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Archiv 'Updates von Soft- und Hardwareprodukten'

Maxime Doyen (ANF)

Haushaltsbuch: HomeBank Version 2.0
Mit HomeBank können Sie Ihre Haushaltskasse verwalten und die Kosten Ihres Autos berechnen. Die neue Version 2.0 behebt einige kleinere, aber lästige Bugs. Im Anschluss finden Sie die Original-Meldung:

The new public release of your amiga favourite financial tool!! This is only a minor update to fix some little (but annoying) problems. As usual see the Changes file for a complete description of changes.

Download: HomeBank.lha (289 KB) (ps)

[Meldung: 28. Jan. 2002, 19:48] [Kommentare: 0]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

Messenger: StrcICQ Erste V2 BETA erschienen
Auf der StrICQ-Homepage ist heute die erste Beta-Version des neuen Clients V2 erschienen.

Download: STRICQv2.lha

Wichtige Installationshinweise:

  1. Unarchive to its own directory. STRICQ and STRICQ v2 are incompatible.
  2. Only run STRICQ v2 from a shell prompt (I have not tested it with an icon, are you brave?)
  3. There is a lot of debug output to the shell window, you may need to send me a copy of it.
  4. Run the program, it will not be able to get online right away.
  5. Enter your Nick (whatever), your UIN, and your Password. Click 'Save'.
  6. Close the program by using the close window button on the contact list window.
  7. Your prefs are now saved.
  8. Restart the program and if all went well, you should now be online.

Know Problems and Caveats: IMPORTANT!
  • You can not add contacts manually yet. If you have never used ICQ2001b, don't bother using STRICQ v2 at this time.
  • If you have used ICQ2001b before, STRICQ v2 will import your contact list from the server.
  • You can't close the prefs window, so don't try. :-)
  • If you get an enforcer hit, please forward it/them to me on the mailing list.
  • You will need the latest versions of NList, NListtree, and TextInput.

[Meldung: 28. Jan. 2002, 14:11] [Kommentare: 16 - 29. Jan. 2002, 22:17]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

Spiel: ScummVM AGA Version 0.38.2
Bei Scumm handelt sich um ein Programm, dass die Datenfiles der alten LucasArts Classic-Adventures interpretiert und auf dem Amiga benutzbar macht. In der neuen Version 0.38.2 von NoGFX gibt es folgende Änderungen:

  • Fixed the Bottom-Line bug: should prevent crashes on some machines
  • Fixed a bug in scummvm: Monkey1 now works with the non-ixemul version
  • At least the color cycles are as fast as they should be (even FASTER !)
  • Removed Ixemul version from the archive
ScummVM_AGA_0382.lha (251 KB)
Readme (ps)

[Meldung: 28. Jan. 2002, 13:42] [Kommentare: 11 - 29. Dez. 2004, 17:28]
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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark: WatchDog 2.5
Am 25. Januar 2002 hat Zbigniew Trzcionkowski mit der Version 2.5 einen aktuellen Snapshot seines Speicherüberwachungstools 'WatchDog' veröffentlicht. In dieser Version sind u.a. weitere Tests hinzugekommen. Im Detail hat sich gegenüber der Version 2.1 Folgendes geändert:
  • added ToolType 'IgnoreSnoopDos' - currently this is the only patcher I have decided to include since in future I want to use heuristics to analyse ANY patches...
  • added 'WatchDog' position in WB/Tools menu. After watching this requester memory test is performed too...
  • added new memory installation and new timing routines... a. read: memory deprotection of WatchDog together with xvs should be more difficult for virus now... b. time between memory checks is adjusted using AI features and varies somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds (depending on system and user activity)... c. fixed little bit my unfreezing toy...
  • added few more vital Exec vectors to memcheck...
  • added checker for some important dos vectors (with $4ef9 opcode generic restorer)
  • added some debug tooltypes - no need to mention them here...
  • added S:startup-sequence and S:user-startup notification so that any change (or deletion) of these important files is reported to the user. If You don't know what that notification is You'd better believe me that it slows no machine and causes no accesses to the watched files...
  • added ToolType 'NoNotify' to switch off ability mentioned above :)

Das Tool nutzt die 'xvs.library', um alle drei Sekunden den Speicher auf bekannte Viren zu überprüfen. Dazu kommen weitere Fähigkeiten des Programms, die man der Dokumentation entnehmen kann.

'WatchDog' läuft ab AmigaOS 2.04 und benötigt die xvs.library.

Download: WatchDog.lha (19K), Readme (sd)

[Meldung: 27. Jan. 2002, 21:33] [Kommentare: 1 - 28. Jan. 2002, 03:16]
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AROS: Aktuelle Snapshots
Zu AROS wurden auf Sourceforge aktuelle Snapshots des Sources und der Binaries veröffentlicht. AROS ist ein Open Source-Projekt zur Implementierung eines AmigaOS 3.1 kompatiblen, portablen OS.

Release Name: 20020126
The following files are available:
  • AROS-20020126-source.tar.gz
    The main AROS sources.
  • AROS-20020126-contrib-source.tar.gz
    contrib sources.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-linux.tar.gz
    The hosted version for Linux/i386. This is the most complete and mature port, which means that you can run almost all included programs and demos with it. This archive contains all AROS and contrib binaries compiled from the CVS tree.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-freebsd.tar.gz
    The hosted version for FreeBSD/i386. This is a fairly new port for which binary snapshots haven't been available until now, so it might not be as mature as the Linux/i386 port. For example, this archive does not contain contrib binaries.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-pc.tar.gz
    The native version for i386-based PC AT computers and compatibles. It works quite well, but the driver suppor is very limited at the moment. This archive contains all AROS and contrib binaries compiled from the CVS tree, but not boot floppy or cdrom images which are available separately.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-pc-floppies.tar.gz
    The native version for i386-based PC AT computers and compatibles. This archive contains the boot and contrib disk floppies which you can quickly write to a disk and boot AROS with.
  • AROS-20020126-i386-pc-cdrom.iso.gz
    The native version for i386-based PC AT computers and compatibles. This is the bootable CDROM ISO image, which contains all programs in AROS-20020126-i386-pc.tar.gz.

