel.lha       game/2play 2.8M+The *ULTIMATE* artillery game, now freew
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data    9K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (4 March
JumpingAround.lha    game/demo  543K+JumpNRun demo game, working in progress
Mattonite_Src.lha    game/demo   36K+Source codes of Mattonite and MattoniteE
Yatzy2000.lha        game/misc  121K+Another nice Yatzy game (MUI)
NapalmPL.lha         game/patch  11K+Polish Locale for Napalm
Experiment_Ful.lha   game/role  1.3M+Futuristic graphic adventure
eyangband.lha        game/role  820K+EyAngband 0.2.3 - Roguelike solo RPG
gumband.lha          game/role  960K+Gumband 2.1.3 - Roguelike solo RPG
psiband.lha          game/role  748K+Psiband 1.20 - Roguelike solo RPG
Simon2001.lha        game/think  62K+Oldie but goldie by DawnBringer
Emerald.lha          game/wb    1.3M+Simple and different Games and effects i
Pishti.lha           game/wb    106K+Popular Turkish card game. (v1.03)
SmartScale.lha       gfx/conv    17K+A CLI program used for graphics conversi
Photo2Ifx.lha        gfx/edit     1K+ARexx Script to load images selected in 
ImageEditor.lha      gfx/pbm    3.0M+Complex Image Editor based on NetPBM-Fil
ActionGUI.lha        gfx/show     7K+GUI for OS 3.9 Action player (Argue)
opendivx_libra.lha   gfx/show   209K+Opendivx.library (WarpUP and 68k support
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack    7K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
ClockPeek.lha        hard/misc   17K+Direct A500/2000/1200 clock chip access
Perl.lha             misc/antiq 117K+Perl v
551convGUI.lha       misc/emu    19K+GUI for 551conv
imdbDiff010223.lha   misc/imdb  2.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
YACAS.lha            misc/math  564K+Mathematics Program, v1.0.45
SpaTra07.lha         misc/misc   71K+Spanish Translations Pack 07 v0.20
happyhour.lha        mods/blkha 201K+PT mod by blakkhar
hardriving.lha       mods/house 641K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
ignorance.lha        mods/house 307K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
slowfood.lha         mods/house 255K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
spinsession.lha      mods/house 417K+16-channel DBM mod by Tripper
AntiqueDreamFu.lha   mods/med   4.3M+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Aphex401.lha         mods/med   934K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Aphex401Fix.lha      mods/med   151K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
AutomaticTranc.lha   mods/med   348K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
ChaosPlus.lha        mods/med   125K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
ElectronicCity.lha   mods/med   796K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
FastXRace1.lha       mods/med   1.1M+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
FastXRace2.lha       mods/med   949K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
IntroToTheRace.lha   mods/med   319K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
IntroToTheWorl.lha   mods/med   343K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
MainCode.lha         mods/med    27K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
OneGoodDay.lha       mods/med   152K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
QuickStart.lha       mods/med   408K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
RaceB.lha            mods/med   261K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
Syndromedia.lha      mods/med   579K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SysOIX-MCHVers.lha   mods/med    42K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SystemOfSynthS.lha   mods/med    87K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
SystempOSVe4mo.lha   mods/med   206K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
TheNight.lha         mods/med   134K+By ESSENTiAL SOUND (ex.ESTROGEN)
NP_PopYF.lha         mods/misc  865K+Noyz Phaktah '002 - Chemical Graveyard b
rno-r057.lha         mods/misc  258K+Rno-records release no.57 by Tang/rno (M
alien.mpg            mods/mpg   3.2M+Alien busters. Full 44khz (mono) Psytran
deathstar.mpg        mods/mpg   4.1M+Deep inside. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
deepinside.mpg       mods/mpg   3.6M+Deep inside. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
earthquake.mpg       mods/mpg   4.1M+Earth quake. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
lukeskywalker.mpg    mods/mpg   3.7M+Luke Skywalker. Full 44khz (mono) Psytra
rockalive.mpg        mods/mpg   3.2M+Rock is alive. Full 44khz (mono) Psytran
sommar.mpg           mods/mpg   3.0M+Sommartider. Full 44khz (mono) Psytrance
vdo_gene.lha         mods/vdo   1.1M+Conquest of our generation [xm 32ch]
id3tagLibGUI.lha     mus/edit    73K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
PlayGUI.lha          mus/play   858K+GUI for HIPPO,MPEGA,PLAY16 AND GMPLAY!
SmallPlugin2.lha     mus/play    16K+A fast, small and transparent AmigaAMP p
CastroD1.mpg         pix/3dani   12M+The Demo Castro 1
auge.jpg             pix/art     18K+Picture called "In the eye of the observ
looking_up.jpg       pix/art     26K+Picture called "looking up eyes" 
aquiz01.jpg          pix/henz   236K+Amiga Quizshow
aquiz02.jpg          pix/henz   397K+Amiga Quizshow
aquiz03.jpg          pix/henz   250K+Amiga Quizshow
g-devicn.lha         pix/icon    26K+Small collection of device icons
sg-strip_6.lha       pix/misc    90K+[ancor] strip 6 of StarGround
sg-strip_7.lha       pix/misc    64K+[ancor] strip 7 of StarGround
sg-strip_8.lha       pix/misc    46K+[ancor] strip 8 of StarGround
BlueNowee.lha        pix/wb     200K+Blue WB Look by Nowee for Visualprefs
DarkReign.lha        pix/wb     253K+Contrasted WB Look by Nowee for Visualpr
adaratio.lha         text/hyper 494K+Hypertext Ada 95 Rationale
TH-Etiketten.lha     text/print  15K+Lable Print (german only)
AntiBlanker.lha      util/blank  10K+A tool that disables your screen blanker
wavdt41.lha          util/dtype  17K+Datatype for wave sounds 68k+WOS (41.7a)
asyncioppc.lha       util/libs   24K+Asyncio.library with WarpOS functions (V
extralib.lha         util/libs  183K+Dynamic buffer system, CRC, text, memory
Type1EngineHU.lha    util/libs    9K+Hungarian catalog for Type1Engine
cookietool.lha       util/misc   51K+Clean up your fortunes database, V2.4
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  341K+Report+ 4.31: Multipurpose utility
ReqAttack.lha        util/misc  633K+Best, configurable requesters for Amiga
1200module.lha       util/moni    6K+A1200/060 Voodoo3 3000 Sysspeed Test mod
rmh.lha              util/rexx   65K+Rmh.library - Rexx Must Have library
rxmui.lha            util/rexx  421K+RxMUI - MUI GUIs in ARexx macros
TransADZ.lha         util/rexx    9K+Archive script for TRansADF
vht-vg32.lha         util/virus  87K+VirusWarning.Guide v3.2 (VHT-DK)
Fix.backdrop.lha     util/wb     46K+A handy GUI to clean up .backdrop files
Image2Icon.lha       util/wb     56K+Creates thumbnail icons 68k+WOS (1.16a)
Memicon.lha          util/wb     17K+Memory/Screen/OS display for OS3.5/OS3.9

