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Archiv 'Veranstaltungen'

Anu Seilonen (ANF)

Finnish Amiga Users Group's Meeting Showed AmigaOne and Pegasos

Finnish Amiga Users Group's Meeting Showed AmigaOne and Pegasos

OULU, FINLAND - October 7th, 2002 - Finnish Amiga Users Group's annual meeting was held in Oulu, Finland on September 28th, 2002. The meeting was visited by some 60 people and this well exceeded last years visitor count. This didn't come as a surprise, even though the location was a bit remote for people living in the more populated south of Finland. After all, the users group had a lot more to show this year.

Travelling all the way from Holland, Sharwin and Rakesh Raghoebardayal of Coyote Flux/Thendic France, were there to demonstrate MorphOS on the Pegasos. This was the first public demonstration of Pegasos in Finland. Sharwin and Rakesh spent the entire afternoon showing off the speed and capabilities of their machine. Impressive demonstrations included J Miner, a photogrammetry software that created 3D images out of 2D photographs, and various features of MorphOS and emulation software.

Also on hand to discuss their work on MorphOS were the Finnish developers and long-time Amiga enthusiasts Teemu Suikki and Harry Sintonen. They travelled quite a distance as well, paid by Thendic France. Tomi Ollila of the original AmiTCP group was also present at the venue. Discussions about computer technology, operating systems and life in general were rampant throughout the day. Finnish Amiga Users Group offered free refreshments to all visitors, and some of the people went on to continue the discussions at a dinner later that night.

Gentle Eye Ky, the only active Amiga dealer in Finland, was also present with some of their inventory and two interesting pieces of new technology. The AmigaOneG3-SE and a prototype AmigaOne-XE motherboards were on display. Unfortunately the AmigaOneG3-SE had no working BIOS and the AmigaOne-XE, which was all ready to go and hooked up, didn't boot Linux all the way. This may be due to a configuration error or the fact that it was only a prototype. It was interesting to see AmigaOne there anyway.

Finnish Amiga Users Group also held their official annual meeting and the club is moving ahead with the help of new people and new ideas - although more input and involvement is always welcome. The event was covered on the Internet via IRC, a Shoutcast audio connection, digital photography and a webcam. Unfortunately technical problems delayed these services quite a bit. More photographs and notes from the meeting will be made available via the users group website ( and the Saku e-zine.

Finnish Amiga Users Group is interested in showcasing all progress made in the extended Amiga community. In addition to the above-mentioned people, Amiga Inc. was also invited to participate. We were frequently asked about this by our members and visitors, but unfortunately Amiga Inc. did not respond to emails from group officials this time. We hope to display AmigaDE and other products from Amiga in the future, like we did last year with our demonstartions of the Party Pack and the AmigaDE Player.

If you or your company are interested in getting in touch with Finnish Amiga users, please contact the chairman of the Finnish Amiga Users Group, Anu Seilonen, at to organize something. You do not have to come here in person, we are happy to demonstrate products for you at our meetings. Finnish Amiga Users Group is operated by volunteers interested in supporting a common hobby, so our services are usually free of charge.

The Finnish Amiga Users Group would like to extend its warmest thank you to those who supported our meeting and made it a truly memorable event. We look forward to bringing together like-minded computer hobbyists in the future as well.

About Finnish Amiga Users Group

Finnish Amiga Users Group (officially Suomen Amiga-käyttäjät ry.) is a registered, non-profit organization dedicated to helping Finnish Amiga computer users by preserving and advancing the Amiga hobby and knowledge of the Amiga computing platform in Finland. The group aims to reach its goals through volunteer efforts such as organizing events and publishing an e-zine called Saku. (ps)

[Meldung: 07. Okt. 2002, 23:04] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (E-Mail)

Offizielle Amiga + Retro Computing 2002 Website online
Heute ging die offizielle Website zur diesjährigen deutschen Amiga-Messe online. Jens Schönfeld von Individual Computers organisiert diese Messe, die am 7. und 8. Dezember 2002 im Eurogress Aachen stattfinden wird. Damit bricht Schönfeld zwar die gute alte Tradition, die Messe in Köln stattfinden zu lassen, aber Aachen ist eine sehenswerte Stadt, und die Nähe zu den Benelux-Ländern ist sicher ein großer Vorteil. Abgesehen davon schickt sich der Veranstalter an, mit einer weiteren Tradition zu brechen, da er nach Möglichkeit den Trend der letzten Jahre umkehren möchte, und wieder mehr Besucher anlocken will.

