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Archiv 'Updates von Soft- und Hardwareprodukten'

Aminet [recent]

Aminet Uploads bis 28.12.1999
2b_XBaseSP.lha       biz/dbase    9K+Spanish catalog for XBase 6.0 v1.0
addidevV1.19.lha     biz/dbase  131K+Sourecode for Addipro in MaxonPascal
addiproV1.22.lha     biz/dbase  116K+German Adress database OS2.X written in 
OnyxBase.lha         biz/dbase   73K+Great address book manager with lots of 
TCom202DEMO.lha      biz/demo    63K+An Amiga order program, (COMMESSE ITALIA
TFat280DEMO.lha      biz/demo   105K+An Amiga Invoice program, (FATTURE ITALI
dvbcontrol.lha       comm/misc  286K+V1.25 D-Box/Mediamaster Settings Editor
nc_update.lha        comm/news  133K+Newsreader Version 1.23 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  280K+Newsreader Version 1.23 (MUI)
slrn.lha             comm/news  1.4M+Slrn (slang 1.3.10)
vlink.lha            comm/tcp    27K+AmiTCP<->MacTCP via virtual ethernet
thor26upd.lha        comm/thor  320K+Upgrade of Thor 2.6
HTTPResume_Fre.lha   comm/www     3K+French localization for HTTPResume v1.8
nah-speed49.lha      demo/mag   1.2M+Speed #49 packmagazine by Nah-Kolor
obligement18.lha     demo/mag   826K+Obligement #18 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
powerd.lha           dev/e      235K+New programming language based on E
PPC_in_E.lha         dev/e       48K+PowerUp PPC includes converted to E
MCC_TipOfDay.lha     dev/mui     52K+V15.6 - 'Tip of the day' class (MUI)
MCC_TipOfDay_S.lha   dev/mui     51K+V15.6 - 'Tip of the day' class (SRC)
SortCopyGUI.lha      disk/bakup   6K+ReAction GUI for SortCopy
LS_Mac.lha           disk/misc    2K+LS-120 MAC4: Mountlist
LS_Mount.lha         disk/misc    3K+LS-120 DF4: & PC4: Mountlists
stccg.lha            docs/hyper 1.4M+AmigaGuide to Star Trek CCG from Deciphe
Zorro.lha            docs/hyper  15K+HTML & Guide of ZorroII/III & Power_Conn
Greetings.lha        game/gag    55K+Virtual Christmas Card
Colmaped.lha         game/hint   60K+YEAH! >>> map editor for 'Colonization'
WDreamsSolv.lha      game/hint   36K+WastedDreams Solution
ParrotIsland.lha     game/role  1.4M+Full release of the Adventure
cybershow94.lha      gfx/board  138K+SlideShow&Viewer(incl.PCD)for CybGfx&AGA
SmartScale.lha       gfx/conv    11K+A CLI program used for graphics conversi
REDFiX.lha           gfx/ifx    135K+Powerful ImageFX v1.5...v4.1 enhancer. v
photoalbum65.lha     gfx/misc   229K+Picture management (incl.PCD) for AGA&Cy
Frogger.lha          gfx/show   340K+Ultimate MPEG video player (68k & PPC v1
SoftCinema.lha       gfx/show   325K+Ultimate Movie Player (PPC) V0.8
IOBlixUsr.lha        hard/drivr 287K+V37.13, IOBlixZ2 and IOBlix1200 software
Spitfire.lha         hard/drivr 426K+A Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
BSNESMagyar.lha      misc/emu     3K+Hungarian Catalogs for BlackSNESGui
FusLoadPatch.lha     misc/emu    10K+Workaround for FUSION DMA loding problem
SavagePPC.lha        misc/emu    10K+The PPC VideoDriver for ShapeShifter (4/
imdbDiff991217.lha   misc/imdb  2.2M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
