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Archiv 'Veranstaltungen'

Petra Struck (ANF)

AMIGA 2001: Vorabbericht 2. Tag von
Das interessanteste des zweiten Messetages war zweifelsohne unser Gespräch mit Ben Hermans, Thomas und Hans-Jörg Frieden von Hyperion Entertainment über AmigaOS 4.0 für PPC. Es steht fest und ist vertraglich gesichert, dass Hyperion AmigaOS 4.0 für PPC entwickeln wird. Angestrebter Fertigstellungstermin ist Februar 2002.

Hyperion wird mit bplan zusammenarbeiten, damit AmigaOS 4.0 PPC auch auf dem Pegasos-Rechner laufen wird. Hyperion hat außerdem mit vielen anderen Hardware- und Software-Entwicklern gesprochen, damit auch deren Produkte zu AmigaOS 4.0 kompatibel sind. Damit wurde ein sehr positives Zeichen gesetzt, denn es wird nach langer Zeit wieder eine gemeinsame Linie und Zielsetzung verfolgt. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Nov. 2001, 17:58] [Kommentare: 93 - 18. Nov. 2002, 00:13]
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AMIGA 2001: IRC-Konferenzen mit Nerding und Garlich (Update)
Inzwischen sind englischsprachige Logs der IRC-Konferenzen mit Markus Nerding von Haage&Partner und Michael Garlich von Titan verfügbar. Markus Nerding beantwortet im Chat insbesonders Fragen zu AmigaOS Xl, AmigaOS V4.0 und der Arbeit von H&P innerhalb dieser Projekte.

Michael Garlich beantwortet insbesondere Fragen zu MorphOS, Pegasos und den Projekten von Titan. Der Log wurde uns von Jürgen 'Antibike' Lucas zur Verfügung gestellt:

Amiga2001: Hello Michael

Titan: Hello Guys

Nico4k: Micheal, Could please describe your plans about MorphOS/Bplan ?

Nico4k: Plan = project if you prefer

Titan: Yes of course we have presented 4 new products for Morphos / Bplan e.g. Papyrus Office and

Nico4k: For example will Papyrus be ported on MorphOs ?

Nico4k: ok

Titan: and the new videosoft Motionstudio which support DV Video

Titan: and we have also presented Rage Hard a new multiplayer tactic shooter

Nico4k: Well, you said on MorphOS ML what there will something to connect an Amiga floppy drive on Bplan made by third part, Could you give more detail ?

Nico4k: Titan sound like great news

Titan: Yes, this connecter will be able to read write "old" Amiga DD and HD Floppydisc

Nico4k: to connect an "Amgia" drive or to use old disk with the Bplan one

Nico4k: Where it will connected on the motherboard ?

Titan: to connect an "old" Amiga drive may be later also PC-Floppy with modifications too

zacman: hi michael. do you plan to release your software together with the pegasos start or already before? and are there plans for bundeling your software with pegasos?

Titan: Nico4k there is a floppy connector for PC Floppys on the Bplan mainboard

Titan: zacman: Together with the sales start on Feb/March 2002

Burman: Titan Do you know anything about support for Newtek VideoToaster/Flyer HW. (PCI-card)...?

Titan: Burman: we have asked Newtek but nothing is clear atm it will take some further negotations ga

djnick: Hi Titan will there be newer / improved versions of Fantastic Dreams?

Titan: djnick: Yes this will be released later in 2002 ga

ID4: Titan Are you planign a game like QIII Arena?

Titan: ID4: We will release a pre-video of Rage Hard take a look and you will enjoy it :) ga

Bifford: hi there ;-) what sort of speeds can we expect from pegasos? in normal operation and in real-time with cpu hungry things like 3d graphics

Titan: Bifford: This really depends on the used CPU we think for DV Videoediting a 500 G4 is the minimum. ga

Nico4k: As you devellop for MorphOS/bPlan, I suppose you already use it on Bplan, So how does it work ? (sorry for all this MOS related question but I want to konw)

Titan: Nico4k It runs really good we are sadisfied with the support of the MOrphos Team. ga

AlphaFoX: hi Titan, two questions: 1. do you know if there will be an 'AGA-on-a-Card' for the Pegasos? 2. Will

Titan: port its software also to AmigaOS 4.x if available? GA

Titan: AlphaFoX: AGA card is atm not longer in development but if there is more demand we can think about such a solution

Titan: Regarding AmigaOS 4 we have nothing heard from Amiga no specs no hardware nothing simply. We cant say we will support it if we have no information at all. Ga

Bifford: do u have any other projects on the go atm (hard or software) or is it strictly MOS/pegasos ?