[News message: 06. Mar. 2001, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Thomas Knäbel, pblan GmbH
Martina Jacobs from asked the CEO of the bplan GmbH some interesting questions:

Amiga-News: The Pegasos specification basically corresponds to the Zico specification from Amiga, Inc. In your announcement you talked about the hardware, after it was technically enabled, to be utilized for system software verification. Are there plans to also make the Pegasos prototype available to Amiga, Inc. for Amiga product verification?

Thomas Knäbel: In the first step we conceive the BIOs and boot software of the Pegasos hardware for system software . When these are working faultless (i.e. it will then already be possible to start Linux) the hardware will be available for software developers (so for Amiga, too).

Amiga-News: In the comments on your announcement on Michael Garlich from Titan-Computer was talking about AmigaOS 3.1 - 3.9 will run on the Pegasos hardware, until the software would address the AGA chip-set. Is this true and if so, how broad is this downwards compatibility? Will it be possible to run style guide conformable applications and current available games on the Pegasos hardware under AmigaOS 3.1 to 3.9?

Thomas Knäbel: The current software stage allows to execute the following kinds of applications:
  • All of the AmigaOS 3.1 - 3.9 programs which do NOT directly address the Amiga chip-set. That is to say programs accessing the system via the AmigaOS' API are executable.
  • PowerUp programs (not directly accessing the hardware)
  • WarpUP programs (not directly accessing the hardware)
Amiga-News: Furthermore Mr. Garlich was talking about a PCI-AGA card was in consideration. Of course this makes Amiga users' hearts beat faster. Are you reflecting such thing regarding Pegasos?

Thomas Knäbel: We are taking this into account.

