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Archiv 'Updates von Soft- und Hardwareprodukten'

Timo Kloss (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: Phonolith MIDI-Sampler 0.8
Phonolith ist ein Software-Instrument für AmigaOS 4, welches gesamplete Wellenformen abspielt. Es ist mit Horny und anderen CAMD-basierten Sequencern benutzbar oder auch nur mit einem angeschlossenen MIDI-Keyboard.

Neu in Version 0.8:
  • Instrumentennamen im Mischpult-Fenster
  • Anzahl der Stimmen pro Instrument einstellbar
  • Natürlicheres nicht-lineares Abklingen der ADSR-Hüllkurven
  • Nicht-lineare Lautstärken-Regler
Features (Version 0.8)
  • Downmixing to AIFF file (not for lite version)
  • Receives MIDI notes through camd.library
  • Mixer unit with non-linear volume/panning controls and peak meters
  • 16 different instruments at once
  • ADSR amp envelope (non-linear decay and release curves) for each instrument
  • Unlimited number of samples for each instrument, for key and velocity ranges
  • Supports AIFF and WAVE sample format (only 16 bit)
  • Imports Logic EXS24 instruments (PPC and Intel format)
  • ReAction GUI
  • Application.library support (for saving settings and registering Phonolith as application)

[Meldung: 08. Aug. 2007, 11:24] [Kommentare: 5 - 08. Aug. 2007, 20:07]
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Aminet-Uploads bis 06.08.2007
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
processtorrent.lha          comm/tcp     19K    GEN   Arexx-Script to handle .torrent files
A71Mail.lha                 comm/www     70K    GEN   Email Form multilanguage written in php
getvideo.lha                comm/www      4K    GEN   get FLV files from YouTube etc.
lynx287-mos.lha             comm/www    2.3M    MOS   Lynx text-only browser
Circle_Kreis.lha            dev/basic    36K    OS3   Construct a circle in BASIC (german)
SANE.lha                    dev/basic    25K    OS3   80bit SANE & numeric functions for Blitz
BasiliskII-src-mos.lha      dev/c       1.0M    GEN   Source code to 68k Macintosh Emulator
DECH.lha                    dev/e        46K    OS3   Deniil's E-Compiler Handler v1.48
libregex-4.4.3.lha          dev/lib      70K    OS4   libregex - Regular Expression library
dildev.lha                  dev/misc     62K    MOS   Device Intervention Layer, Dev. archive
powersdl_sdk.lha            dev/misc    2.4M    MOS   SDK to SDL audio and video library
spatch.lha                  dev/misc     10K    VAR   Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/ src
spatch_os4.lha              dev/misc     44K    VAR   Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/src
MCC_BetterString-11.11.lha  dev/mui     139K    VAR   BetterString custom class for MUI
MCC_NList-0.99.lha          dev/mui     925K    VAR   NList custom classes for MUI (v0.99)
MCC_TextEditor-15.22.lha    dev/mui     417K    VAR   Texteditor custom class for MUI
MCC_TheBar-21.4.lha         dev/mui     933K    VAR   TheBar.mcc - The MUI Toolbar custom clas
BackUp.lha                  disk/bakup   49K    OS3   A simple backup tool.. v1.45
DiskImageGUI-fr.lha         disk/misc     2K    GEN   DiskImageGUI french catalog
diskimage_device.lha        disk/misc   120K    OS4   Disk image device (adf,dms,ipf,iso,...)
SFS.lha                     disk/misc   421K    VAR   Smart Filesystem
arexxreference.lha          docs/help    31K    GEN   ARexx command/function reference (AGuide
GIF24.lha                   docs/misc   622K    GEN   GIF 24 Bit (truecolor) extensions
Croatia07-08.lha            game/data     6K    GEN   Croatian TEAM for SWOS
amiwin2.lha                 game/misc   293K    OS3   Amiga themed fruit machine.
BulderADF.lha               game/misc   502K    OS3   Boulder Dash clone for AGA & ECS (ADF)
wesnoth-devel.lha           game/strat   77M    OS4   Battle for Wesnoth (development version)
TilesSlide.lha              game/wb      33K    OS3   Align tree tiles of the same colour
SView5.lha                  gfx/misc    2.9M    VAR   SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package
run_sic.lha                 gfx/show    109K    VAR   View classic animations on RTG systems
AmiArcadia.lha              misc/emu    342K    OS3   Arcadia 2001/Interton VC 4000/TVGC emul.
BasiliskII_mos.lha          misc/emu    470K    MOS   68k Macintosh Emulator for MorphOS
VICEtoPS.lha                misc/emu     19K    OS3   Convert VICE printer output to PostScrip
ADBs_JungleBeat.lha         mods/med     14K    GEN   MED music file
ART_20070624.mp3            mods/mpg     15M    GEN   Amiga Roundtable Ep. 2 - June 24th, 07
ART_20070708.mp3            mods/mpg     16M    GEN   Amiga Roundtable Episode 3 - July 8th, 0
ART_20070722.mp3            mods/mpg     16M    GEN   Amiga Roundtable Ep. 4 - July 22nd, 07
EP_QuartetST.lha            mus/play     11K    OS3   EaglePlayer "Quartet ST" ext. replayer
pointer_thlon.lha           pix/icon      1K    GEN   replacement mouse pointer for Amithlon
AMF-EfikaIcons.lha          pix/picon    67K    GEN   PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch
Annotate.lha                text/edit   310K    OS4   Text Editor with advanced features
Annotate_src.lha            text/edit   245K    GEN   Text Editor with advanced features (src)
EuroHack2.lha               util/boot     2K    OS3   Add euro sign to default font w/ src
akFAXX-dt.lha               util/dtype  182K    VAR   akFAXX-dt (IFF-FAXX, 68000-060)
akGIF-dt.lha                util/dtype   87K    VAR   akGIF-dt (GIF, 68000-060/MOS)
akJFIF-dt.lha               util/dtype  192K    VAR   akJFIF-dt (JPEG, 68000-060/MOS)
akLJPG-dt.lha               util/dtype  246K    VAR   akLJPG-dt (LJPG, 68000-060)
akNAIL-dt.lha               util/dtype   56K    VAR   akNAIL-dt (IFF-NAIL, 68000-060)
akPNG-dt.lha                util/dtype  191K    VAR   akPNG-dt (PNG, 68000-060/MOS)
akSVG-dt.lha                util/dtype  195K    VAR   akSVG-dt (SVG [SView], 68000-060)
akTIFF-dt.lha               util/dtype  511K    VAR   akTIFF-dt (TIFF, 68000-060/MOS)
mpegadt.lha                 util/dtype   20K    VAR   Play mpeg audio files (mp3)
rgfx_dt_os4.lha             util/dtype   55K    OS4   IFF-RGFX picture datatype
codesets-6.4.lha            util/libs   330K    VAR   Handle codesets and character conversion
powersdl.lha                util/libs   939K    MOS   SDL audio and video library for MorphOS
powersdl_src.lha            util/libs   2.5M    GEN   Source code to powersdl.library
AllKeys.lha                 util/misc   110K    VAR   Use ALL rawkeys incl. MultiMedia-keys
dilusr.lha                  util/misc   131K    MOS   Device Intervention Layer, User archive
HandyTool.lha               util/misc    77K    OS3   Handy Tool for different SAGEM Handys
JoinSplitter.lha            util/misc    30K    OS3   The best join- and split-program!
SayToy.lha                  util/misc    29K    GEN   Speech Text Translator and Narrator
timestables.lha             util/rexx    17K    GEN   multiplication tables practice drills
DRemind.lha                 util/time   350K    OS3   Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.71