Bei der aktuellen Version der Website handelt es sich um eine Vorabversion, die sich nach und nach mit Leben füllen wird. (ps)

[Meldung: 07. Okt. 2002, 21:07] [Kommentare: 17 - 09. Okt. 2002, 03:37]
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Michael Carillo (ANF)

WOASE - Quake 2 Ankündigung
Die "World of Amiga Southeast 2002" ist stolz darauf, ankündigen zu dürfen, dass der Amiga-Bereich das bald erscheinende Quake2 für AmigaOS 3 und AmigaOS 4 mittels Veranstaltung eines 4-Spieler-Deathmatches unter Verwendung des Roadshow TCP/IP-Dienstes mit einem speziell erstellten Amiga-Level präsentieren wird.

Kommen und staunen Sie über eins der besten Spiele aller Zeiten, nun auf der Amiga-Bühne und freuen Sie sich auf ein Erscheinen für die neueste Inkarnation der Amiga-Plattform.

Alles das und sogar noch mehr brandheiße Neuigkeiten werden in kurzer Zeit folgen. Kaufen Sie jetzt Ihre Eintrittskarte von Fore-Matt Home Computing oder Kicksoft.

Karten kosten bloß 3,50 Britische Pfund (kaufen sie fünf oder mehr, zahlen Sie nur je 3 Pfund). World of Amiga Southeast 2002, findet am 2. November statt, nicht verpassen!
Übersetzung: anonymous100101 (ps)

[Meldung: 07. Okt. 2002, 12:17] [Kommentare: 41 - 08. Okt. 2002, 22:31]
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Otto Dette (E-Mail)

Event: U.d.N. zeigt Pegasos in Bremen - Bilder vom Aufbau
Wie bereits berichtet zeigen die User der Nordseeküste kurz U.d.N. heute und morgen in Bremen auf der Videobörse den Pegasos.

Es sind ZWEI Pegasos-Rechner zum Vorführen bei unserer Videobörse am 5. und 6. Oktober 2002 in Bremen vorhanden. Auf den Rechnern ist MorphOS und Suse Linux installiert, weitere Systemsoftware wird direkt vor Ort zum Testen installiert.

Eine Webcam überträgt an beiden Tagen jeweils von 9.00 bis 16.30 Uhr unter folgendem Link:

Zu sehen gibt es bereits Bilder vom Aufbau der Veranstaltung und der Rechner.

Von der Software-Firma Titan Computer in Bremen hat sich Herr Michael Garlich angekündigt, er will ein aktuelles Video seiner Softwareprodukte zeigen. (ps)

[Meldung: 05. Okt. 2002, 03:19] [Kommentare: 105 - 10. Jan. 2003, 10:24]
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Amiga Freunde Pfalz (ANF)

Veranstaltung: AMIGA Freunde Pfalz Party startet in wenigen Tagen
In wenigen Tagen (04./06.10.2002) startet die Herbstparty der AMIGA Freunde Pfalz in Mutterstadt. Gäste sind wie immer willkommen. Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Titellink. Dort sind auch einige Eindrücke der letzten Partys in Form von Bildern zu finden. (ps)

[Meldung: 01. Okt. 2002, 19:58] [Kommentare: 1 - 03. Okt. 2002, 23:20]
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Jens Schönfeld tel.