Amiga-News: The Classic-Amiga not only has the AGA chip-set for custom chip. Standard for sound output is the internal sound chip (Paula). Will the Classic-Amiga's sound chip be emulated by the Pegasos system and/or are there other solutions for sound output under AmigaOS via the Pegasos' integrated sound sub-system (e.g. similar to AHI on the Amiga)?

Thomas Knäbel: The Amiga's original audio output is made possible by a respective emulation. Programs utilizing AHI are supported directly.

Amiga-News: Is there something you would like to say to the Amiga users?

Thomas Knäbel: On this occasion we would like to thank all of the Amiga users and software developers who had to manage things without new hardware for a long period of time. We are sure to be able to offer to all of these Amiga enthusiasts a hardware which meets the requirements of a modern computer system.

Amiga-News: Thanks a lot for this interview and much success for the future.

Contact information bplan GmbH

bplan Gesellschaft für Planung und Fertigung elektronischer Baugruppen mbH
Georg-Wolff Straße 8
60439 Frankfurt am Main

WWW: bplan GmbH

[News message: 06. Mar. 2001, 16:42] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Rupp at the ANF

New project: TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation
TAWS is a JavaScript project with the aim to convert the look & feel of our beloved Workbench to a browser.
Many Amiga-related sites use the l&f of the Workbench for navigation, so I had the idea to perfect it.
Feedback is wanted; I am interested in others point of view and if I should go on with the project or not.

[News message: 06. Mar. 2001, 11:25] [Comments: 0]
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Digital Amiga Dream

DAD:Interview with Raymond Cindriæ of DDE
Digital Amiga Dream has made an interesting interview with Raymond Cindriæ of Digital Dreams Entertainment (Wasted Dreams). Raymond talks about the beginnings of DDE and the situation nowadays.

[News message: 06. Mar. 2001, 01:26] [Comments: 0]
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FORE-MATT via E-Mail

100%AMIGA Issue 10
The March issue of the CD Amiga magazine "100%AMIGA" was released. The CD has its own Desktop, you do not have to read, you just can listen and view. This issue contains a review of "Earth 2140" and a preview of the Space ShootemUp "Land of Genesis". "Land of Alcandria 3" is the Full version and demo versions of "Payback" and "OctaMed Sound Studio 2" are on the CD. Also the latest news and reviews about the Amiga world are contained, too. More details, follow the title link.

[News message: 06. Mar. 2001, 00:47] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena - Special Offer!
Amiga Arena is offering, in cooperation with Thorsten Hansen, a special price for AMPlifier. AMPlifier is a MPEG-audio player that is also able to play different 16-bit audio-formats. AMPlifier supports hardware based MPEG audio-decoders and software decoding by using mpega.library.

  • Support for Musicam up to layer III, AIFF, MAUD, WAVE and RAW.
  • play, pause, stop, forward, backward, skip back, skip forward
  • Usage of external visualization plug-ins
  • Support for WinAMP skins
  • Support for ID3-tags
  • ARexx port

In a own matter
Dear Amiga Friends,
I am happy to be able to present a new special offer after long time. There are some more promises for new offers but the developers are still working on new versions and thats why I am not able to go into details now.

I hope you will take the given chance and support the developers. The registration fee goes directly to the developers.
Sincerely Olaf K. - Amiga Arena

[News message: 05. Mar. 2001, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kuerzinger via E-Mail

New AKIconzGold
The second preview of the icon-collection "AKIconzGold" is available at the download area of the webpage of Andreas Kuerzinger. There are nearly 60 new icons. The collection now contains 200 different icons. Furthermore some sides of the homepage were updated.

Download: AKIconzGold.lha

[News message: 05. Mar. 2001, 20:17] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Langner at ANF

AmIDE Beta Version 0.3beta Released
The second public beta of AmIDE released today.

A list of the new features is available in the release history under the title link.

About AmIDE:

AmIDE is a "Integrated Development Environment". You can use it to manage, edit and compile software projects. MUI is used for the GUI.

Download: AmIDE_03b.lha

[News message: 05. Mar. 2001, 14:04] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

There are many new entries at the GFX-DATABASE. Furthermore the patch section were increased. Some weeks ago a news section was established that is updated nearly every day. The news informs about new and announced games. If you want to write a review of your favorite game or a newly published one feel free to do so. New entries and interesting game links are always welcome.

[News message: 05. Mar. 2001, 13:59] [Comments: 0]
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