    The image is a bit experimental, which means that eg. the Startup-Sequence hasn't been adapted properly yet (although you can boot into AROS). Also, this version WILL NOT work with computer that have more than one CDROM drive.

[Meldung: 27. Jan. 2002, 18:14] [Kommentare: 2 - 30. Jan. 2002, 13:10]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

Spiel: ScummVM AGA v0.38 mit Sound-Support
Heute ist auf der ScummVM-Website die neue Version von ScummVM AGA erschienen.

  • Changed Delay routines: the game is *A LOT* faster ! (Try the FASTMODE at least one time: press RightShift+f !!!)
  • Sound support (AHI required)
  • F1 will now grab the scummaga screen (requires iff.library)
  • Adjustable Talk Delay (use '+' and '-' on keypad)
  • Screenmode is now saved to disk
  • Put back color cycles (SLOW under AGA...)
  • Changed keys: 'ESC' will now skip cutscenes and 'F10' will exit

[Meldung: 27. Jan. 2002, 17:21] [Kommentare: 3 - 29. Jan. 2002, 12:36]
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Messenger: AmigAIM BETA Version 0.9439
Richard H. Poser hat Betaversion 0.9439 des AIM-Messengers AmigAIM veröffentlicht. AmigAIM ist ein Client zur Verbindung mit dem America Online Instant-Messenger (AIM-Dienst). Hier ein Auszug aus der History, aus welcher Sie die gemachten Änderungen entnehmen können:

  • Repaired a problem with the line graphics in the Setup portion of the Buddy List that occurred when I removed the memory leak in the previous release.
Download: AmigAIM_BETA.lha

[Meldung: 26. Jan. 2002, 17:49] [Kommentare: 3 - 27. Jan. 2002, 17:49]
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XBaze Site

Datenbank: XBaze Version 7.1
Rafal Kaczmarczyk hat Version 7.1 seiner Datenbank 'XBaze' veröffentlicht. Das Programm bietet einen leicht zu nutzenden Editor für die Felder der Datensätze und dem Layout (Drag&Drop). Es läuft ab AmigaOS V3.0.

Bugreports und Vorschläge können an folgende Adresse geschickt werden:

Diese Version enthält folgende Änderungen:

  • Added new tooltypes:
    - NOSIZEABLE - main window can't be resized.
    - NONAVBUTTS - window without navigation buttons.
    - 3DLOOK - navigation buttons will have 3D-look.
  • Added possibility to assign ARexx programs to TEXT fields. Programs will be called during every record refresh.
  • Added new option: "Project|Define..." used to define fields.
  • Menu "Edit|Markers|" was divided to : "Edit|Mark|" and "Edit|Unmark|".
  • Added following menu items: - "?|Help..." - calls on-line help
    - "?|Shortcuts..." - calls on-line help
    - "?|e-mail..." - opens mail program
    - "Navigation|Next|Marked" - goes to next marked record
    - "Navigation|Next|Unmarked" - goes to next unmarked record
    - "Navigation|Prev|Marked" - goes to previous marked record
    - "Navigation|Prev|Unmarked" - goes to previous unmarked record
    - "Navigation|First|Marked" - goes to the first marked record
    - "Navigation|First|Unmarked" - goes to the first unmarked record
    - "Navigation|Last|Marked" - goes to the last marked record
    - "Navigation|Last|Unmarked" - goes to the last unmarked record
  • Added on-line help available under [Help] key.
  • New popupmenu for navigation gadgets in window border.
  • Gadgets "Reset to default" and "Last saved" in program settings window was moved to popup menu.
  • Added posibility to change placement of toolbar, you can change it using settings or tooltypes.
  • New options in program settings window, suitable to tooltypes: NOSIZEABLE, NONAVBUTTS.

Download: XB-7.1.lha (561 KB) (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Jan. 2002, 17:34] [Kommentare: 0]
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Bernhard Wörner Homepage

Audio: Amplify Version 1.2 (Update)
Bernhard Wörner hat heute Version 1.2 seines Audiotools 'Amplify' veröffentlicht. Amplify bietet folgende Features:
  • Aussteuern auf 0dB
  • Leerstellen am Anfang und Ende abschneiden
  • Bestimmte Zeit am Anfang und Ende wegschneiden
  • Linken und rechten Kanal zusammenmischen
  • Ein- und Ausblenden
  • Einfügen von Pausen am Anfang und Ende
  • Knacken am Anfang und Ende entfernen
Systemvoraussetzung: AmigaOS 3.1, 68020+, 1,5 MB freier Speicher

Das Tool steht für verschiedene 68k-CPUs und PPC über den Titellink zum Download bereit.

Nachtrag 28.01.2002:
Bernhard Wörner:
Das Programm braucht ab sofort nur noch AmigaOS 3.0! (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Jan. 2002, 17:22] [Kommentare: 1 - 28. Jan. 2002, 14:22]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

ScummVM - Amiga-Ports Website geht online!
Seit heute ist die ScummVM-Amiga-Port Website online. Sie beinhaltet aktuelle Informationen zu ScummVM_AGA von NoGFX oder der MorphOS-Version von Rüdiger Hanke, Screenshots, Downloads und v.a.m. In wenigen Tagen wird die neue Version von ScummVM_AGA erscheinen! (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Jan. 2002, 15:16] [Kommentare: 6 - 27. Jan. 2002, 14:09]
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