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Archiv 'Veranstaltungen'

Bob Scharp per E-Mail

Amiga2001 - Pressemitteilungen
Die größte amerikanische Amiga-Show findet vom 30. März bis zum 1. April 2001 in St. Louis (Sheraton West Port - Chalet Hotel) statt. Lesen Sie die neuen Pressemitteilungen von Bob Scharp, dem Organisator der Show:

PRESS RELEASE: Amiga2001 - February 17, 2001
Attention Exhibitors and Advertisers,

Bill Griffin of G&G Publishing Enterprises has informed us that he is willing to extend the deadline for the advertising in the March issue for Exhibitors at the Amiga2001 show. This is the issue coming out just before the show. Make a big impact, let people know you will be at the show, advertise in the NEW AMIGANS magazine. The new deadline is February 21, 2001. So contact him immediately for ads or subscriptions! Pricing is listed below in the press release number 4, dated January 6, 2001. Bill's phone is: at 219-315-2794, or you can email him at:

Bill Griffin, G&G Publishing Enterprises
Home of "the NEW AMIGANS" magazine
Ask about our new, US-based, Amiga Magazine
Check out our website at

PRESS RELEASE: Amiga2001 - February 11, 2001
Attention Team Amiga members and interested Amigans,

David Stevens, of Team Amiga, has announced that Team Amiga members will gather for a luncheon and get together on Sunday, at 10 am at the Amiga2001 show. Team Amiga members and anyone interested in this Amiga association, will meet in the Lucerne Restaurant of the Sheraton West Port - Chalet Hotel. This is located just off of the main lobby of the hotel. David advises that this will be an informal gathering, and is sure to be an event worth attending. Individuals are required to pay for their own meals.

If you need more information, or you wish to advise David that you will be attending the luncheon, please contact David at:

Now featuring companies like: Amiga, FWD Computing, Merlancia Industries, Compuquick Media Center, Dan's Deals, Cloanto, individual computers of Germany, the Gateway Amiga Club Inc., Bounce-back Videos, Amigan-St. Louis, Mr. Hardware, the PC Journal, G & G Publishing - producers of The New Amigan Magazine, Brewster Productions, AmiTech Dayton Amiga Users Group, Amiga Active Magazine of the UK, Nova Design Inc., NAG - Northwest Amiga Group, Charles Marks, a noted artist of Claw Marks Productions. He is coming from Jonesboro Arkansas to exhibit his lithographs at his booth. Mr. Marks is also designing the limited edition Amiga2001 show shirt for Amigan-St. Louis as well. Other exhibitors are: Legacy Maker Inc., Downix, Inc. Newest additions to the exhibitor list include the St. Louis Computer User, AmigaZone (Harv Laser's famous Amiga site) and SACC (the Sacramento Amiga Computer Club). More exhibitors are being added each week, so check the web site. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Feb. 2001, 17:14] [Kommentare: 0]
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Nico Barbat per E-Mail

Amiga Userclub Rheinland AUR in Gründung
Der Amiga ist im Rheinland (und auch im Ruhrgebiet) traditionell durch die alljährliche Kölner Amiga-Messe stark vertreten - dennoch gibt es seit vielen Jahren keinen größeren Amiga-Club mehr auf der Rheinachse Koblenz, Bonn, Köln, Düsseldorf. Die Rheinländer sind bekannt für ihre Geselligkeit - diese sollte auch in Amiga-Kreisen wieder gepflegt werden.

Gesucht werden daher aktive Amiga-User, die einen solchen Club aufbauen wollen, und natürlich auch solche, die diesem Club in eher passiver Rolle beitreten wollen. Weitere Informationen gibt es unter der E-Mail: (sd)

[Meldung: 18. Feb. 2001, 18:21] [Kommentare: 3 - 21. Feb. 2002, 12:53]
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Sebastian Eichholz im ANF

Mekka Symposium 2001 Homepage online
Seit heute ist die Homepage für das Mekka & Symposium 2001 online! Das MS ist eine der größten Demo-Parties in Europa und hat jährlich rund 1200 bis 1300 Besucher. Es gibt u.a. Demo-Wettbewerbe für Amiga, C64 und PC und das bekannte und beliebte Party-Feeling (Wer hat dicke **** ?). (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Feb. 2001, 12:06] [Kommentare: 10 - 18. Feb. 2001, 02:23]
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