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Archive 09/2000

Marco Frischkorn on ANF

Mirror of the Frogger MPEG Player homepage online
Due to problems with routing the domain to Germany, Marco Frischkorn offered the programmers of Frogger webspace, so the site and downloads are more easily available; think of this as a mirror.

Fact is: the page is now also available at

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 10:21] [Comments: 0]
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Jean-Marc Mossu on ANF

L'Amiga? une passion, c'est tout...
For our French readers this hint to a French Amiga site:
Venez voir ce site, si vous êtes Amigaïstes. traductions, articles, news... En français..

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 07:06] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding via e-mail

Epic Marketing Germany is restructuring
On 30. September 2000, Epic Marketing Germany will say good-bye after four years in the Amiga market, and will start two new companies on 1. October 2000. Due to this, the homepage is reworked and will be reposted in early October.

The company will be split into two areas on 1. October 2000:

epic interactive will turn towards the gaming market, and primarily port and develop games for the Apple MacIntosh. Support for the systems Milan and Amiga One is targeted as soon as those are available on the market.

Informations on our upcoming Mac titles "Gorky 17", "Earth 2140", "Simon The Sorcerer 2", "Dafel: Bloodline" and all other titles will be available soon on

For the Classic Amiga, we will soon present the games Simon The Sorcerer 2, Earth 2140 and Dafel: Bloodline. If this platform will be continuously supported depends on the success of these three products, "Earth 2140", which is in beta phase, can be preordered until 15. October 2000 at a special price.

epic multimedia will be about the distribution of games, info- and edutainment titles for different platforms (Mac, Win, Linux etc.).

As a goodbye from Epic Marketing Germany, numerous of our Amiga titles are available at special prices until 30. September 2000.

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 04:54] [Comments: 0]
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AmigArt Looking for Editors
AmigArt is looking for honorary editors willing to write news articles about Amiga. The news will be edited in the web, and posted to the homepage directly. If you think you can write news about games, software, business, websites etc. concerning Amiga, contact the webmaster with a short e-mail. New editors will recieve a free e-mail acount and will be listed on the masthead.

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 03:26] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS Home Page

IXEmul/Tools update
On the MorphOS homepage updates are available for many IXEmul programs and PPC tools.

More details at the titlelink.

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 03:26] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Link Directory with Special Aminet Search Function
In recent months, the Amiga Link Directory became one of the most favourite search engines and AMIGA directories thanks to its unique features. Now we add yet more!

Starting immediately, you can search the Aminet for WWW adresses and files. Enter the name of a program whose homepage you are looking for, and just cannot find in the ALD. ALD will scan all files on Aminet matching the search string, and look in the .readme files for WWW adresses. The result of this scan will be listed in a table. To get you results quickly, every link will only be listed once, even if given in several .readme files.

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 03:26] [Comments: 0]
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Petro Tyschtschenko Starts a New Company
We found an interesting new entry in the German Central Register of Companies. According to this entry, Petro Tyschtschenko, Vice President of Amiga Inc., Germany, has founded together with Frank Basta a new company named "Power Service GmbH". Here's the entry (Translator: Rüdiger Engel):

Federal legal gazette Item 0161, Date: 20000826
51 Handelsregister

Power Service GmbH

Street:Wittelsbacher Allee 58
City:Frankfurt am Main
District Court:60256 Frankfurt am Main
References:HRB 50 102 - 08. 08. 2000
Kind of entry:20 new entry
Date of entry:20000808
Year of entry:2000
Text:HRB 50 102 -- 08. 08. 2000: Power Service
GmbH , Frankfurt am Main (Wittelsbacher Allee
58, 60385 Frankfurt).

Subject of the enterprise is: Mediation of foreign and native persons at companies within the area of software development, the care of these persons (accomodation, food supply) in conjunction with the mediation etc. as a so-called "all-in-one-service"-offer. Capital stock: 25,000,- EUR. Managing director: Petro Tyschtschenko, born 16.04.1943, Roedermark; Frank Basta, born 23.11.1969, Frankfurt/Main. Limited Company (so-called "GmbH" in Germany). The articles of association were finalized on May, 30th, 2000. The managing directors Petro Tyschtschenko and Frank Basta have sole agency right. They are justified, with itself in the name or as representant of third, to finalize legal transactions with the company. (§ 181 BGB).

