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Archiv 'Veranstaltungen'

Niels Bache (ANF)

Veranstaltung: Bilder von der AmiGBG 2003 von Nils Bache
Die Bilder von Nils Bache von der AmiGBG 2003, die am 29.03.2003 in Göteborg stattfand, sind jetzt online und entweder über den Titellink oder über seine Übersichtsseite erreichbar. (ps)

[Meldung: 08. Apr. 2003, 00:23] [Kommentare: 1 - 08. Apr. 2003, 15:24]
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Ron van Schaik (E-Mail)

Event: Commodore show and SID music workshop
Ron van Schaik writes:
Hello C= fans,
At Saturday 19th April there will be a C= show at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland from 10:00 to 16:00 o'clock. On this show we will organize a SID music workshop in Hall 2. There will be a beamer with wide screen and demonstrations from Marinus Kuivenhoven how to make a nice SID music MP3.

From Germany firestARTer will be present with his SIDsyn. It's not sure, if he can show a 'running' SIDsyn but otherwise he will talk about some theoreticals and about the SID. Further he will show a lot about the music-scene and about the game/SID sounds for new releases (POP/electro). Also there will be a stereo C64 (with a double build-in SID) from the German guy Dirk Kledtke.

In the other hall will we organize our regular show and the hall will be totally filled with all kinds of Commodore computers. For example there will be a Commodore 3000H (from our Irish visitor Jesper). This is a kind of Pong game for on television and was built in 1975. Further we will have a Hyper VIC20 who was built by Ruud Baltissen. The Hyper VIC20 is a Commodore VIC-20 with some extra features. The two main ones are the 16-bits 6502 compatible 65816 processor and it can be equipped with 8-bits PC ISA-cards. These cards only work well with a processor that can address up to 1 MB and unfortunately the 6502 only supports 64 KB. Look for more information at our homepage under the title link.

Lots of greetings,

[Meldung: 07. Apr. 2003, 20:08] [Kommentare: 1 - 07. Apr. 2003, 23:27]
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Falcon (ANF)

Elastic Images: Bestellseite für Messe CD-ROM eingerichtet
Ab sofort kann die Messe CD-ROM (wir berichteten) auch über meine Homepage bestellt werden. Die Seite bietet darüber hinaus auch die Möglichkeit, unverbindlich die Gesamtkosten zu berechnen (abhängig von bestellter Menge, Versandart, etc.). Dies ist auch ohne Adressenangabe möglich. (ps)

[Meldung: 06. Apr. 2003, 12:45] [Kommentare: 1 - 06. Apr. 2003, 18:44]
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