Titan: Bifford: we concentrate on what is available now this is Morphos and Pegasos ga

zacman: what graphics card do you recommend for games like Rage Hard? Do you know if it is correct that bplan has contacts to nvidia?

Titan: zacman: I cant commend this atm :) ga

Zarf: is RS on the show? ga :)

Titan: Zarf: No but Frank Mariak was here ga

TheFab: Titan hi, do you plan to develop new softare or buy license (like old software like lightwave...)

Titan: TheFab: new and licencing too. E.g. AlienNations and Majesty

ID4: Titan Will you software run on Elbox SharkPPC?

Titan: ID4: We are open to support everyone who wants Morphos. If Elbox support theMorphos team with hardware then there will be also a SharkPPC version ga

Zefram_: what is the maximum cpu speed we can expect on Pegasos, 1Ghz ?

Titan: Zefram_: its upto 2GHz atm but higher clockrate are also possible ga

zacman: isn't AlienNations and Majesty licensed by hyperion?

Titan: zacman: No Hyperion has not licenced AlienN or Majesty.

Titan: owns this licence ga

Zefram_: What will are the graphics cards drivers available for Pegasos, Matrox ?

Titan: Zefram_: In a few weeks there will be update on with all supported Gfx-boards. ga

Nico4k: Do you think Bplan will be able to release Pegasos in February/March 2001? Not a vapor this time ? (I have been so disppointed by previous project: AmigaNG, A1). Ps: A MOS/Bplan related question again ... But who do not believe that this time is the good one ...

Titan: Nico4k Bplan will make a pre-release before christmas 2001 and the main release is trageted for March 2002. ga

Titan: Zefram_: The morphos 3d api is NOT rave ga

Nico4k: Pre-release means Developper release ?

Titan: Nico4k Also for normal customers but there is only a limited stock of boards available. ga

AmiGR: Could you enlight us about which 3d api will be used?

Titan: AmiGR: Sorry atm not, please wait for the next official Morphos press release ga

JoeAFUA: Titan So will we be able to pre-order for the pre-release boards? If yes, when?

Titan: JoeAFUA: Take a look on the bplan website there will be an "order" form. ga

ID4: Titan nowdays.. What are your contacs with Amiga Inc?

Titan: ID4: we are in touch with Amiga but they follow different ways atm. We will see if we can cooparate in future or not. ga

Zefram_: Will it be possible to place a pre-order from local dealers ?

Titan: Zefram_: No, only direct from Bplan ga

darklite: will you only support morphos, or also os4? ga

Titan: darklite: We have no information about AmigaOS4 therefore i cant say yes or no . ga

ID4: Titan THANKS !!!! From me no more questions, I hope the best for your bussines ;)

Titan: ID4: Thanks. ga

Nico4k: Will Pegasos be shit with screen, keyboard, Hard drive, Or will it be possible to buy only the Motherboard ?

Amiga2001: ship instead of shit ;-)

Titan: Nico4k shit ??? ;)) Yes it will be shipped as complete system too this will be a g3 350, 128MB ram, gfx-board,hD and DVD-drive ga

Zefram_: Will there be a Pegasos motherboard with more than 3 PCI slots ?

Titan: Nico4k and motherboard only is also available .ga

Titan: Zefram_: Yes there is a adaptor for 4 slots available.

Nico4k: Are all drivers ready (I mean for internal ethernet, audio, USB ???)

Titan: Nico4k a lot of drivers are already finished but some are still in development. ga

Amiga2001: more questions?

Nico4k: Will we show amazing think on Bplan at the show like Divx movie ?

Titan: Nico4k We have shown DV editing on the show. DIVX is also possible but was not presented. ga

Amiga2001: Ok Guys, Michael has to go

Amiga2001: thx Michael

Update: (17.06.2016, cg)

Von Jürgen Lucas zur Verfügung gestelltes Logfile in die Meldung integriert. (sd)

[Meldung: 18. Nov. 2001, 17:07] [Kommentare: 0]
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Falcon (ANF)

AMIGA 2001: Bilder von der Kölner Messe
Falcon hat auf seiner Homepage Fotos seines heutigen Messebesuches veröffentlicht. Die Kommentare sind allerdings nicht immer ganz ernst gemeint... (sd)

[Meldung: 18. Nov. 2001, 15:34] [Kommentare: 0]
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