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Archiv 'Updates von Soft- und Hardwareprodukten'


WHDLoad: Neue Pakete bis 14.05.2009
Mit WHDLoad lassen sich Spiele und Szene-Demos, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, auf einer Festplatte installieren. Außerdem werden zahlreiche Inkompatibilitäten mit neueren Amiga-Modellen beseitigt.

Folgende Installer sind seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommen bzw. verbessert oder aktualisiert worden:
  • 11.05.2009 improved: X-It (Psygnosis) slave rewritten (sounds prob fixed), load/save hiscores (Info)
  • 11.05.2009 improved: Legend Of Faerghail (reLINE) install script fixed, another version supported (Info)
  • 09.05.2009 improved: Sabre Team (Krisalis) installs AGA version properly (Info)
  • 07.05.2009 improved: Virocop (Graftgold) reassembled with latest kickemu, lowlevel library emulation used (Info,Image)
  • 06.05.2009 improved: Fire & Ice (Graftgold) music fixed, caches re-enabled, source code cleanup & working with latest kickcd32 (Info,Image)
  • 03.05.2009 new: MegaBlast (L.K. Avalon) done by Psygore (Info)
  • 01.05.2009 improved: 7 Colors (Infogrames) no more problem with whdload16.9, some stuff patched correctly, new icon and install script (Info)
  • 30.04.2009 improved: Shanghai (Activision) supports french version, manual and icon added, new install script (Info)
  • 29.04.2009 improved: Future Wars / Les Voyageurs Du Temps (Delphine Software) finally adapted a protection which works everytime (Info)
  • 29.04.2009 new: Super Skweek (Loriciel) done by Psygore (Info)
  • 29.04.2009 improved: Monty Pythons Flying Circus (Core Design/Virgin) NTSC version support added (Info)
  • 29.04.2009 updated: New Zealand Story (Taito/Ocean) rewritten, highscores as separate file, trainer improved, two button support, more ingame improvements, new icons (Info)
  • 29.04.2009 improved: Tennis Cup (Loriciel/Electronic Zoo) french version supported, less memory used, new install script (Info)
  • 26.04.2009 improved: Sabre Team (Krisalis) supports also AGA version, savegame handling improved (Info)
  • 23.04.2009 improved: Pinball Fantasies (21st Century) install script fixed (Info,Image)
  • 23.04.2009 improved: Castles 2: Siege and Conquest (Interplay) load the design of the castles is possible (Info)
  • 30.03.2009 new: Dragon Tiles (S.J.Smith) done by Psygore (Info)
  • 29.03.2009 new: Star Command (SSI) done by Psygore (Info)
  • 26.03.2009 new: Discovery: In the steps of Columbus (Impressions) done by Psygore (Info)
  • 22.03.2009 improved: Dragon Wars (Interplay) english version supported, german version fixed, manuals included (Info)
  • 19.03.2009 improved: Kick Off 2: The Final Whistle (Anco) support for tactics disks added, supports another version, fixed possible "game freezes upon quit" problem (Info)
  • 18.03.2009 improved: Kick Off 2 (Anco Software) supports separate tactics disks and WC'90 version, game freezes fixed (Info)
  • 16.03.2009 new: Penthouse Hot Numbers Deluxe (Magic Bytes) done by Psygore (Info)

[Meldung: 14. Mai. 2009, 16:30] [Kommentare: 2 - 15. Mai. 2009, 09:49]
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13.Mai.2009 (Webseite)

Texteditor: NoWinED 0.79
NoWinED ist ein MUI-basierter Texteditor für AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS und AROS, der u.a. kontextsensitive Popup-Menüs, Drag-and-drop sowie über Tabs eine Anzeige aller geöffneten Dateien im selben Fenster bietet. Die Neuerungen sind dem Changelog zu entnehmen. (snx)

[Meldung: 13. Mai. 2009, 06:16] [Kommentare: 11 - 14. Mai. 2009, 15:55]
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Youtube-Downloader: getVideo 0.16
Mit Jürgen Lucas' ARexx-Skript getVideo können Video-Clips von diversen Anbietern - darunter Youtube - auf Festplatte gespeichert oder mit einem Streaming-fähigen Player abgespielt werden. Änderungen in Version 0.16:
  • add 3GP filetype for youtube
  • extended support for ardmediathek
  • fixed support for the following sites
    • cttv
    • myvideo
    • dailymotion
    • fitforfun
    • google
    • metacafe
    • youtube
  • dailymotion filetype preselection in getvideo.cfg is no more available
  • google filetype "mp4" removed
  • removed support for sevenload

[Meldung: 11. Mai. 2009, 16:54] [Kommentare: 14 - 14. Mai. 2009, 15:24]
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MorphOS: MLdonkey 3.0.0
Christian Rosentreter stellt ein Update des Filesharing-Programms MLDonkey zur Verfügung. Änderungen seit der letzten MorphOS-Version:
  • 6754: Fix local file access bug in internal http server - this is an urgent security related bug-fix and effects all MLDonkey versions >= 2.8.4
  • 6752: Optimized implementation of the ip_set module (cbah)
  • 6736: Add/fix some copyright texts
  • 6727: Web_infos: Replace old GeoIP URL with new one - old code added the new URL, even if GeoIP was not present in web_infos
  • 6714: BT: Fix bug when computing limits for max_bt_uploaders
  • 6713: GeoIP: New web_infos URL for country list (thx to Choby) - old URLs are updated to:
  • 6689: Allow compilation with Ocaml 3.11.0
  • 6629: Mail: Move hostname from subject to body (eydaimon)
  • Updated Mozilla protocol handler to version 2.5 - original source from
  • 6628: IP discover: Use, old URL is not working anymore
  • 6599: Allow values lower than max_upload_slots for BT-max_bt_uploaders
  • 6593: CryptoPP performance fix for ARM (Marc Pignat)
  • 6592: HTML: Fix invalid html respond when login is invalid
  • 6571: Runinfo: Include DirectConnect in list of enabled nets
  • 6558: Fix text relocation warnings on hardened distributions (Davide Pesavento)
  • 6557: BT: Send correct downloaded value when download is stopped to tracker (Fox Mulder)

[Meldung: 11. Mai. 2009, 15:56] [Kommentare: 13 - 13. Mai. 2009, 22:02]
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1 550 1095 ... <- 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 -> ... 1115 1544 1978

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