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2002-10-24, 23:16 h

[Former member]
I have copied Files from Harddisk with long Names to CD. Now I have many Files with the same Name!
When trying to copy them back, I always get only the first File.
Is there a way to recover the other same named Files from the CD?

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2002-10-24, 23:47 h

Posts: 216
No idea what to do with the problem - just an idea to prevent this in the future: burn your cd as an iso level 2...

Q: do all computers you feed with the problematic disc show you just one file - or just your machine?

- #amiga -

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2002-10-25, 00:35 h

Posts: 123
Perhaps I have a solution for you, but you would need a harddrive
of around 700 MB or more.

Some information first: It is possible to use diskcopy to
copy harddiscpartitions when they have *EXACTLY* the same
logical layout. The logical layout is the pseudo-layout
that gets produced when you prepare a new harddrive with HDToolbox
or e.g. phase5 SCSIconfig.

phase5 SCSIconfig tells you the exact amount of blocks a harddrive
has available. The division into heads, blocks per track and tracks
has nothing to do with the physical layout of a disc.

I modify this layout with ever new harddisc this way:
1. Heads: 1
2. Blocks per Track: 512
3. Tracks: Maximum block number divided by 512

Now all my discs have exactly the same logical layout.
When a create a partition 2000 tracks long on a harddisc A and
another partition 2000 tracks long an harddisk B, a may use
diskcopy to copy the partition in disc A into the partition on
disc B. I did this several times, it works !

You may "layout" your harddiscs with HDtoolbox this way, too,
when you "initialise" a new harddisc.

And this is where my idea comes in:
With a tool like Scout you are able to get the logical
layout of your CD. Initialise a harddisc with these numbers
and create a partition which has exactly the same size as
your CD. Also take the blocksize into account ! The blocks
in the partition surely have to have a blocksize of 2048 bytes as
used on CDs !

You should now be able to use diskcopy to copy your CD to harddisc.

If you for example have 5 files called XXX in this partition and
you want to be able to "extract" them, simply copy XXX to another
partition with the name XXXa and delete XXX on the copied
CD-partition. You should now have only 4 XXX-files left. Copy the
next one to another partition and rename it to XXXb, and so.

This is surely not a simple way but I am quite sure you will be able
to restore your files this way.

Good luck !

PS: Use diskcopy-versions before OS3.9-BB2 only on partitions below 4GB !
You have been warned ! Otherwise you will suffer from dataloss !

PPS: This is a tip for the experienced user ! You have been warned !

Amiga-only since 1989 :boing:

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von Aachthor am 25.10.2002 editiert. ]

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2002-10-25, 04:23 h

[Former member]
Thanks to all for your help.
I only have BB1 I think, I'll install BB2 and try the diskcopy.

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2002-10-25, 12:31 h

Posts: 1071

copy file number 1 and rename it,
copy file number 2 and rename it,
copy file number 3 and rename it...
and so on.

indeed this is very time consuming and stupid, but seems to be the only useful posibility. :D
-- (aktualisiert! :) )

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2002-10-25, 13:20 h

Posts: 7718

You never have several files with the same name on a CD, no matter which ISO level you use. If these files show up as having the same name in a directory listing, you can still seperate them by adding a ;n to the file (n is a number, e.g. filenname;1, filename;2, filename;3).

IIRC, if you use CacheCDFS as CD filing system, you can set up the CDFSprefs to show these file name additions in directory listings.

The only difficulty is that ; is the AmigaDOS comment sign and the command line might be truncated when using it in file names. IMHO you have to put all file names in "".

Maybe CacheCDFS can even solve the whole problem because it shows the long file names if they exist on the CD.



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2002-10-26, 05:33 h

[Former member]
Oh yeah, great. I can read all files now.
Have to Repartition the harddisk now to get more free space for BoingBag2.

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2002-10-26, 12:40 h

Posts: 298
Another solution would be to tar all the files and directories you want to burn on CD, so you only copy the tar file to the CD. But in order to do this, you also need some extra disc space on your hd, because you first have to genereate the tar archive!

To use the files from the CD, you have to unarchive the tar file first of course (which might not be that convenient, if you only want to use certain files from the CD).

But I guess the short filenames have something to do with the CD format, e.g. if you burn it as ISO, ..., and you might also be able to change your CD burning config somewhere, as it might now be burning in the 8.3 naming scheme.

Good luck, Andi

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