Xmas99.lha           misc/misc  148K+Decorate your own x-mas-tree!
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.0M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.7.7)
FireIce_Xmas.lha     mods/demo   22K+The great Fire&Ice Christmas music
VK-WSDM.lha          mods/house  17K+Housy 8bit
VK-Herbst.lha        mods/jungl 141K+Jungle/D&B 6+2bit
VK-NMP2.lha          mods/jungl 172K+Jungle/D&B 16bit
rNO-L017.lha         mods/misc  557K+Rno-label release no.17 by roz (techno/t
rNO-L018.lha         mods/misc  260K+Rno-label release no.18 by tang (funkyho
lnsM10_selo.mpg      mods/mpg   5.0M+Selofan clouds - ambient record (part 4/
lnsM11_read.mpg      mods/mpg   5.6M+Thought reader - ambient record (part 5/
lnsM12_time.mpg      mods/mpg   5.5M+Timelords - ambient record (part 6/7) 
lnsM13_misp.mpg      mods/mpg   1.9M+Misplaced - ambient record (part 7/7) 
lnsM7_lostm.mpg      mods/mpg   5.0M+The lost machine - ambient record (part 
lnsM8_sleep.mpg      mods/mpg   5.8M+Sleeping on a mule - ambient record (par
lnsM9_narco.mpg      mods/mpg   4.8M+Narcosis - ambient record (part 3/7) 
LoveMeTender.lha     mods/pop   361K+Superficial but nice Love-Song by R.KAPP
DJH_OFRM.lha         mods/sidew 257K+Merry Christmas '99!  (OctaMED SoundStud
crs_50th.lha         mods/techn 2.1M+CRS00050: megamix anniversary release
crs_awak.lha         mods/techn 1.6M+CRS00051: 'awaken' ep by phase
lns64_blaa.lha       mods/techn  18K+Blaa opt - hard minimal acid by Maytz
EP_RobHubbardO.lha   mus/play     3K+EaglePlayer "Rob Hubbard Old" external r
XMasRachel99.jpg     pix/art    294K+Rachel Raccoon Lights up her tree
gdnsnail.jpg         pix/fauna  192K+A garden snail facing some serious troub
LS_Glow.lha          pix/icon     4K+LS-120 GlowIcon for OS3.5
LaptopTr.jpg         pix/trace   81K+Ray Traced LapTop (Lightwave Quickie)
swglacier.jpg        pix/views  181K+Glacier in Switzerland
db-socwb.lha         pix/wb     274K+Screenshots of sOCIETY/rSE wB3.5
BlizKick.lha         util/boot  162K+MapROM tool for Blizzard turbos. V1.19.
fixfile.lha          util/cli     6K+FixFile: Fixes downloaded files
FixNI.lha            util/cli    12K+Fix NewIcons for OS3.5
RCD10.lha            util/cli     7K+Smallest CD Player
VersCheckV2.lha      util/cli   830K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
MIDI2asm.lha         util/conv    2K+Convert MIDI data to assembler source + 
AmyTree24.lha        util/dir   126K+Tree FS Explorer
calculator.lha       util/misc   14K+Fully functional calculator
xfdmaster.lha        util/pack  216K+Rel1.29 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
rxmui.lha            util/rexx  142K+RxMUI 2.3 - MUI gui in ARexx
splitter.lha         util/sys    26K+Multiplatform secure JOINER and SPLITTER
WBCtrl.lha           util/sys     3K+Controls undocumentated wb3.5 features (
backclock.lha        util/time  126K+Transparent clock. You must try this !!!
Safe.lha             util/virus  30K+Best new linkviruses detector v12.2
IconHandler.lha      util/wb     20K+V1.9 Drop file on AppIcon to change icon
NewInstaller15.lha   util/wb    460K+THE Ultimate Addon Tool for C= Installer