Not entered: Proclamations of the company are only stated in the federal legal gazette.

Bill McEwen, CEO Amiga, Inc. made the following statement to the above:

"I would be shocked and personally hurt to find out that Petro has not been making Amiga his first priority, and that he has been using his Amiga paid trips to India for his own personal gain. We pay him a wonderful salary, we pay for his Mercedes, his cell phone, and his beautiful offices. He has never spoken to me about any issues or problems, and if he has truly been using our money and time to promote his own company I will be extremely disappointed. I hope that Amiga-News is wrong in their findings."

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 02:52] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Hoppe on ANF

New UAE JIT Patch Available
"Just a quick note --- there is a new "bleeding edge" patch for UAE-JIT for Linux. It fixes some minor problems, and adds some important changes to the JIT compiler. If you had stability problems in the past, you might want to try this one. I have made a source patch and a few pre-built binaries available. Please understand that this is more or less a snapshot of work in progress, not a full "release" (can't have a release --- the Premier League had last weekend off due to an international ;-), and as such requires you to know what you are doing.

I am fairly confident that the source compiles, and that the binaries are actually built for what they claim to be built form, but that is about as far as I'll go.... ;-)

If you haven't used UAE-JIT before, and plan to download one of the new binaries, PLEASE also download the "patch against pristine sources" from the Derby County release. You don't want the patch, but you *definitely* want the documentation that comes with the same archive!

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 01:39] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Hoppe on ANF

WinUAE 0.8.14 Release 2 Available
At the title link, release 2 of the WinUAE version 0.8.14 is available. With WinUAE, you can emulate an Amiga on your PC.

New in release 2:
  • FIXED: Picasso96 screen-modes weren't being drawn/updated correctly.
  • FIXED: Sound-buffer slider gets disabled when no audio output is selected.
  • FIXED: German GUI DLL is accurate now. (Thanks Georg)
  • ADDED: Flicker-free Amiga screen updates when full-screen. Doesn't affect Picasso96 screens, though.
  • CHANGED: Sound output tweaked again, should be "slightly" better.

[News message: 12. Sep. 2000, 01:39] [Comments: 0]
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2IDs on ANF

Domains for SoundFX and SymphoniePro
From now on you find SymphonyPro at

The SoundFX-Support pages were redesigned, too. You find them at We will upload additional presets in the near future. If you got soundpresets feel free to email them to us.

Another news is a own domain for the 2IDs iNETstore. The domain is We worked on it and now it should be easier to order. Furthermore there are some new CDs.

Presumeably in October 2000 we will launch at a very special Galerie. It will be a exhibition for grafixworker from around the world. Exclusive Artworx, extravagant design and many more.

[News message: 11. Sep. 2000, 12:27] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Fritsch on ANF

New SSTV-Software for Radio Amateurs
At the link comm/misc/af_mksstv.lha a test version of a program for sending pictures through SSTV (narrow band television) is for download. At the moment you only can send pictures by using the modus Martin M1. No special hardware is required. The output is realized over the audio output of the Amiga - you will hear a 114 seconds long whistle. The recommended hardware is a A1200 with OS3.0, but a faster one would be better.

User comments, bug reports and suggestions are welcomed. A further development depends on the user respond.

[News message: 11. Sep. 2000, 12:27] [Comments: 0]
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Atéo Concepts

SCSI-Controller for AteoBus
SCSI-controler for the AteoBus released. The add-on board offers an external (SUB-D25) and an internal SCSI-connector (50 Pin). The controler is useable e.g. for connecting CD-ROM, CD-writer, ZIP drive or a scanner.

[News message: 11. Sep. 2000, 04:31] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz via eMail

Innovative reveals Plans for the Future
This press release contains an announcement of Innovative fxSCAN V3.0 with text recognition and deals with the future of the AMIGA-development and the exciting plans of the company for the future with a new technology (InNT) !

[News message: 11. Sep. 2000, 02:20] [Comments: 0]
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LinuxPPC2000 Installer
The LinuxPPC2000 installer enables you to install LinuxPPC2000 on a PPC Amiga. Download at the titlelink.

[News message: 11. Sep. 2000, 01:52] [Comments: 0]
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Frogger 1.62 beta 1
A new beta version of the fast MPEG Video player is available for differnet Amiga-systems (68k, PPC and MorphOS).

