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Archiv 'Veranstaltungen'

AUG 99 / Matthias Münch (ANF)

Veranstaltung: Amiga Inside Party Bericht und Bilder
Die erste Amiga Inside Party, die vom 19. - 21.10.2001 stattfand, ist vorüber. Es war eine gelungene Veranstaltung. An drei Tagen wurde viel geschraubt, gelötet und gespielt. Erfahrungen wurden ausgetauscht und neue Kontakte geknüpft.

Besonders beliebt waren an diesem Wochenende die Netzwerkspiele Quake und Dynamite. Aber auch ein IRC-Server wurde auf einem Amiga 500 installiert. Neben diversen Vorführungen wie Divx oder DVD auf Amiga, wurden auch diverse andere Programme und Tools näher vorgestellt.

Wir danken allen, die gekommen sind, und freuen uns schon auf den zweiten Teil der Amiga Inside. Wir sehen uns! (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Okt. 2001, 03:28] [Kommentare: 8 - 26. Okt. 2001, 21:33]
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Ottawa Amiga Show Team

Veranstaltung: Ottawa Amiga Show - Änderungen
Entgegen früheren Ankündigungen wird die Ottawa Amiga Show nicht an zwei Tagen, sondern nur am 17.11.2001 stattfinden. Geändert hat sich auch der Veranstaltungsort. Die Show wird abgehalten im Routhier Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Main floor, Ottawa, Canada. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Titellink. (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Okt. 2001, 13:46] [Kommentare: 0]
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Kermit Woodall (ANF)

Nova Design, Inc. Releases ImageFX 4.5
Nova Design, Inc. Releases ImageFX 4.5
Richmond, VA - Nova Design announced the immediate availability of the latest upgrade to ImageFX 4.5. This release adds even more features to one of the industries most powerful image editing and special effects package and the top package for the Amiga.

Nova Design has been a long-time supporter of the Amiga platform. Their software packages include ImageFX, Aladdin 4D - a 3D modeling, rendering and animation package, Millennium - the ultimate upgrade for Newtek's Toaster and Toaster/Flyer, and Cinematte - a blue-screening plugin for both Photoshop and Aura.

New Painting Features
The painting tools have been improved with the addition of several new Drawmodes. These Drawmodes allow a new range of compositing so you can composite brushes into your images with all the same tools that the composite tool offers you for full image compositing. When combined with the Drawstyles, which control where your pixels come from when using brushes, you have literally thousands of possible drawing options and combinations!

New Animation Features
ImageFX 4.0 introduced the concept of being able to load an animation and work on individual frames just like you would a layered still image document. ImageFX 4.5 takes this much further with the all-new Keyframe Manager.

The Keyframe Manager allows you to combine images, animations, or animbrushes onto any animation you have loaded. You can completely control the path of these images or animations by specifying precise positions at individual keyframes at any point in the animation. You can do this with single point keys, two point keys, or four point keys. You can scale during single point animations, use two points to make easy 'squash and stretch' cartoony effects, or use four points flip points around to make '3D' flying logos and other simulated perspective tricks. With a little artistic talent it's not hard to track something in an existing animation and add a new effect on it or replace it with something new.

The Keyframe Manager can also process simple scripts without bothering with compositing images or animations. You can track lightning into a scene or have a wizard cast a glowing light with a lens flare. The possibilities are enormous!

Just call 1-800-IMAGE-69 or (804) 282-1157, fax (804) 282-3768 to order. (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Okt. 2001, 13:35] [Kommentare: 3 - 24. Okt. 2001, 10:27]
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