Veranstaltung: Amiga & Retro Computing 2002
Da bisher immer noch keine Website zur Dezember-Messe 2002 fertig ist, haben wir uns tel. bei Jens Schönfeld erkundigt, ob die Messe wie geplant stattfinden wird. Schönfeld bestätigte uns, dass am Freitag, dem 27. September 2002 der Vertrag mit Eurogress, Aachen unterzeichnet wurde, und dass die Location bereits bezahlt ist. Es gibt also kein Zurück mehr :-). Die Website ist in Bearbeitung und wird schnellstmöglich mit vielen Details online gehen. (ps)

[Meldung: 01. Okt. 2002, 19:04] [Kommentare: 8 - 03. Okt. 2002, 04:06]
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Veranstaltung: Ottawa Amiga Show 2002
Die zweite Ottawa Amiga Show wird am Samstag, dem 09. November 2002 stattfinden. Einzelheiten finden Sie in der nachfolgenden Pressemitteilung.

Ottawa Amiga Show 2002
September 30, 2002

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

On Saturday November 9, 2002, the user group will be hosting the second Ottawa Amiga Show.  Once again, the show will be held at the Routier Centre, 172 Guigues Street, in the market of downtown Ottawa, Ontario.

With all of the interest in alternative operating systems, this is an excellent opportunity for the public to see the latest offerings from Amiga, Inc.  This includes the AmigaOne, the first new hardware for the platform since 1993, and the binary portable Amiga Digital Environment (DE), currently available for Microsoft Windows, x86 Linux systems, ARM and MIPS processors.

The following is a list of the show exhibitors:

ACK Software Controls from Niagara Falls will be demonstrating the AmigaOne, the first new Amiga hardware since 1993, and a modified Amiga 4000T, the last classic Amiga model produced.

Ottawa's own Technomages will be showcasing their latest Amiga DE software, such as Eric Schwartz Puzzles and Memory.  Their software will be running on a Windows x86 system and a portable MIPS based Windows CE system.

ZEE4 of Toronto will be on-hand demonstrating their brand new Amiga DE offerings.

There will also be three Amiga retailers at the show.  Cinereal of Ottawa, Downtown Amiga from Montreal, and Livewire Systems of Ottawa will be selling a wide range of hardware and software for Amiga computers.

Finally, will be presenting information about the user group and answering questions about the Amiga platform.

Despite the G20 meeting that was held at the same time as the Ottawa Amiga Show of 2001, the show drew Amiga users from as far away as Pennsylvania, New York, Toronto and Montreal.

The current position of the Canadian dollar makes coming to Canada an inexpensive proposition for our American neighbors.  At the time of this writing, $100.00 USD = $155.00 CAD.

Ottawa is about a two hour drive west of Montreal, five hours north-east of Toronto, and nine hours from Boston.  You can also get to Ottawa by flying into the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport.

There is a mailing list that you can subscribe to if you would like to be kept up to date on the show details.  To subscribe, send an email to

Any questions about the Ottawa Amiga show can be directed to

About, pronounced "Amiga dot info", is a bilingual Amiga users group located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Formed in February 1995, is a non-profit resource for anyone interested in the Amiga computer. meets on the third Wednesday of each month.  Membership is free.

About Amiga:
Amiga Inc. established itself in 1985 as the premier provider of multi-media technologies to the world. Today Amiga continues leading the way in multi-media by providing language independent technologies to developers for writing and porting applications to a new multi-media platform that is hardware agnostic. Its AmigaDE powered with intent(TM) from Tao Group enables applications to run unchanged on a broad range of processors including ARM, StrongARM, Intel X-Scale, MIPS, Intel x86, Motorola 68K and Hitachi SH. It can run hosted on a wide variety of operating systems including Linux, Embedded Linux, Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, and Pocket PC. AmigaDE Player and applications for the AmigaDE Environment can be purchased at The AmigaDE Website. Amiga is based in Snoqualmie, WA, and has offices worldwide. Amiga can be reached at (425) 396-5660 or visit Amiga on the web at The Amiga Website. Amiga is a registered trademark of Amiga Inc.  All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Details of the 2001 Ottawa Amiga Show can be found at :

A map to the show is available here. (ps)

[Meldung: 01. Okt. 2002, 13:44] [Kommentare: 6 - 02. Okt. 2002, 02:29]
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