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 12:28] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Fun Time World results of Mediator-Poll
Fun Time World asked if you will buy the Mediator PCI board and received 676 answers. 120 will buy one, 136 are not interested, 144 are not sure, and 276 are only interested in the A4000-version.

The new poll is named "What do you do with your Amiga?"

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 11:25] [Comments: 0]
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Fabio Trotta on ANF

New Screen shots, Polls and Webcam at NoRiscNoFun
The Screenshots-section at NoRiscNoFun has been enlarged. Now shots of the following games are online: Battalion, Foundation GOLD, Genetic Species, GLQuark, Heretic II, Myst and Wipe Out 2097. Shots of more games are announced for the next days.

Two new polls named "Which price do you find acceptable for games?" and "What kind of Computer do you want to own in the future?" are available.

You can also see NoRiscNoFun at work via webcam, since now.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 10:33] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via eMail

Rainboot 3
Rainboot3 has been released at the Airsoft Softwair homepage. It's an extremely expanded Rainboot2-version. Rainboot3 has now many features, that Rainboot-Users dreamed of for a long time: Unlimited anims, modules, cycles, user controls can be used, there are new fade-options, screens can be scrolled in, and much more.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 10:33] [Comments: 0]
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Juergen A. Theiner on ANF

Test of Virtual Ball Fighters
There is a test on of the Tetris-clone "Virtual Ball Fighters". The game got an evaluation of 89%.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 09:59] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Fire

Amiga Fire Online Again
After a server-crash on September 8 2000 Amiga Fire is back online. All data on the server has been deleted. Most of it has been restored, thanks to backups, but part of the news-section is lost.

Amiga Fire offers news, pre- and reviews of Amiga-games.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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AMP V2pre2
On September 8 2000 Mathias Roslund released a second preversion of the movieplayer AMP2. Also added were support for AHI and triple buffering (only CGX at the moment). The Shell-interface has been cleaned up and unuseful options have been removed.

Download: AMP2pre2.lha

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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Driver-Poll for Mediator
There's a poll at the titlelink for the Mediator-board. It is asked which drivers you want to have. There are the categories graphics, sound, ethernet, video, SCSI and ISDN.

The poll wants to help developers to find out which drivers are needed.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 06:18] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Amiga RC5 Team needs help
This week the dutch team "Dutch Power Cows" overtook the Amiga-Team and will also overtake the OS/2-Team soon. Czech Amiga News bids for support from the users side, who can also use their PCs. The Amiga-Team is now in the RC5-contest for three years. The award is 10 000 Dollars.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 04:54] [Comments: 0]
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ALD with Extra Functions
Today only good news from Amig Link Directory. In addition to extended search-functions there is a daily randomly choosen website shown at the main site as "Site Of The Day".
An entry is useful because this site could awake the interest of users.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 04:54] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Hoppe on ANF

Official WinUAE V0.8.14R1
Brian King released the officail version 0.8.14R1 of WinUAE. He also informs that Toni Wien, up to now responsible for AGA and NTSC/PAL has overtaken the further developement.

Help files are available in nine languages, only the links for german and englich are listed here.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 03:09] [Comments: 0]
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Marcel Rohles on ANF

Pegase V1.8d
Marcel Rohles writes:
Didier Levet released four updates of the MPEG-Layer-2-encoders Pegase between 31.08.2000 and 09.09.2000. In addition to bugfixes and little changes, the audio-model has been improved. Now there is nearly no difference between original and copy with a 160 kbit coded AIFF.

Unfortunately there were no responses during the last weeks, so he thinks that noone uses Pegas e anymore or there is no interest in further versions.

Especially on pure 68k-Amigas there is in my opinion no alternative to Pegase - MP§-encoding without PPC takes too much time.

Pegase offers compression-times of 2:1 on my Cyberstorm MK I (50 MHz) and a really good quality of the encoded songs, often even better than free MP3-encoders.

Download: Pegase.lha

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 03:09] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Link Directory
Bad news: While uploading new functions the database has accidentially been overwritten with an older version. Six entries since August 26 2000 are lost. Only the last three entries could be restored from the browser-cache. Please just add your website again.

We are thinking of a better backup-method so that such things can't happen in the future again.

[News message: 10. Sep. 2000, 01:34] [Comments: 0]
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