[Meldung: 07. Aug. 2007, 17:09] [Kommentare: 0]
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07.Aug.2007 Uploads bis 06.08.2007
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei
dg_midi_player.lha    aud/pla   57kb  Simple MIDI player
rgfx_dt.lha           dat/ima   55kb  IFF-RGFX picture datatype
libregex.lha          dev/lib   70kb  libregex - Regular Expression library
spatch.lha            dev/uti   44kb  Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/src
emu10kx.lha           dri/aud   32kb  emu10kx AHI driver
diskimage_device.lha  dri/sto  125kb  Disk image device (adf,dms,ipf,iso,...)
diskimagegui-fr.lha   dri/sto    2kb  DiskImageGUI french catalog
cdogs.lzx             gam/act  800kb  A top down shoot 'em up
wesnoth-devel.lha     gam/str   76Mb  Battle for Wesnoth (development version)
codesets.lha          lib/mis  329kb  Library for handling codesets and charac
mcc_betterstring.lha  lib/mui  138kb  BetterString custom class for MUI
mcc_nlist.lha         lib/mui  924kb  NList custom classes for MUI (v0.99)
mcc_texteditor.lha    lib/mui  416kb  Texteditor custom class for MUI
mcc_thebar.lha        lib/mui  932kb  TheBar.mcc - The MUI Toolbar custom clas
tnef.lha              uti/arc   37kb  Program to extract data from MS tnef fil
allkeys.lha           uti/mis  109kb  Use all mapped rawkeys which include mos
processtorrent.lha    uti/scr   19kb  Arexx-Script to handle .torrent files
annotate.lha          uti/tex  310kb  Text Editor with advanced features
annotate_src.lha      uti/tex  244kb  Text Editor with advanced features (sour
vim-bin.lha           uti/tex    5Mb  Vim, the editor
modicon.lha           uti/wor   26kb  Program to manipulate icons from the she
runicon.lha           uti/wor   24kb  A utility to run a program on a file fro

[Meldung: 07. Aug. 2007, 17:08] [Kommentare: 2 - 07. Aug. 2007, 23:37]
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AROS-Archives: Uploads bis 06.08.2007
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei AROS-Archives:  uti/fil  150kb  Read AROS OFS/FFS floppies/hard drive on

[Meldung: 07. Aug. 2007, 17:08] [Kommentare: 0]
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06.Aug.2007 (Webseite)

WinUAE: AmigaSYS 3 Plus
AmigaSYS ist eine vorinstallierte Workbench für den Amiga-Emulator WinUAE mit vielen Erweiterungen - ähnlich AIAB (Amiga In A Box) oder AmiKit. Zusätzlich benötigt werden lediglich eine Datei mit dem Kickstart-ROM sowie Workbench- und Extras-Diskette der Version 3.x.

Eine Auflistung aller Neuerungen in der nun veröffentlichten Version "3 Plus" finden Sie auf der Projektseite unter dem Titellink. (snx)

[Meldung: 06. Aug. 2007, 19:15] [Kommentare: 4 - 10. Aug. 2007, 14:45]
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1 630 1255 ... <- 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 -> ... 1275 1624 1978

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