[Meldung: 28. Dez. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Steven Alive per eMail

Whales Voyage II auf CD erschienen
Bei Alive Mediasoft ist das Spiel Whales Voyage II auf CD erschienen. Screenshot und weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in der offiziellen Mitteilung:

To:              Amiga News
Date:            Thu, 09 Dec 1999 01:02:22 +0000
Subject:         Whales Voyage II


Whales Voyage 2  Out Now £19.99
Amiga CD

Finally it's here - the finest space trading adventure in the galaxy.


Indepth gameplay
256 colour graphics
In-game speech
25 FPS texture mapped graphics (Doom Style)
Wide Screen 3D Intro
Whales Voyage AGA and ECS FREE on the same CD
and much more.
Whales Voyage Part One Out Now £9.99 
Amiga Disk or CD AGA or ECS

You can now purchase the original Whales Voyage for just £10.

5 down 2 to go

ALIVE mediasoft

             We will never stop NEVER
                         100% Amiga

TEL:    +44 (0)1623 467 579

PO BOX 940
NG17 7FA


[Meldung: 09. Dez. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 30.03.1999
sakkare.lha          biz/dopus  177K+Awesome theme for magellanII
sshnote.txt          comm/net     0K+Note regarding comm/net/SSH.lha.
GetAllHTML.lha       comm/tcp    13K+Auto-download entire web sites! (v0.61 )
MyHost.lha           comm/tcp     7K+Shows your host on one or all interfaces
FLP-Elthiag.lha      demo/aga   3.3M+"Elthiag" by Floppy - 3rd at Astrosyn`2
UDP_Chat.lha         dev/basic   94K+UDPfuncsV2.3 for Blitz-good for Net game
E-List9811.lha       dev/e      127K+All November 98 msgs on the AmigaE Maili
E-List9812.lha       dev/e       50K+All December 98 msgs on the AmigaE Maili
E-List9901.lha       dev/e       49K+All January 99 msgs on the AmigaE Mailin
E-List9902.lha       dev/e       53K+All February 99 msgs on the AmigaE Maili
AutodocV131.lha      dev/misc    28K+A really neat autodoc viewer v1.31 (OS3.
ReCatItProGRca.lha   dev/misc     5K+ReCatItPro v1.00 Greek catalog
MakeCDdeutschD.lha   disk/cdrom 322K+German documentation for MakeCD V3.2b
BUFF_Gde.lha         docs/hyper 100K+Buffy Vampire Slayer Episode Guide (51)
ACNews_9.lha         docs/mags   62K+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #9-Mar 99
SCSI_PCMCIA.lha      docs/misc  124K+Allows you to connect a SCSI PCMCIA read
startrekanm.lha      game/think 3.1M+Optional Anims My Star Trek Game
startrekprg.lha      game/think 998K+Updated Star Trek Game! Hires graphics!
Sezioni.lha          misc/misc  112K+Sezioni v2.0 DEMO (ITALIAN)
SpaTra06.lha         misc/misc   32K+Spanish Translations Pack 06 v0.10
Totogol.lha          misc/misc  132K+Totogol v3.6 DEMO (ITALIAN)
TotoSei.lha          misc/misc   61K+TotoSei v1.0 DEMO (ITALIAN)
lns22_peasants.lha   mods/techn 169K+British peasants - minimalism
lns23_cranium.lha    mods/techn 247K+My cranium is gone - minimalism
lns13_childe.lha     mods/tranc 281K+Children of the sun - softtrance
lns14_black.lha      mods/tranc 152K+The black death - softtrance
lns15_stack.lha      mods/tranc 296K+Smoke stack - hardtrance
lns16_desert.lha     mods/tranc 211K+Desert hero - hardtrance
lns17_light.lha      mods/tranc 346K+Let there be light - hardtrance
lns18_netto.lha      mods/tranc 405K+Nude in netto - hardtrance
lns19_pressure.lha   mods/tranc 235K+Endangered by pressure - acid+goa
lns20_secret.lha     mods/tranc 181K+Secret world - softtrance
lns21_Ra.lha         mods/tranc 188K+The eye of Ra - softtrance
lns24_coin.lha       mods/tranc 515K+Co-incidence - softtrance remix
lns25_tmt.lha        mods/tranc  31K+The morning trip - goa
bp_melt.lha          mods/wmr   553K+IMM: "Melt" by balistic/DiSC
ds-above.lha         mods/wmr   386K+IMM: "Above the Clouds" by Dawnstar
Sub.lha              pix/anim   844K+Sub anim with sonar sound in IFF-SoundAN
MODiskIcons12.lha    pix/icon   104K+Icons for 3.5" Magneto-Optical disks

[Meldung: 30. Mär. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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1 994 1982 ... <- 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

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