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Gary Peake in AmiOpen-ML

Gary Peake zum Thema Lizenzgebühren
In der Mailingliste "AmiOpen" äußert sich Gary Peake u.a. zu Lizenzgebühren und betont, dass entgegen dem, was im SDK gesagt wird, für das Jahr 2000 keine Lizenzgeführen gezahlt werden müssen. Die Lizenzpolitik für 2001 wird neu ausgearbeitet und dann bekannt gegeben. Fest steht jedenfalls schon, dass auch in der Zukunkt für Open-Source Anwendungen keine Lizenzgebühren fällig werden.

Peakes Mail im Wortlaut:

Sorry for the delay in posting any updates here. I have just returned from a 2500 plus mile trip in a Rental truck (24 footer) dragging my family and a 3 bedroom house full of furniture to Snoqualmie from Texas.

If I missed any posts, please feel free to send them my way.

If possible, can anyone currently porting an app or utility or whatever please send me an email? I would like to establish an online database for registered developers so these apps can be listed and thus avoid any duplications that may take place.

I would also like to announce that Douglas McLaughlin will be writing his own version of ICQ for the new AmiVerse.

License Fees: Contrary to what the SDK says, there will be NO license fees on any applications, tools, or ports in the year 2000. We are reviewing this policy for 2001 and beyond and as soon as I have the info I will post it here. Also, there is and never will be license fees on open source apps or tools.

Developer Web Site: Sorry about the delay with the web site. Part of the delay was waiting to see which ways we would go with certain web based applications and another part of the delay has been getting my family situation worked out and all of my family up here to the great Northwest. That accomplished, the web site updates will begin in earnest now. Stay tuned for more developments there.

Thanks for your patience

Gary Peake
Director - Support
Amiga Inc. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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